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Everything posted by vsn

  1. Could you please share your modified header.tpl? Or describe changes you done?
  2. Just Advanced EU Compliance Module only without any additional check-out module, standard TB so far. Are you facing the same one?
  3. No addresses are shown at the last step of the check-out process, see the screenshot below. The Advanced EU Compliance Module has an option called Advanced Checkout Page. This enables complete order overview on the last check-out page before ordering (legal required in Germany). But somehow the address fields are empty. I am using TB 1.0.8 and Panda theme 1.4.6
  4. Thanks for explanation! I have contacted the Panda theme developer, he fixed it. The fix will be included in the next theme release.
  5. You both are right, turning it off solvers the issue. Looking under response sent by ajax call I found "JSMin: Unterminated String at byte 708: 'd code on line 65". How critical is it? Should somebody fix it?
  6. yes, for sure: 1. put some products into your cart 2. go to the first check-out step (Shopping-cart summary) -> you can see your card with products, quantities and prices 3. now try to change quantity of any product (change it manually or just press + or - button) -> you will get parsererror message
  7. TB 1.0.8 & PandaTheme 1.4.6. If trying to change the order (for example to change a quantity of a product) on the order / card overview, I got TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save update quantity Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: parsererror Can somebody reproduce? Any hint how to analyze?
  8. vsn

    WebP image format

    I probably missed something... Even in case I modify /config/xml/ themes/panda.xml manually, should the images itself not be in .web format? I would expect you need to re-generate the product images into the .web format. Somehow. This is exactly the step I missing.
  9. vsn

    WebP image format

    Hi Jonny, could you please share with a screenshot of this setting? I have upgraded both TB and the panda theme, but I am sill not able to see this setting. I guess some php extensions must be activated on my server. Thanks! Sergey
  10. why you guys don't use a TB native module called reCaptcha? You can set up a reCaptcha validation during the registration process. I faced the same spam-registration problem, installed the module, since that no unwanted registration anymore.
  11. While I was trying to set it up (BO->Module settings) I got an error "key type not valid". I tried with google recaptcha version 2 (you can choose it while setting it up in google), it is just working perfectly.
  12. vsn

    WebP image format

    I see. Is there any implementation timeline? This feature seems to be very usefully and very trandy. PS 1.7 is going to include it in some future release, by the way...
  13. Does TB support generation of images in the webp format? If yes, how to activate and configer it and what are server requirements, for example php version or extensions? Sergey
  14. Is the current version 1.3.0 of ImageMagick compatible with the watermark module meaning I can user both? I remember in the past it was not a case. Thanks! Sergey
  15. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I will just leave it with PHP Encryption library 🙂
  16. What is the best encrypting method in terms of speed and security? Is this 1) Use the PHP Encryption library with the openssl extension (highest security) or 2) Use Rijndael with the openssl extension.
  17. Thanks! Works perfectly without any performance regressions!
  18. Ok, understood. How can I deactivate smarty cache for this module? Is it sufficient to add $smarty->caching = false to the respective template file? Or is there another place to control cache per module (I just want to deactivate cache for only this one module). Thanks!
  19. Hi there, by analyzing space problems on my SSD hosting I found out that smary cache for two modules take almost 0,5 GB (...cache/smarty/cache). They are crosselling and productcategory. The folders are full with single directories and files. Why they are so huge? Any possibility to turn off smarty cache for this particular ones? Thanks! Sergey
  20. @rubben1985 I do actually the same, but I would like to have a sync feature. Now I manually unsubscribe in back office the customers, who performed un-subscription via Mailchipm. Are you using the same approach?
  21. Thanks for the hint! I implemented it via override :)
  22. By default it is max. 30, what is too big making the product page slow. I would rather limit it to 18, but how?
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