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Everything posted by hedgehog

  1. Hi, trying to add GA4 scripts, i put them in head.tpl (niara theme) immediately after <head> tag <!-- Google Tag Manager --> {literal} <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-***"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-***'); </script> {/literal} <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> But what i get is that this one display where it should be: <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> and all the script goes to very end of the page. How should i fix that. Thanks
  2. that wouldnt help, at least in my case. i have tried to replace the file from freshly downloaded theme, tried to install the theme anew, the problem was still there until i changed that line of code
  3. thankfully i found the fix, in the file %theme%/js/authentication.js change this line: url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), to url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), con url: baseUri + 'index.php?controller=authentication' + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
  4. changing theme to default doesnt help either
  5. When i press "register account" button, it shows the following error: TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form. Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: parsererror I've googled a couple solutions but none of them working - fixing authenticate.tpl / tools.php files, disabling CCC, caching. Maybe because these solutions are for PS, i dont know. Cant create an account anyway. Login functions works well though. Theme is niara, TB 1.1
  6. well tried to regenerate them multiple times as i said, but i didnt worked. Fixed the issue by the way, by deleting niara theme altogether, installing it again (old version) and regenerating images
  7. figured out it can be fixed by switching to default theme. But how can i keep both niara and working images?
  8. no product images are showed after i updated my store to 1.1, though they are still set and if i open product in backoffice i can see the pic. Tried delete generated thumbnails/regenerate them multiple times but to no avail. i use niara theme. How can i fix that? other than by installing backup. By the way, on my other store with the standard theme it wasnt an issue
  9. okay then, thanks. i though this one should be enabled all the time otherwise its a security flaw or something
  10. For some reason i cant login in my Tb 1.1.0 most of the time. When i log in i get back to the login page without any errors. In 2-8 tries i manage to login, but once i press something in the admin 1-4 times (any tab, shipping/products/settings etc) i log out and stuck at the login page again. Same way in anonymous browser tab. Really strange, i have another tb 110 website and it works just fine. I managed to get rid of the problem by setting PS_COOKIE_CHECKIP to 0 in the database, but still is there any other ways to fix that?
  11. Hi there. Is there any affiliate program plugin that will work with TB? I need an option to give my affiliate an affiliate link so he gets % off the customers he referred to me from his website. I see there is a free "referral program" plugin it doesnt work with affiliate links
  12. Wow thank you so much! This actually helped. Editor still deletes span tags, and automatically edits source code a little bit, but now i was able to use itemprop tag within div, which solved my problem. Tested markup in the google tool right now and it recognizes the markup just fine.
  13. Okay, maybe false positive error then? Have you tried to place an order on your store to check if mails working?
  14. For me, changing the email config via different browser (IE instead of chrome) worked well. Also one strange thing - it may still say that there is an error during authentification, when you change the settings; but actually everything works ok, so it's like false positive error notification or something.
  15. Is there any way to use itemprop tags within product descriptions? Whenever i try to attribute itemprop to <p> <div> <span> or any other tag via source code editor (on product edit page), it just get corrected back to <p>/<span>/<div> without itemprop attribute. For example, if i want to use those tags within my content https://health-lifesci.schema.org/Drug . Same thing with both tb and ps
  16. The urls are not duplicate, the names too. But the descriptions are identical. So it will be a duplicated content for google. And if someone links to the 2nd product, the link juice will not pass to the 1st product as I'd want (if no canonical tags are set)
  17. is there any plans adding it in the next versions, by chance?
  18. Its the page which you consider the main one, and want it to be shown in google instead of the other, duplicated page. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/139066?hl=en
  19. I have a lot of mostly identical products, e.g "marbles 20pcs" and "marbles 50pcs". So, i want to make a "marbles 20pcs" a canonical page, and place a relevant canonical tag on the "marbles 50pcs" product page. Is there any way to do it? There is a paid plugin for PS but no options for TB. I know that the best solution would be to merge the two products into one with options but still would be great to have an opportunity to edit canonical. Right now they just point to the product page itself, with no way to edit it.
  20. You can create a category with "order" rewrite, and if you do so, you wouldn't be able to place an order, since clicking check out button will redirect you to this category rather than actual checkout page
  21. @musicmaster yes there are some subcategories without parent, and products without category
  22. Here is some weird bug. I have the following categories structure: main category>subcategory1>subcategory2>product If i just delete subcategory1, subcategory2 may appear randomly in breadcrumbs of the other categories/products. Here is an example: You had -"main category>subcategory3>subcategory4>product", and if you delete subcategory1 (which is not associated with subcategory 3 or 4, just with the main category, and is a parent category for subcategory2), you may end up with such breadcrumbs "main category>subcategory3>subcategory4>subcategory2>products". This orphaned category seem to associate with the other subcategories randomly. It seems like the problem is that if you delete a whole category, subcategories remains undeleted and are still in the database. And there is no option to delete subcategories along with the category (only options to delete/save products). If you use search bar on the backoffice, you can still find orphaned subcategory, and you can still find it in the database, though parent_id refers to the deleted category (subcategory1) that does not exist anymore. Also, if you click that subcategory2 in the breadcrumbs, it's still active, and it's still has products on its page. But if you look at that product on the backoffice, it is not associated anymore with subcategory2 (not with any category at all)
  23. @pilou think about you should not put gasoline into a diesel car. Unfortunately, both of my cars are gasoline-powered and the same brand
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