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in TB 1.0.3: when you add say 3 text fields for customization in BO product and you add to cart, the sub-total line in cart shows the wrong price. however the total shows the correct amount: 0_1515707933857_2018-01-12 10_58_22-Order - My Store.jpg

14 answers to this question

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I have confirmed your issue. Lets hope they can find a solution for it soon. As a matter of fact I found another error on doing so. When I try to decrease the number of items, I get this... 0_1515787546238_Capture.PNG

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This seems to have fixed it for me, give it a try...

Replace the function in /classes/Cart.php, protected function updateCustomizationQuantity, with the following code.. ``` protected function _updateCustomizationQuantity($quantityChange, $idCustomization, $idProduct, $idProductAttribute, $idAddressDelivery, $operator = 'up') { // Link customization to product combination when it is first added to cart if (empty($idCustomization)) { $customization = $this->getProductCustomization($idProduct, null, true); foreach ($customization as $field) { if ($field['quantity'] == 0) { Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'customization SET quantity = '.(int) $quantityChange.', id_product_attribute = '.(int) $idProductAttribute.', id_address_delivery = '.(int) $idAddressDelivery.', in_cart = 1 WHERE id_customization = '.(int) $field['idcustomization']); } } }

    /* Deletion */
    if (!empty($idCustomization) && (int) $quantityChange < 1) {
        return $this->_deleteCustomization((int) $idCustomization, (int) $idProduct, (int) $idProductAttribute);

    /* Quantity update */
    if (!empty($idCustomization)) {
        $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `quantity` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customization` WHERE `id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization);
        if ($result && Db::getInstance()->NumRows()) {
            if ($operator == 'down' && (int)$result['quantity'] - (int) $quantityChange < 1) {
                return Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customization` WHERE `id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization);

            return Db::getInstance()->execute('
                UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customization`
                    `quantity` = `quantity` '.($operator == 'up' ? '+ ' : '- ').(int) $quantityChange.',
                    `id_address_delivery` = '.(int) $idAddressDelivery.',
                    `in_cart` = 1
                WHERE `id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization);
        } else {
                UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customization`
                SET `id_address_delivery` = '.(int) $idAddressDelivery.',
                `in_cart` = 1
                WHERE `id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization);
    // refresh cache of static::_products
    $this->_products = $this->getProducts(true);

    return true;

``` if this works for everyone, I'll make a pull request for it..

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It seems like it works for me, I dont understand I guess what you're saying. I can add, and delete items in the cart with no issue. If this fix isn't the correct solution, at least we know the function causing the issue, and you can fix it. I made a video about it, but cant seem to share it here anymore. ;( Maybe this will work.. https://vimeo.com/250966125

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How about this one, it only changes two lines from the original 1.0.x file ``` protected function updateCustomizationQuantity($quantityChange, $idCustomization, $idProduct, $idProductAttribute, $idAddressDelivery, $operator = 'up') { // Link customization to product combination when it is first added to cart if (empty($idCustomization) && $operator === 'up') { $customization = $this->getProductCustomization($idProduct, null, true); foreach ($customization as $field) { if ((int) $field['quantity'] === 0) { Db::getInstance()->update( 'customization', [ 'quantity' => (int) $quantityChange, 'idproduct' => (int) $idProduct, 'idproductattribute' => (int) $idProductAttribute, 'idaddressdelivery' => (int) $idAddressDelivery, 'incart' => true, ], 'id_customization = '.(int) $field['idcustomization'] ); } } }

    /* Quantity update */
    if (!empty($idCustomization)) {
        $result = (int) Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue(
            (new DbQuery())
                ->where('`id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization)

        if ($operator === 'down' && ((int) $result - (int) $quantityChange) < 1) {
            return Db::getInstance()->delete('customization', '`id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization);

        return Db::getInstance()->update(
                'quantity'            => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => '`quantity` '.($operator === 'up' ? '+' : '-').(int) $quantityChange],
                'id_address_delivery' => (int) $idAddressDelivery,
                'in_cart'             => true,
            '`id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization
    // refresh cache of static::_products
    $this->_products = $this->getProducts(true);

    return true;


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yes, for me this fixes the problem with wrong sub totals in cart and also when you delete the customized product from the cart, it removes the product completely (as intended I guess...)

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Hello. I know this is an old thread, but some customer told me she couldn't pay for two personalized items (items with customizations, in fact just a text field)

She had to pay just one. This is what I see in the BO:



I saw your code, @SLiCK_303, it seems like it's what I have in that function. I'm using 1.1.x.

There are other issues with custom products, I'm trying to figure it out in other thread (and has an issue in Github).

Do you have had the same problem again?

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