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Sub Category Image


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I'm onto my next issue now of the image on the subcategory of the default theme The only walk though I can find is a prestashop template monster 1 and it is completely different to TB

Is there a simple way of removing the image on the sub category via ftp please .. Even a walk though would be fine as it i sjust looking awkward with this blank space where a image should be

Thank you again

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I tried that and all images disappeared including product images so turned it back on If I right click on a image and choose copy image location it looks as though it is going to the wrong place here is a website example to make it easier to see ... just remove spaces please https://www. pewterjewellery. co. uk/ cufflinks

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Did you empty the cache?

I do note that the urls to your images look slightly different than those in a fresh TB installation. In your shop I see: www.pewterjewellery.co.uk/c/en-default-mediumdefault/winged.jpg In a fresh installation I see: www.myshop.com/c/3-categorydefault/koffie-en-thee.jpg

So it looks like you made some changes...

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I did remove a language a while ago to get rid of the /en on my url's ..Other than that I haven't played with urls at all ,except for turning on pretty url's , although can't remember doing that now as it may be turned on as default

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