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How can I change HTML/CSS code?


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I'd like to change my website completely using HTML/CSS, how can I do that?

And where can I download some themes? I only see the default theme at the dirty bees marketplace.


Edits: Sorry for the double post, I can't seem to delete one of these.

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Expect some 3 to 6 months of work to get a theme completely rewritten.

community-theme-default is the starting point: https://github.com/thirtybees/community-theme-default One has to deal with all the Smarty templates, JavaScript variables and such stuff, of course. Due to the nature of a shop, writing static pages is no option.

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@traumflug said in How can I change HTML/CSS code?:

community-theme-default is the starting point: https://github.com/thirtybees/community-theme-default One has to deal with all the Smarty templates, JavaScript variables and such stuff, of course. Due to the nature of a shop, writing static pages is no option.

Firstly, thanks for your responses.

So every thirty bees/PrestaShop site has some sort of pre-made theme with it? Will those websites still look original if every site has a theme?

And can I change small things easily in html/css instead of the whole site?


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So every thirty bees/PrestaShop site has some sort of pre-made theme with it?

They all start with the default theme. Many shops install an additional theme then and use this. See back office -> Preferences -> Themes.

And can I change small things in html/css instead of the whole site?

Yes, of course. That's what many people do. Be aware of the cache when editing templates, see back office -> Advanced Preferences -> Performance.

Keeping backups of the original files is also a good idea. A theme is code, so it occasionally receives bugfixes. Another recommendation is to duplicate the theme before modifying it. Which route to go depends on coding preferences.

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