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Error code with module 'options, fees and taxes'



Fatal error: Cannot assign by reference to overloaded object in C:\xampp\htdocs\webshop\modules\orderfees\controllers\admin\AdminOrderFeesController.php on line 57

Can't really ask for their help because they said it doesn't work with TB without testing it. It should work though because it did install it succesfully. I get this error when I want to configure it.


Edit: Code:

``` $ this->select = "CASE WHEN (isfee & " . (int) $this->module->getConstant('ISOPTION') . ") THEN '" . pSQL($this->l('Option')) . "' WHEN (isfee & " . (int) $this->module->getConstant('IS_REDUCTION') . ") THEN '" . pSQL($this->l('Discount')) . "' ELSE '" . pSQL($this->l('Fee')) . "' END AS type";

    $this->_where = ' AND (is_fee & ' . (int) $this->module->getConstant('IS_FEE') . ')';

    array_splice($this->actions, 1, 0, 'duplicate');

    $this->_post = &$_POST; //line 57

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