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After placing a product on sale <p> tags appear frontside search


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After placing an item on sale the <p>paragraph</p> tags appear around the name of my product id on the frontside within search results. Flow....BO->products-->search product->click edit next to product->prices->specific prices->add new specific price->then I apply a discount by percentage as well as set the calendar range for the sale and save. After these steps any product that has had a specific price rule applied to it has the <p>paragraph</p> tags around it in the search results. How do we avoid this? We know how to fix it. 

Here is an example.



Edited by jong
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12 hours ago, colorful-ant said:

i think you have double <p><p>text</p></p>

<p class="pro_list_manufacturer"><p>PC149Y<p/> - Port & Company</p>


check your product html text - mark the text "PC149Y" use "strg+shift+i"

<p><p>text</p></p> is perfectly legal html and shouldn't show the second p as unprocessed html.

I assume PC149Y comes from the description or short description field and those fields are enclosed by <p>

Of course this is easy to work around. But the root of the problem is a riddle for me.

Edited by musicmaster
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22 hours ago, yaniv14 said:

The problem is that the 2nd <p> is being escaped (its probably the value itself).

this is how it looks in the html.

<p class="pro_list_manufacturer">&lt;p&gt;PC149Y&lt;/p&gt; - Port &amp; Company</p>


That looks like the html was entered in something like TinyMCE and converted by the program.

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