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Everything posted by cprats

  1. I've changed the default pattern of the store links to keep previous SEO, as I come to thirty bees 1.0.7 after a migration from Prestashop I've changed the schema urls to keep the previous format of the links, but despite it is saved correctly and the expected urls appear and work fine on the front office, I get this error warning: 8 errors Keyword "{rewrite}" required for route "product_rule" (rule: "") Keyword "{rewrite}" required for route "category_rule" (rule: "") Keyword "{selected_filters}" required for route "layered_rule" (rule: "") Keyword "{rewrite}" required for route "layered_rule" (rule: "") Keyword "{rewrite}" required for route "supplier_rule" (rule: "") Keyword "{rewrite}" required for route "manufacturer_rule" (rule: "") Keyword "{rewrite}" required for route "cms_rule" (rule: "") Keyword "{rewrite}" required for route "cms_category_rule" (rule: "") This is the configuration I've used, copied exactly as it was in Prestashop: The configuration is correct, as the keyword "{rewrite}" is correctly placed and the front end links work as expected. So is this error warning a bug?
  2. Great, thank-you. I will wait until next thirty bees release.
  3. @traumflug Thank-you so much for clarification.
  4. After running a Lighthouse audit on several sites using thirty bees and other using PrestaShop, I've seen the following warning: Front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities: Library version: [email protected] It is recommended to upgrade jquery to version 3.0.0 or higher. Is there any fix for that?
  5. I've deleted the menu here: Administration - Menus - Modules & Services (click details here) - Modules & Themes Catalog (click delete here). Now the menu has disappeared, but there is still a file in home/controllers/admin/AdminAddonsCatalogController.php Is it safe to delete it and avoid any linking of my store with Prestashopp addons API? Any other file to delete or edit?
  6. @wakabayashi Yes, this is the same I got in this section when there were not API issues with Prestashop addons.
  7. @traumflug I did a migration and that section was kept. Will try to find how to delete it.
  8. The back office's "Modules & Themes Catalog" under "Modules & Services" menu still links to Prestashop addons in thirty bees ver. 1.0.7. Today it does not work because there is a connectivity issue with addons.prestashop.com. I just want to check if thirty bees should link to a supposed addons.thirtybees.com and this is a bug, or if this section has been left linking to Prestashop addons on purpose. This is how the section looks like right now, despite yesterday it displayed Prestashop's themes.
  9. Thanks to you for offering us this great alternative. In the last weeks PS has been a nightmare due to addons API issues.
  10. Thank-you so much, that worked great!
  11. No, only Websit Payments Standard.
  12. I am using PayPal module v. 5.3.3 by thirty bees and REST API.
  13. No, Firefox does not block the cookies. It was the first I checked. Nevertheless what I need to know is if it is possible to disable those PayPal cookies if they are related to the login with PayPal function, as I don't use it in the website.
  14. I had the same problem and I solved it. Check if the solution I found works out for you too: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2095/cant-access-modules-page/5
  15. Hello everybody, I've noticed my site installs two PayPal cookies in Chrome, but not in Firefox. I have enabled the PayPal module, but not login with PayPal feature. I've even changed the API do unselect the login with PayPal option, but cookies are still installed when visiting my site. As my business is under EU laws, I need to seek consent to install those third party cookies. A simple banner warning is not enough: the law explicitly requires to block the installation of not strictly necessary cookies until the user gives consent to do so by clicking a button (no more tacit consent through navigation or other actions which are not explicitly accepting the installation of cookies). I guess these PayPal cookies are only used to login to the site with PayPal, not to make payments, as any cookie used to login to PayPal should be installed when the payment process through PayPal begins, not before having clicked any button to use this payment method. The cookies installed in Chrome (but not in Firefox) are AKDC and akavpau_ppsd. Is there any way, if they are not related to the payment process, to stop having them installed? I don't want to install doomsday banner warnings that are just annoying for visitors, this is why I only use the strictly necessary cookie thirtybees-blahblahblah, which does not require previous consent from the visitor to be installed according to the EU laws.
  16. Thank-you Lesley, it worked. I'll explain what I did for if it happens it can help someone else: I've installed the database and backup of Prestashop manually in cPanel. I've disabled non native modules and overrides under Andvanced Parameters - Performance, and I've disabled cache there too. I've also put the store in maintenance mode. When I've finished, i've disabled, deleted and uninstalled Google Authenticator module and I've done the migration to thirty bees again, also disabling there third party modules and overrides through the buttons in the migration module. When I was done I got a 500 error in the back office, so I could not access it. Then I've deleted the Google Authenticator override AdminLoginController.php file in override/controllers/admin/AdminLoginController.php. It was still there after having deleted the module. After that I've gained access to the back office, but I've encountered three other problems when trying to display the modules list. I've got a fatal error and warning "Access level to GraphGoogleChart::$_width must be protected (as in class ModuleGraphEngine) or weaker". I've solved it making the following changes: modules/Googlechart/Googlechart.php Change: private $width; private $height; private $values; private $legend; private $_titles; For: protected $width; protected $height; protected $values; protected $legend; protected $_titles; modules/Grafvisfire/Grafvisfire.php Change: private $xml; private $values = NULL; private $legend = NULL; private $titles = NULL; For: private $xml; protected $values = NULL; protected $legend = NULL; protected $titles = NULL; modules/GraphXmlSwfCharts/GraphXmlSwfCharts.php Chante: private $xml; private $values = NULL; private $legend = NULL; private $legendmore = ''; private $titles = ''; For: private $xml; protected $values = NULL; protected $legend = NULL; private $legendmore = ''; protected $titles = ''; After those changes, I could access the modules list. I continue exploring the installation to see if everything is ok now or if I need a little bit more of editing.
  17. Thanks for your prompt reply. I've found two errors under home/public_html/logs: *ERROR* 2018/10/06 - 14:16:33: Class 'Gauthenticator' not found at line 31 in file override/controllers/admin/AdminLoginController.php *ERROR* 2018/10/06 - 09:38:32: Shop not found at line 404 in file classes/shop/Shop.php The involved module is Google Authenticator. By the way, I've removed it from /modules and the blank page still is there. Also, as I've restored a backup previous to this morning migration attempt, it makes no sense to have an error produced after the backup was made. I will try a complete server rewind. But I was wondering if it could be a Prestashop api addons problem. Some time ago they had such issue, but then I got a 404 error instead of a blank page.
  18. Hello, This morning I've attempted a migration to thirty bees from Prestashop and something failed. It looks like disabling non native modules and overrides from the migration module does not work and it should be done from Advanced Parameters - Performance. The problem was a third part Google Authenticator module: when I attempted login after the migration I couldn't access to the back office and all problems started there. I had to install a backup, but after that I couldn't access anymore to the modules page. I also did a server rewind and modules page still shows blank. I've enabled debug mode and I got no errors, just the same blank page. So now I can't access Prestashop's modules page so I can't try migration again. Configuration parameters are ok: PHP version 7.1.22 Memory limit 768 M Max execution time 300 MySQL version 10.1.35-MariaDB-cll-lve MySQL engine InnoDB Any ideas of what can cause this error?
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