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Giving specific fees to specific products?


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I will probably use this module is the near future: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/page-customization/24867-product-arrangement.html

Here is the demo I made: https://addons.prestashop.com/demo/FO16852.html (if you get redirected to the home page, go to New Arrivals > Product Arrangement - Bus)

I want to be able to give specific fees to specific products on the vehicle. Is that possible?

So for example: I want the number 8 backplate to have an extra fee of let's say €100 and letting the buyer know when he/she check's out/when he adds the product to the cart. (The shop will be B2B orientated.)


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The product in TB is supposed to have the fee though, the module only makes it possible to hover over the product (in an image) to add it in my cart.

So I'm probably making a module that makes it possible to add fees to products. I don't think TB can do that by default.

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