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Cart summary - Undesired "Total" calculation


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Hi people,

I am running

Theme is default-bootstrap

Customer group is set to display prices EXCLUDING Tax as we are B2B company.

Taxes are set to Enable Tax = Yes and Display Tax in Shopping Cart = Yes

Example of order summary page... Total products (GST excl.) $ 499.00 Total shipping Free shipping! Total (GST excl.) $ 499.00 GST $ 74.85 Total $ 499.00

To me this does not make sense as the Total should be IMO the sum of $499 + $74.85 e.g. $573.85

What is interesting is that on the order payment page the calculation is how I would like the order summary page to display...

Total products (GST excl.) $ 499.00 Total shipping Free Shipping! Total (GST excl.) $ 499.00 GST $ 74.85 Total $ 573.85

Perhaps this is possible by editing a .tpl file? Can you please advise how I can make the order summary page calculate the Total price the same way as the order payment page does.


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I would have to try again on a dummy installation as I do not recall the exact error as it was a few months ago. I've spent weeks adding content and modifying files on the current installation and would be too scared to attempt a migration and if it broke I could not repair it on my own.

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I was able to achieve the desired cart summary total by commenting out the tax exclusive arguments in shopping-cart.tpl

{l s='Total'}

{hook h="displayCartTotalPriceLabel"}


                {if $use_taxes}
                    {if $priceDisplay}
                        <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_price_container">
                            <span id="total_price_without_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_price_without_tax}</span>
                        <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_price_container">
                            <span id="total_price">{displayPrice price=$total_price}</span>

                    <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_price_container">
                        <span id="total_price_without_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_price_without_tax}</span>


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