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img folder cleaning


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Hi, Since I updated my theme in the last few days I need to regenerate the product images. I have about 9000 active product on my (ps) site. The size of the img/ folder is about 3.5GB which seems alot. PS (and I guess TB) says that with regeneration it deleted the redundant images (images that are still in the folder but do not correspond to an actual product in the database. Is there a way to do a cleanup ? Or will regenerating the images solve this problem?

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Unless you uploaded manually crafted thumbnails it's safe to simply regenerate them.

The sum of product images is pretty big, because themes need so many different sizes. By default there are 8 sizes for each product image, plus another 8 sizes for high resolution images (if enabled), plus the original.

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My problem is not with the amount of images for existing product. I need to get rid of the images that are left in the img/ folder for some reason. I have found a script here https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/290936-cleanup-imgp-folder-and-image-folder-questions/#comment-2063626 but although it finds the problematic images it can not delete them for some reason (on my localhost)

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