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Question after order confimation


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I need to know where visiters/buyer are coming from. I do not sell only on the webshop. I do 'game parties'. I visit people and explain the games.
At the end of the evening people can than buy. Sometimes people don't buy. It's my guess they buy later on the shop (after they did a price comparison on the internet 🙂 )
with direct traffic there is now way of knowing how people new of the shop. That's why a want to have the small survey (one question only).
Come to think of it: maybe it's better to have a popup for every visitor. 

Anyway. Thanks

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I wouldn't do it for every visitor, as most visitor don't like it. I think order confirmation would be the right place to ask it. I once planned to write a survey module. But to be honest: it's very low on my priority list. If you really need only one question, that would be a very small module and wouldn't cost much, if you ask a dev to do it.

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