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[80% solved] V5.3.2: in the last 24hrs collection of PayPal status issues


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Earlier only 1-3% percent off all PayPal orders had a mismatch between the status in PayPal' gui itsself and TB's. To the point, in TB there is no status set at all.

Now, in the last 24hrs this phenomena increased drastically.

Assumption is that there could be a connection between this and hightened stress on PayPal's servers due to Xmas sales or slowed down internet in general (backbone being attacked by... I won't speak it out ;)

Anyhow, since I do not know how successfull PayPal beta is running or if other stores run it at all at the moment we use the stable V5.3.2.

![alt text](0_1513058794275_2017-12-12 06-58-30_Bestellungen • Grünes Spielzeug.png image url)


0_1513058818969_2017-12-12 06-59-45_Microsoft Store.png

PS: Best would be if I knew that switching to PayPal V6. beta is safe. Else since V5.x does not use webhools I wonder if the time windows in which the module accepts a return of PayPal server is to tight? PSS: We need a form to customize the "custom shop" logo that is display in PP Express. As it seems to me this is loaded directly from DB but in our case this does not look nice since of resolution issues. Moreover a custom "return after success page" could be also handy since I plan to hook some custom info like newsletter and shop/article review ads.

Thanks alot for looking into.

cheers Boris

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Today also the bankwire module did not set any status anymore in BO. I did not notice this early in the morning and was fixed only on PayPal module. Sorry for that.

So, this is not PayPal module reltated but something else I assume. Propably the server Hetzner and/or caching in TB?

Of course the PS quetions/request are still valid.

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Problem continues. I have not done a thing the last days concerning modules or updates or anything BO related and out of a sudden PayPal and Bankwire module stopped setting the status "payment received".

This is very annoying since customers are getting confused and it is Xmas sale.

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Only this log but that may be cause I pushed the button twice since there was no feedback:

5 -- 1 Frontcontroller::init - Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart Cart 13953 0x 0 12.12.2017 17:42:26

Server logs? Okay, take a sec longer. I hope I find the rights ones (HEtzner shared hosting)

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