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Everything posted by cprats

  1. I was checking the files and folders in the server and I've noticed most of files & folders of Blackhole badbot module have permissions set to 777. Shouldn't it be 775 for folders and 644 for files?
  2. Thak-you very much for your help, @datakick
  3. Thank-you. I've just sent you access details through PM
  4. I've downgraded to 3.0.2 and it worked. I've upgraded to 3.0.4 again, I've cleared the cache, and it stopped working.
  5. Hello again @datakick After yesterday's upgrade to 3.0.4 the drop-down menu worked fine, but today it doesn't work anymore, without having touched anything.
  6. Hello again, I've just seen your posts here, and I've updated the module to 3.0.4 from back office. It works perfectly now. Thank-you very much.
  7. Thank-you, @datakick
  8. I've just updated several modules, and block top menu has a fault: after the update, subcategories do not drop-down. If maximum level depth is not set to 2, main categories also disappear from the menu and only links persist. Under block categories, also updated, dynamic option is set to Yes. Any suggestions? Thank-you.
  9. Just an idea to bring something to thirty bees that other platforms do not have: a powerful native auction module. I use one, which is really good, and from my experience I can say customers love auctions of anything. This is the main reason why new users sing up to the site, and bidders usually become fixed price article buyers.
  10. Don't wait anymore. 1.0.8 works fine. I migrated from PS1.6.20 nearly a year ago and I am totally happy with the results: very few issues, just one PS module it didn't work (a module to use Google Authenticator to access backoffice) and excellent support from this forum.
  11. Each time worst: thes values are with just one entry process. Has anyone noticed anything similar?
  12. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a sudden increase on server resources consumption. I have two TB installs on a shared A2hosting Linux server. See the screenshot of resource usage after clicking a random link on the front or back office. Do you think this is normal?
  13. cprats


    Most of them are neither being updated now for Prestashop 1.6. I use some last updated in 2015 and they work like a charm. By the way, if thirty bees offers a marketplace for those modules, it would be logical to think developers will take advantage of this and they will maintain those modules instead of deprecating all the work they did to build modules for PS 1.6.
  14. SOLVED: Under Localization - Configuration, I've set up "Set default country from browser language" to NO and it worked.
  15. Update 2: A clean install of TB does not have this issue.
  16. Update: this problem only happens with Firefox and with TB community theme. When I try to sign up, the register screen sets Canada as default country. If I change the country, when I click the register button no actions are done neither error messages appear, but the result is nothing. If I try with Chrome, nothing of this happens. Spain appears as default country when signing up (I guess because it detects the country where I am through IP) and I can sign up with no problems. To avoid this issue I must change to prestashop's default-bootstrap theme, which is the one I imported when I migrated the sop to TB.
  17. There are no error messages. I've noticed that you can only sign up if you set Canada as your country. This may be just a configuration issue I am not able to see. Geolocation is set to NO and all countries are enabled under Localization / Countries.
  18. Hello, I'm in a big trouble. I use TB1.0.8, imported from PS. I kept the default theme of Prestashop until a few days ago, that I decided to upload TB's community theme. Since then, I can't sign up for an account on my site (but I can log in with previously created accounts). Any suggestions?
  19. Is there any way to limit an employee profile to add or edit products in a specific category only, through the permissions menu, or through any module?
  20. Thanks, I'll wait for this upcoming version.
  21. UPDATE: Same problem detected with Community Theme Configuration. The copyright footer text has the same behavior, it doesn't keep the Spanish translation and replaces it with the text on the English version.
  22. Sorry, I forgot to comment it is a clean TB 1.0.8 install
  23. Hello, I have the customer privacy module enabled with two languages, English & Spanish. The module does not keep the Spanish translation of the privacy notice. In a first moment, when saved, it is still there, but after returning to the modules page and re-entering the module, the Spanish text is changed by the English version, where should be the Spanish translation.
  24. Hello, I have a question: I have a store in www.example.com. I want to make a second TB install in www.subdomain.example.com and I want to enable multistore in www.example.com. Can I share customers between www.example.com and www.subdomain.example.com? Is there a way to have all users who have already signed up in www.example.com shared with www.subdomain.example.com? If a new user signs up in any of both stores, will his account be created in the other one? I've never worked with multistore before and I wasn't able to find answers to these questions in TB documentation.
  25. Thank-you @Traumflug for your explanation.
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