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I have for the first time used TB attributes list and have no idea how to remove this from the category page

I'm using bleeding edge and Panda.. I've had to make image so tiny to fit it all in so you can see.

It's a drop down list, 2 of them


But on product page it is fine


any ideas on how to fix this

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2 hours ago, AndyC said:

@colorful-ant ... Could you help out with another issue

My price colour has changed from red to blue

I am sure this is the right option in theme's to change.. I've cleared cache even deleted smarty stuff




At the first moment the following occurs to me:

did you enter something in the section "Custom Codes" in the field "Custom CSS Code"?

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That was my first thought too, but the code I added wasn't for colour .But deleted it anyway.. 

Actually the odd thing was I changed this colour (blue) about 3 weeks and Friday evening I cleared my browser history and it changed within a page refresh. I've also changed the colour of the basket number from red to white and that hasn't changed either.

I've also turned off cache for now,cleared my cache from host site ftp cleared smarty Even renamed cache folder to see if that would help lol.. Any other changes I make go though OK ,just colours seem to stubborn

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3 minutes ago, AndyC said:

Actually the odd thing was I changed this colour (blue) about 3 weeks and Friday evening I cleared my browser history and it changed within a page refresh. I've also changed the colour of the basket number from red to white and that hasn't changed either.

Try right-clicking in the price and try inspecting it. There should say where the used style is.

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10 minutes ago, AndyC said:

That was my first thought too, but the code I added wasn't for colour .But deleted it anyway.. 

Actually the odd thing was I changed this colour (blue) about 3 weeks and Friday evening I cleared my browser history and it changed within a page refresh. I've also changed the colour of the basket number from red to white and that hasn't changed either.

I've also turned off cache for now,cleared my cache from host site ftp cleared smarty Even renamed cache folder to see if that would help lol.. Any other changes I make go though OK ,just colours seem to stubborn



Did you check both options?
"Custom Codes" in the "Custom CSS Code" field

TB has its own under Settings and the second is in the theme editor of the Panda theme.

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It's Now Wednesday and have just gone onto my site and the price colour has now changed to Red


as it should be below... I haven't touched my site since Monday


On 1/2/2021 at 2:38 PM, AndyC said:

@colorful-ant ... Could you help out with another issue

My price colour has changed from red to blue

I am sure this is the right option in theme's to change.. I've cleared cache even deleted smarty stuff


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