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Everything posted by cprats

  1. Just for clarification: Which is the difference between the newly released module Core updater and the thirtybees updater? One is in substitution of the other? Should we run both of them, or should we only use core updater from now on? I've installed it and I've used it. I like it. I've updated files in the same latest TB version and it did some minor changes. Should we uninstall thirtybees updater, or it will keep some functions not found in core updater?
  2. Thanks @datakick, Lesley has already fixed it. Now the problem is solved and all works fine.
  3. I did, but nothing changed
  4. I can you pm access
  5. Update: Front office is crashed too: when you click "Proceed to ckeckout button" in the shopping cart, another Error 500 appears.
  6. Hi Lesley, When I've updated the PayPal module all the back office crashed. I can't regain access to back end. I even can't decrypt the Error 500 message.
  7. It worked great, thank-you! The customer could pay for the order with no problem.
  8. Hello, I have a bizarre problem: a customer is trying to pay for an order and PayPal module returns him an error message: 'An error has occurred' with no more info. I try to place a trial order and I can access to PayPal payment with no problem. Can anyone please try to place an order in colectalia.com ? I just need to know if PayPal module leads to PayPal site from your end, you don't need to finish the order (click 'return to Colectalia' to cancel where you are in PayPal's interface). Thanks in advance.
  9. I forgot to comment it is a Linux server with cPanel. The question, basicly, is if there can be any issues for having two installs in the same shared hosting.
  10. Hello, Just a question: I have a shared hosting with a dedicated IP. Is there any problem to have two TB different installs, with two different domains, in the same shared hosting? Thanks
  11. @slick_303, CC @lesley, @zimmer-media : I've just had the same problem. Yesterday I migrated another store to ThirtyBees and I enabled its native PayPal module, and today I've found PayPal problems in both stores, the one I migrated some moths ago and the one I migrated yesterday. I got this same message, "The requested experience profile ID was not found". It may be a PayPal problem: I created another Client ID for the new store and maybe developer.paypal had an issue having two different APIs for two different stores in the same PayPal account. After the first problem, I've went to the first store's PayPal module and I've clicked save button without changing anything and it worked again. Then, I've uninstalled thirtybees PayPal module from the second store, I've deleted the new store PayPal API in developers.paypal and I've uploaded Prestashop's PayPal module, and it worked fine again in both stores.
  12. A customer in Canada had a discount voucher, and when he tried to use it with his order, the discount appeared correctly but when clicking PayPal as payment method he got this message: “Errors occurred. 1. Invalid request, see details” No details appeared. Just the quoted text. He has repeated the order without introducing any voucher code and all worked fine. I've tested to try to reproduce the same error with a proof order but I got no issues in Spain. Is the TB team aware of this? PayPal module is version 5.3.3 and TB 1.0.7
  13. cprats

    Paypal error

    Did you customer use a discount voucher? I've had a similar problem: the customer had a discount voucher, he introduced it to the voucher box, clicked OK and the discount appeared, but when he tried to pay using PayPal he got the same error you show in your screenshot. But when paying for the full invoice, with no voucher, he had no problems and could complete the transaction.
  14. @lesley Yes, I've changed it back. I will keep the social links I had till now. Thanks for your help.
  15. @lesley I did, and this is what I got:
  16. @lesley So should I change the current file modules/blocksocial/blocksocial.tpl for the one in a clean TB download?
  17. @slick_303 I use the default theme I imported from Prestahsop.
  18. The block "social networking" shows all links except the one for Linkedin.
  19. No, forget that, it is not positionable. Sorry.
  20. @angstony_2 Maybe changing it's hooks from displayTop to displayNav. I didn't try, but it could work.
  21. And being a CMS page, you even should not need to create the link. Just select it from the first menu in the module and add it to the top menu bar.
  22. @angstony_2 You could use block top menu. It is very easy adding links there without touching any code. Modules - Block Top Menu: Add a new link:
  23. @traumflug Thank-you, everything in order now.
  24. Thank-you!
  25. I've migrated to TB from PS1.6.1.20 and when comparing my back office with a new TB install I've noticed the menu Duplicate URLS under Preferences is missing. I've found this info in the forum with a similar case: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/301/duplicate-urls But it is not clear how they did resolve it. Which files and to which folder should I copy to get this function?
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