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Display products from subcategories


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I could not understand the "Display products from subcategories" function in the "AdminCategories" section. I selected "No" in "Display products from subcategories" and I can not see any difference in the behavior of the category page. I found that by selecting "No," the category page would not display the products associated with it. And by selecting "YES", the category would display the products assigned to its subcategories.

Could you tell me how the function "Display products from subcategories" works?

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Say you have a category called Car Parts, with no products associated in it, but sub categories associated with it. In those sub categories you have products associated with those sub categories. Selecting that button will allow you to show those products in the Car Parts category as well.

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Thanks @lesley It was exactly what I imagined! But ... in my 1.0.7 installation is not working :( Even marked "No" and the product not being associated with "Category", the products of the subcategory are shown in it :/

See the video: https://youtu.be/aX1MgvTp0dM

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No problem, this is one of those things that is tough to document and put somewhere that people will see it.

There are a couple of options of what you could do if you do not want to show the products in that category. One would be to disable the layered navigation on the parent category, that would fix it. Especially since it is not going to be used if you are not showing any products in the parent category.

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