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layered navigation reset changing page?



is it a bug? or only my sandbox?

I activated the block layered module on the main category.

The filter works and in case the results are more than 12 items the page navigation is correctly displayed. When I click on page 2 (for example) the filter reset and it displays page 2 of the NOT FILTERED root category.

I can't reproduce in the demo here because there are not enough products to display the page navigation.

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As mentioned in another thread yesterday, it's a JavaScript, and as such a theme issue. In case it's a fresh installation it should work. For themes set up with earlier thirty bees versions, this needs to get applied: https://github.com/thirtybees/blocklayered/issues/2#issuecomment-400860244

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@traumflug I applied one of the commits, the others were already applied but the issue is still there:

this is my blocklayered.js:

``` /* global paramproducturl */

var ajaxQueries = []; var sliderList = []; var slidersInit = false;

function hideFilterValueAction($toggle) { var $list = $toggle.closest('ul'); var listId = $list.attr('id'); var expand = !!window.layeredhiddenlist[listId]; $list.find('.hiddable').toggle(expand); $list.find('.hide-action.less').toggle(expand); $list.find('.hide-action.more').toggle(!expand); }

function addSlider(type, data, unit, format) { sliderList = sliderList.filter(slider => slider.type !== type); sliderList.push({ type: type, data: data, unit: unit, format: format }); }

function initSliders() { $(sliderList).each(function (i, slider) { var $slider = $('#layered' + slider.type + 'slider'); var $sliderRange = $('#layered' + slider.type + 'range');


var from = '';
var to = '';

switch (slider.format) {
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
  case 4:
    from = window.formatCurrency($slider.slider('values', 0), slider.format, slider.unit);
    to = window.formatCurrency($slider.slider('values', 1), slider.format, slider.unit);
  case 5:
    from = $slider.slider('values', 0) + slider.unit;
    to = $slider.slider('values', 1) + slider.unit;
if (isRtl) {
  $sliderRange.html(to + ' - ' + from);
} else {
  $sliderRange.html(from + ' - ' + to);

}); }

function paginationButton(nbProductsIn, nbProductOut) { if (typeof window.currentfriendlyurl === 'undefined') { window.currentfriendlyurl = '#'; }

$('.content_sortPagiBar .pagination a').each(function () { var page; if ($(this).attr('href').search(/(\?|&)p=/) === -1) { page = 1; } else { page = parseInt($(this).attr('href').replace(/^.*(\?|&)p=(\d+).*$/, '$2'), 10); }

var location = window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '');
$(this).attr('href', location + window.current_friendly_url.replace(/\/page-(\d+)/, '') + '/page-' + page);


//product count refresh if (nbProductsIn) { var $productCount = $('.product-count');

if (!isNaN(nbProductsIn)) {
  // add variables
  var productCountRow = $productCount.html();
  var currentPageText = $('.content_sortPagiBar .pagination li.current').first().text();
  var nbPage = parseInt(currentPageText, 10) || 1;
  var nbProducts = nbProductsIn;
  var nbPerPage;
  var $option = $('#nb_item').find('option:selected');

  if ($option.length === 0) {
    nbPerPage = nbProducts;
  } else {
    nbPerPage = parseInt($option.val(), 10);

  nbPage = isNaN(nbPage) ? 1 : nbPage;
  window.productShowing = (nbPerPage * nbPage) < nbProducts ? nbPerPage * nbPage : ((nbPerPage * nbPage) - nbProducts - (nbPerPage * nbPage)) * -1;
  window.productShowingStart = nbPage === 1 ? 1 : (nbPerPage * nbPage) - nbPerPage + 1;

  // insert values into a .product-count
  productCountRow = $.trim(productCountRow);
  productCountRow = productCountRow.split(' ');

  var backStart = [];
  for (var row in productCountRow) {
    if (productCountRow.hasOwnProperty(row)) {
      if (parseInt(productCountRow[row], 10) + 0 == parseInt(productCountRow[row], 10)) {

  if (typeof backStart[0] !== 'undefined') {
    productCountRow[backStart[0]] = window.productShowingStart;

  if (typeof backStart[1] !== 'undefined') {
    productCountRow[backStart[1]] = (typeof nbProductOut !== 'undefined') && (nbProductOut > window.productShowing) ? nbProductOut : window.productShowing;

  if (typeof backStart[2] !== 'undefined') {
    productCountRow[backStart[2]] = nbProducts;

  if (typeof backStart[1] !== 'undefined' && typeof backStart[2] !== 'undefined' && productCountRow[backStart[1]] > productCountRow[backStart[2]]) {
    productCountRow[backStart[1]] = productCountRow[backStart[2]];

  productCountRow = productCountRow.join(' ');
} else {

} }

function reloadContent(paramsPlus) {

var $form = $('#layered_form'); var $categoryProducts = $('#category-products');


$form.addClass('loading-overlay'); $categoryProducts.addClass('loading-overlay');

var data = $form.serialize(); $('.layeredslider').each(function () { var sliderStart = $(this).slider('values', 0); var sliderStop = $(this).slider('values', 1); if ($.isNumeric(sliderStart) && $.isNumeric(sliderStop)) { data += '&' + $(this).attr('id') + '=' + sliderStart + '' + sliderStop; } });

$(['price', 'weight']).each(function (it, sliderType) { var $sliderRangeMin = $('#layered' + sliderType + 'rangemin'); var $sliderRangeMax = $('#layered' + sliderType + 'rangemax');

if ($sliderRangeMin.length) {
  data += '&layered_' + sliderType + '_slider=' + $sliderRangeMin.val() + '_' + $sliderRangeMax.val();


$form.find('select option').each(function () { if ($(this).attr('id') && $(this).parent().val() == $(this).val()) { data += '&' + $(this).attr('id') + '=' + $(this).val(); } });

var $selectProductSort = $('.selectProductSort');

if ($selectProductSort.length && $selectProductSort.val()) { var splitData; if ($selectProductSort.val().search(/orderby=/) > 0) { // Old ordering working splitData = [ $selectProductSort.val().match(/orderby=(\w)/)[1], $selectProductSort.val().match(/orderway=(\w)/)[1] ]; } else { // New working for default theme 1.4 and theme 1.5 splitData = $selectProductSort.val().split(':'); } data += '&orderby=' + splitData[0] + '&orderway=' + splitData[1]; }

var $selectN = $('select[name=n]:first');

if ($selectN.length) { if (paramsPlus) { data += '&n=' + $selectN.val(); } else { data += '&n=' + $('.showall').find('input[name="n"]').val(); } }

var slideUp = true; if (typeof paramsPlus === 'undefined' || !(typeof paramsPlus === 'string')) { paramsPlus = ''; slideUp = false; }

// Get nb items per page var n = ''; if (paramsPlus) { var $opt = $('.js-per-page select[name=n]').find('option:selected'); if ($opt.length) { n = '&n=' + $opt.val(); } }

window.ajaxQuery = $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: window.baseDir + 'modules/blocklayered/blocklayered-ajax.php', data: data + '&' + paramsPlus + n, dataType: 'json', cache: false, // @todo see a way to use cache and to add a timestamps parameter to refresh cache each 10 minutes for example success: function (result) { if (typeof result === 'undefined') { return; }

  if (result.meta_description !== '') {
    $('meta[name="description"]').attr('content', result.meta_description);

  if (result.meta_keywords !== '') {
    $('meta[name="keywords"]').attr('content', result.meta_keywords);

  if (result.meta_title !== '') {

  if (result.heading !== '') {
    $('.page-heading .cat-name').html(result.heading);

  $('.category-product-count, .heading-counter').replaceWith(result.categoryCount);

  if (result.nbRenderedProducts == result.nbAskedProducts) {

  if (result.productList) {
  } else {


  if (result.pagination.search(/[^\s]/) >= 0) {
    var pagination = $('<div/>').html(result.pagination);
    var pagination_bottom = $('<div/>').html(result.pagination_bottom);

    if ($('<div/>').html(pagination).find('#pagination').length) {
    } else {

    if ($('<div/>').html(pagination_bottom).find('#pagination_bottom').length) {
    } else {

  } else {
    $('#pagination, #pagination_bottom').hide();

  // On submitting nb items form, reload with the good nb of items
  $('.showall form').on('submit', function (e) {
    var num = $(this).find('input[name="n"]').val();

    $('.content_sortPagiBar select[name="n"] option').each(function () {
      var $opt = $(this);
      if ($opt.val() === num) {
        $opt.attr('selected', true);
      } else {

    // Reload products and pagination

  if (typeof ajaxCart !== 'undefined') {

  if (typeof(reloadProductComparison) == 'function') {

  window.filters = result.filters;

  window.current_friendly_url = result.current_friendly_url;
  if (typeof window.current_friendly_url === 'undefined') {
    window.current_friendly_url = '#';

  // Get all sliders value
  $(['price', 'weight']).each(function (it, sliderType) {
    var $slider = $('#layered_' + sliderType + '_slider');
    var $sliderRangerMin = $('#layered_' + sliderType + '_range_min');
    var $sliderRangeMax = $('#layered_' + sliderType + '_range_max');

    if ($slider.length) {
      // Check if slider is enable & if slider is used
      if (typeof $slider.slider('values', 0) !== 'object') {
        if ($slider.slider('values', 0) !== $slider.slider('option', 'min') || $slider.slider('values', 1) !== $slider.slider('option', 'max')) {
          window.current_friendly_url += '/' + sliderType + '-' + $slider.slider('values', 0) + '-' + $slider.slider('values', 1);
    } else if ($sliderRangerMin.length) {
  window.current_friendly_url += '/' + sliderType + '-' + $slider.slider('values', 0) + '-' + $slider.slider('values', 1);

  paginationButton(result.nbRenderedProducts, result.nbAskedProducts);

  if (history.pushState) {
    history.pushState(null, '', window.current_friendly_url);
  } else {
    window.location.hash = window.current_friendly_url;

  if (window.current_friendly_url !== '#/show-all') {

  window.lockLocationChecking = true;

  if (slideUp) {
    $.scrollTo('.product_list', 400);

  $('.hide-action').each(function () {

  if (display instanceof Function) {
    var view = $.totalStorage('display');
    if (view && view !== 'grid') {

}); ajaxQueries.push(ajaxQuery); }

function cancelFilter() { $(document).on('click', '#enabledfilters a', function (e) { var rel = $(this).data('rel'); var $el = $('#' + rel); var $rangeMin = $('#' + rel.replace(/slider$/, 'rangemin'));

if (rel.search(/_slider$/) > 0) {
  if ($el.length) {
    $el.slider('values', 0, $el.slider('option', 'min'));
    $el.slider('values', 1, $el.slider('option', 'max'));
    $el.slider('option', 'slide')(0, { values: [$el.slider('option', 'min'), $el.slider('option', 'max')] });
  } else if ($rangeMin.length) {
    var $rangeMax = $('#' + rel.replace(/_slider$/, '_range_max'));
} else if ($('option#' + rel).length) {
} else {
  $el.attr('checked', false);
  $('.' + rel).attr('checked', false);
  $('#layered_form').find('input[type=hidden][name=' + rel + ']').remove();

}); }

function stopAjaxQuery() { if (typeof ajaxQueries === 'undefined') { ajaxQueries = []; } for (var i = 0; i < ajaxQueries.length; i++) { ajaxQueries[i].abort(); }

ajaxQueries = []; }

function initLocationChange(func, time) { if (!time) { time = 500; }

var currentFriendlyUrl = getUrlParams(); setInterval(function () { if (getUrlParams() != currentFriendlyUrl && !window.lockLocationChecking) { // Don't reload page if currentfriendlyurl and real url match if (currentFriendlyUrl.replace(/^#(\/)?/, '') === getUrlParams().replace(/^#(\/)?/, '')) { return; }

  window.lockLocationChecking = true;
  reloadContent('&selected_filters=' + getUrlParams().replace(/^#/, ''));
} else {
  window.lockLocationChecking = false;
  currentFriendlyUrl = getUrlParams();

}, time); }

function getUrlParams() { if (typeof window.currentfriendlyurl === 'undefined') { window.currentfriendlyurl = '#'; }

var params = currentfriendlyurl; if (window.location.href.split('#').length == 2 && window.location.href.split('#')[1] != '') { params = '#' + window.location.href.split('#')[1]; }

return params; }

function updateProductUrl() { // Adding the filters to URL product if (typeof paramproducturl !== 'undefined' && paramproducturl !== '' && paramproducturl !== '#') { $.each($('ul.productlist li.ajaxblockproduct .productimglink,' + 'ul.productlist li.ajaxblockproduct h5 a,' + 'ul.productlist li.ajaxblockproduct .productdesc a,' + 'ul.productlist li.ajaxblockproduct .lnkview'), function () { $(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href') + paramproducturl); }); } }

/** * Copy of the php function utf8decode() */ function utf8decode(utfstr) { var res = ''; for (var i = 0; i < utfstr.length;) { var c = utfstr.charCodeAt(i); var c1; var c2;

if (c < 128) {
  res += String.fromCharCode(c);
} else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
  c1 = utfstr.charCodeAt(i + 1);
  res += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c1 & 63));
  i += 2;
} else {
  c1 = utfstr.charCodeAt(i + 1);
  c2 = utfstr.charCodeAt(i + 2);
  res += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c1 & 63) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
  i += 3;

} return res; }

function initFilters() { if (typeof filters !== 'undefined') { for (var key in filters) { var filter; if (filters.hasOwnProperty(key)) { filter = filters[key]; }

  if (typeof filter.slider !== 'undefined' && parseInt(filter.filter_type, 10) === 0) {
    var filterRange = parseInt(filter.max, 10) - parseInt(filter.min, 10);
    var step = filterRange / 100;

    if (step > 1) {
      step = parseInt(step, 10);

    var sliderOptions = {
      range: true,
      step: step,
      min: parseInt(filter.min, 10),
      max: parseInt(filter.max, 10),
      values: [filter.values[0], filter.values[1]],
      slide: function (event, ui) {

        var from, to, span;
        if (parseInt($(event.target).data('format'), 10) < 5) {
          from = window.formatCurrency(ui.values[0], parseInt($(event.target).data('format'), 10), $(event.target).data('unit'));
          to = window.formatCurrency(ui.values[1], parseInt($(event.target).data('format'), 10), $(event.target).data('unit'));
        } else {
          from = ui.values[0] + $(event.target).data('unit');
          to = ui.values[1] + $(event.target).data('unit');
        if (isRtl) {
          span = to + ' - ' + from;
        } else {
          span = from + ' - ' + to;

        $('#layered_' + $(event.target).data('type') + '_range').html(span);
      stop: function () {

    addSlider(filter.type, sliderOptions, filter.unit, parseInt(filter.format, 10));

  } else if (typeof filter.slider !== 'undefined' && parseInt(filter.filter_type, 10) === 1) {
    $('#layered_' + filter.type + '_range_min').attr('limitValue', filter.min);
    $('#layered_' + filter.type + '_range_max').attr('limitValue', filter.max);

  $('.layered_' + filter.type).show();

} }

function initLayered() { initFilters(); initSliders(); initLocationChange(); updateProductUrl(); if (window.location.href.split('#').length === 2 && window.location.href.split('#')[1] !== '') { var params = window.location.href.split('#')[1]; reloadContent('&selected_filters=' + params); } }

(function () { function initBlockLayered() { if (typeof $ === 'undefined') { setTimeout(initBlockLayered, 100);


$(function () {

  // Click on color
  $(document).on('click', '#layered_form input[type=button], #layered_form label.layered_color', function () {
    var $hiddenInput = $('input[name=' + $(this).attr('name') + '][type=hidden]');
    if (!$hiddenInput.length) {
      $('<input />').attr('type', 'hidden').attr('name', $(this).attr('name')).val($(this).data('rel')).appendTo('#layered_form');
    } else {

  // @TODO Click on label
  $(document).on('click', '#layered_form input[type=checkbox]', function () {

  // Doesn't work with document element
  $('body').on('change', '#layered_form select, #layered_form input[type=radio]', function () {

  // Changing content of an input text
  $(document).on('keyup', '#layered_form input.layered_input_range', function () {

    if ($(this).attr('timeout_id')) {

    // IE Hack, setTimeout do not accept the third parameter
    var reference = this;

    $(this).attr('timeout_id', window.setTimeout(function (it) {
      if (!$(it).attr('id')) {
        it = reference;

      var filter = $(it).attr('id').replace(/^layered_(.+)_range_.*$/, '$1');

      var $filterRangeMin = $('#layered_' + filter + '_range_min');
      var $filterRangeMax = $('#layered_' + filter + '_range_max');

      var valueMin = parseInt($filterRangeMin.val(), 10) || 0;

      var valueMax = parseInt($filterRangeMax.val(), 10) || 0;

      if (valueMax < valueMin) {

    }, 500, this));

  $(document).on('click', '#layered_block_left .radio', function () {
    var name = $(this).attr('name');
    $.each($(this).parent().parent().find('input[type=button]'), function (it, item) {
      if ($(item).hasClass('on') && $(item).attr('name') !== name) {
    return true;

  // Click on label
  $(document).on('click', '#layered_block_left label:not(.layered_color) a', function (e) {
    var disable = $(this).parent().parent().find('input').attr('disabled');
    if (!disable) {

  // Global var
  window.layered_hidden_list = {};

  $(document).on('click', '.hide-action', function () {
    var id = $(this).closest('ul').attr('id');
    window.layered_hidden_list[id] = !window.layered_hidden_list[id];

  $('.hide-action').each(function () {

  $(document).off('change', '.selectProductSort').on('change', '.selectProductSort', function () {
    if ($('#layered_form').length > 0) {

  $(document).off('change', 'select[name="n"]').on('change', 'select[name="n"]', function () {



initBlockLayered(); }());```

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