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Everything posted by hedgehog

  1. I've had the same problem. Admin panel says Failed to authenticate on SMTP server when i try to send test email. But for some reason test emails are ok with IE (before that i was using chrome). Also, i've noticed that mail passwords are stored in the database as plain text - is it supposed to be like that? Seems like a security issue
  2. Tried again on the different store and category added without any errors. Still does not work on 1st store, dont know why
  3. Whenever I try to add a new category in blog module, I got 500 error. Server logs show the following error: [Fri Jan 04 06:41:22.389934 2019] [:error] [pid 106490] [client ip:46291] PHP Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 5 in /var/www/www-root/data/www/domain.com/modules/beesblog/controllers/admin/AdminBeesBlogCategoryController.php on line 378, referer: http://domain.com/admin###/index.php?controller=AdminBeesBlogCategory&addbeesblogcategory&token=c004163d7e98cfad041ebe500041765f [Fri Jan 04 06:41:22.390009 2019] [:error] [pid 106490] [client ip:46291] PHP Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /var/www/www-root/data/www/domain.com/classes/ObjectModel.php on line 306, referer: http://domain.com/admin###/index.php?controller=AdminBeesBlogCategory&addbeesblogcategory&token=c004163d7e98cfad041ebe500041765f
  4. @piet so, in multistore, i can delete all products from 2nd store and upload the new ones, and the 1st store will stay the same (unchanged) am i right?
  5. @the-rampage-rado Oh i'm not sure if this will work, since i need 2nd copy which later can be edited independently of the 1st website. I'm planning to delete all the products/categories on the new website, so i will end up with 2 websites with different products, just with the same design/settings. So if i will just point 2nd domain to the 1st website i think this won't work this way
  6. Is it possible to duplicate my TB website? I have a TB website set up, will all the design/setting i need. Can i just copy it to the another domain? So i can have multiple similar sites, rather than installing a new TB website and making all things i need from scratch.
  7. @traumflug said in CSV product import - Error copying image: Where is this message which confused you? Here, on the right side of the screen ("Available fields") when you choose "products" on "What do you want to import?" list. Also, @traumflug said in CSV product import - Error copying image: Whether , or ; gets used inside fields is configurable. It is configurable only if you upload CSV, but it's not the case for xlsx
  8. @datakick Wow, that's worked! Thanks alot, you sir are a prestashop wizard. Just imported 3k+ of products, regenerated thumbnails, and everything is good. I was confused since tb says that the format is "Image URLs (x,y,z...)" rather than "Image URLs (x; y; z...)", and commas were fine with PS
  9. @datakick If i place space after comma, it says "Error copying image: https://media.domain.org/sysmaster/product/hbd/h5f/8820243791902.jpg,%20https://media.domain.org/sysmaster/product/h92/h13/8820244447262.jpg" maybe it something with spaces being converted to %20
  10. @datakick oh well i dont know, since im uploading xlsx not csv. During import it says "Error copying image: https://media.domain.org/sysmaster/product/hbd/h5f/8820243791902.jpg,https://media.domain.org/sysmaster/product/h92/h13/8820244447262.jpg" so that probably means that all images are recognized within the same cell as they should, and aren't separated to different cells. By the way, there is no option to choose separator if i upload xlsx, only if i upload csv
  11. @datakick Thanks, that seem like a good fix to the issue. However, there are still some problems - i have to manually regenerate thumbnails (but that's not a big problem anyway, no really need to fix), and most importantly - if there are multiple images in the table (pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg, pic3.jpg) none of them are added, same error. Only cells with one image are added correctly. I've tried both img, img, img and img,img,img But anyway, thanks alot, the tools at least works partially now
  12. @datakick 4096mb memory limit, 6gb available on VPS. I've tried both large xlsx files (8k products) as well as small tables (10 producs), and everything worked well with ~2-4k product tables with the same products/pics on prestashop, on the same hosting
  13. @jnsgioia I've tried both 1.07 and 1.08. Currently i'm on 1.08 and it doesn't work at all. On 1.07, it worked with a lot of bugs (only ~50% of images were displayed correctly)
  14. Hello there. During product importing, TB says "Error copying image", and all imported products don't have any images, while everything worked well on PS (same product tables and server). Server logs show no relevant errors, admin panel logs shown 0x 0 error during import. Tried tweaking image setting, fresh installs, different domain names, no success
  15. @traumflug found the solution, it was my fault, not tb's. The problem was in files ownership/group - all that was needed is to change files ownership from root to www-root. Default permissions are ok
  16. It would be a good idea if the installer will check all the files for necessary permissions. It checks some, but it's not enough as i still have to change permissions to change settings and import files, and figure out which files should i change by myself.
  17. So guys, thanks for help, i think i have found some lame solution. I changes permission to 777 on all files of the website, and now the importing file uploads as it should. So it's something with the permissions. Now i have to figure out what needs to be set to 777, since i believe that 777 on all files is a pretty bad fix security-wise
  18. @drmasterchief tried text csv, xls and ods made in open office, but no luck unfortunately
  19. @colorful-ant I see. My problem is much worse though - these guys got problems during importing, while i cannot even start the import. It just not accepting the xlsx file. So sad, importing is the most important feature for me
  20. Whenever i try to upload xlsx/csv for importing, it says "An error occurred while uploading / copying the file." These files, however, worked well with PS 1.7 . Server logs show no errors. Maybe it's something wrong with permissions, as i had some permissions problems with TB before, but i can't figure out what folders/files should be 777
  21. @traumflug thank you so much for a fast and helpful answer. Just disabled facebook module and turned on some performance setting, and now page speed is 95 for mobile and 99 for desktop.
  22. Hello everyone. Just checked my new blank installation of 30bees on google page speed checker and its only 15 points on mobile version and 73 on desktop. I've got 90-99 on prestashop 1.7, on the same VPS, so this seems weird. The main optimization suggestion from google is "Eliminate render-blocking resources" which estimated to save 8.5s of loading speed. Is there any module or something to fix that?
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