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Panda right cart button doesn't work correctly


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The Panda has at the right side a floating button that normally when you click opens a sidebar where you can chose to to go to the checkout page.

However, sometimes it makes the space free but nothing appears in it. See attached image. 

This happens under the following conditions:

 - it happens only with the floating button on the right. You can still checkout via the cart in the top bar.

 - It happens when you have a product with combinations in the cart. 

 - there is no javascript error.

See image of the bug:pandabug.thumb.jpg.8ceff842db9168ce30b9524c9a73edaa.jpg

and how it should look:


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I couldn't find anywhere in Firefox where errors were shown in red. So I downloaded a html validator for Firefox from the internet: http://users.skynet.be/mgueury/mozilla/index.html

However, its output is very verbose: some 270 lines - and nothing red that would signal priority. When I remove all the warnings about removed empty <i>s and <span>s I still have some 70 remaining.

Warning	435	89	Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here	
Warning	435	177	Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here	
Warning	435	183	Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here	
Warning	435	228	Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here	
Warning	435	267	Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here	
Warning	435	273	Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here	
Warning	435	318	Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here	
Warning	561	11	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	562	47	Warning: missing <dd>	
Warning	563	1	Warning: inserting implicit <span>	
Warning	565	22	Warning: discarding unexpected </span>	
Warning	569	20	Warning: discarding unexpected </dt>	
Warning	2385	10	Warning: inserting implicit <p>	
Warning	2448	239	Warning: inserting implicit <p>	
Warning	2543	721	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	2543	822	Warning: inserting implicit <span>	
Warning	2543	822	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	2543	879	Warning: inserting implicit <span>	
Warning	2543	879	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	2543	1469	Warning: discarding unexpected </span>	
Warning	2578	1106	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	2578	1274	Warning: inserting implicit <span>	
Warning	2578	1274	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	2578	1339	Warning: inserting implicit <span>	
Warning	2578	1339	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	2578	2583	Warning: discarding unexpected </span>	
Warning	3043	11	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	3044	47	Warning: missing <dd>	
Warning	3045	1	Warning: inserting implicit <span>	
Warning	3047	22	Warning: discarding unexpected </span>	
Warning	3051	20	Warning: discarding unexpected </dt>	
Warning	3464	1585	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	3464	1665	Warning: inserting implicit <span>	
Warning	3464	1665	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	3464	1707	Warning: inserting implicit <span>	
Warning	3464	1707	Warning: missing </span> before <div>	
Warning	3464	2297	Warning: discarding unexpected </span>	
Warning	500	1	Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference	
Warning	535	3	Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference	
Warning	591	8	Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference	
Warning	3079	9	Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference	
Warning	3105	43	Warning: <div> anchor "st_menu_block_22" already defined	
Warning	3161	43	Warning: <div> anchor "st_menu_block_20" already defined	
Warning	3247	43	Warning: <div> anchor "st_menu_block_23" already defined	
Warning	3332	43	Warning: <div> anchor "st_menu_block_24" already defined	
Warning	3452	5	Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference	
Warning	3464	4471	Warning: <input> anchor "yotpo_input_review_title" already defined	
Warning	3464	4709	Warning: <textarea> anchor "yotpo_input_review_content" already defined	
Warning	3464	5904	Warning: <input> anchor "yotpo_input_review_username" already defined	
Warning	3464	6146	Warning: <input> anchor "yotpo_input_review_email" already defined	
Warning	472	3	Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "cz-shortcut-listen"	
Warning	2295	167	Warning: <div> proprietary attribute "adapt_container_width"	
Warning	2629	10	Warning: <div> proprietary attribute "total-reviews-search"	
Warning	3508	10	Warning: <div> proprietary attribute "total-reviews-search"

Line 435 contains: var format = '<div><span class="countdown_number">%D</span><span class="countdown_text">'+((event.offset.totalDays == 1) ? "day" : "days")+'</span></div><div><span class="countdown_number">%H</span><span class="countdown_text">hrs</span></div><div><span class="countdown_number">%M</span><span class="countdown_text">min</span></div><div><span class="countdown_number">%S</span><span class="countdown_text">sec</span></div>';

It doesn't like the percent signs. But this is just javascript and shouldn't be evaluated as html.

I checked one of the malformed URIs and I got this:

<a href="https://www.topsnoep.nl/snel bestellen" 
id="shopping_cart" title="View my shopping cart" rel="nofollow" class="header_item">

Obviously the "%20" in the url has been replaced by a space what is a bit dubious. However, in most cases on the page it still works.

So I am still at a loss what is going wrong.

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