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Installation of third party themes in 1.1.0


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29 minutes ago, Occam said:

So at the moment, no theme, not even the Niara theme that comes with tb by default, meets the strict criteria?

Not to mention the following warning concerning the Niara theme:

Warning: Theme installed or enabled following modules but didn't provide hook list for them.

Theme should always provide list of displayable hooks for managed modules in order to achieve consistent results. If no hooks are specified in config.xml file, module hook list will remain unchanged. If this is wanted behaviour, theme developer should make it explicit by adding manageHooks="false" into module entry

Please contact theme developer and request correction of theme config.xml file



Or course I'm serious. After all, the fact that the theme is maintained by thirtybees does not make it flawless or bug-free 🙂 

And as you see, even native theme has these issues. Without these warnings, nobody would ever discovered them, or fixed them.

And it wasn't that hard, let me tell you. The fix took the whole 3 minutes of my time. And the result is correct -- for example, the beesblogcategories module now actually shows the categories in left column, as it should.

These warnings are there to nudge theme developers into doing their work properly, and to nudge merchants to verify that modules mentioned in warning sections works correctly


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