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image compression with tinypng


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Thought I share this: I am currently setting a new shop up. Looking for optimazation options I came to the part the images. After a lot of searching and trying different tools to optimize the images I found the best tool to be tinypng (www.tinypng.com). I gave me even 100% compression without loosing the quality. Great! Then a problem came up. How do I automate this? Altough the product are not that many I didn't want to spent time by uploading it to the web and then recreate the images + recreation bumped the size up again. Searching the web I found https://github.com/Benichou34/tinify a free module that compresses the images. All you have to do (apart of installing it) is to get a free api key from tinypng. I can run with a cron job so that is good also. Only problem I have until now that when I access the module in the BO I get the following error message:

Notice on line 178 in file tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code [8] Undefined index: name Seems to work though. Will report later more

Kind Regards

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There is actually a tiny png module that is open source that works with thirty bees, I tested it some months back. https://github.com/Benichou34/tinify

On another note, we have added webp images to the core of 1.0.4, for even more optimization.

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