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Bingbot crawling page with weird link p=2?p=2



Everyday i get few errors in FrontController.php on line 593, 596 and 597.

So I did some research in logs and I found out that bingbot is trying to access some weird page numbers

First it gets "/en/15-category?p=2" which is ok

but than few seconds after it tries to access "/en/15-category?p=2?p=2" and this is where the errors are showing up.

A non well formed numeric value encountered in /classes/controller/FrontController.php on line 593, 596 and 597


How to prevent bingbot to request p=2?p=2 which creates the error in the logs?

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I looked in the source page and there is no link containing p=2?p=2 anywhere, so this doesn't seem to be related to build-in paging mechanism.

Most likely there is some link somewhere in the web (not necessarily on your site) containing this bad url parameters. You need to look at your site and check everywhere if you could spot this link, and fix it. If the bad link is on third party website, well there is not much you can do. You could propose fix to FrontController that could gracefully solve this situation.

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I tested my shop many times, clicking everywhere possible to reproduce the error as this error is showing up for some time now.

Than today I realized I could check the server logs looking for the timestamp of the error, and than I saw this p=2?p=2 requests which are only requested from bing everyday 🙂

Its happening on random categories which have multiple pages and bing.com tries to access them.

Based from info on server logs, such requests are only made from bing and only happen when bingbot starts crawling the site 🙂

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Is it possible that this happens due to friendly urls and rewriting?

As Bingbot always first makes GET /en/36-category?p=2

and exactly 10 seconds later for same category GET  /en/36-category?p=2?p=2

This is only happening to those categories which have more than 2 pages.

Some categories on my site have 1, some 2 and some 3 pages of products.



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