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I am going through the Swedish translation on Crowdin for the moment and have a question. In many places, the word Prestashop show up. Am I right to change this to Thirtybees or....

In general, the Swedish translation is good but there are many minor mistakes. In English words are written like "car door", but in Swedish this is one word, bildörr. To split these words can give a totally other meaning, and I change a lot of this mistakes in the translation. Young Swedes often do this mistake affected by the English language and there is even a FB page dedicated to show the many times funny consequences of splitting words

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Was wondering for a second myself regarding this. I changed it to TB, thinking all traces of PS will vanish in the end. I am on the other hand wondering about the stripe and\or paypal module. I read somewhere that you were going to rewrite this and\or integrate it or something? Is it wise to put these translation on hold regarding this, as we would have to do another round of translations when it's done (if its going to be done, that is)?

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