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Mollie module cause an error 500




I tried to migrate a Ps 1.6.24 to Tb 1.4 Bleeding Edge

The migration worked perfectly.

Now, I wanted to install Mollie module payment.

Install ok, first config ok and then if I choose to configure it again, I have a 500 error

With Debug mode ON, I have this

Class 'AttributeCore' not found
in file /home/*****/public_html/_thirtybees/modules/mollie/src/Builder/FormBuilder.php at line 420
Source file: /home/*****/public_html/_thirtybees/modules/mollie/src/Builder/FormBuilder.php

401:        $input[] = [
402:            'type' => 'mollie-methods',
403:            'name' => Config::METHODS_CONFIG,
404:            'paymentMethods' => $molliePaymentMethods,
405:            'countries' => $this->countryService->getActiveCountriesList(),
406:            'tab' => $generalSettings,
407:            'onlyOrderMethods' => array_merge(Config::KLARNA_PAYMENTS, ['voucher']),
408:            'displayErrors' => Configuration::get(Config::MOLLIE_DISPLAY_ERRORS),
409:            'methodDescription' => TagsUtility::ppTags(
410:                $this->module->l('Click [1]here[/1] to read more about the differences between the Payment and Orders API.', self::FILE_NAME),
411:                [
412:                    $this->module->display($this->module->getPathUri(), 'views/templates/admin/mollie_method_info.tpl'),
413:                ]
414:            ),
415:            'showCustomLogo' => Configuration::get(Config::MOLLIE_SHOW_CUSTOM_LOGO),
416:            'customLogoUrl' => $this->creditCardLogoProvider->getLogoPathUri() . "?{$dateStamp}",
417:            'customLogoExist' => $this->creditCardLogoProvider->logoExists(),
418:            'voucherCategory' => Configuration::get(Config::MOLLIE_VOUCHER_CATEGORY),
419:            'categoryList' => \Category::getCategories($this->module->getContext()->language->id, true, false),
420:            'productAttributes' => Attribute::getAttributes($this->module->getContext()->language->id),
421:            'klarnaPayments' => Config::KLARNA_PAYMENTS,
422:            'klarnaStatuses' => [Config::MOLLIE_STATUS_KLARNA_AUTHORIZED, Config::MOLLIE_STATUS_KLARNA_SHIPPED],
423:        ];
425:        return $input;
426:    }
428:    protected function getAdvancedSettingsSection()
429:    {
430:        $advancedSettings = 'advanced_settings';

Line 419 is in red..


Have an idea how to correct this please ?


Kind regards,

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Hi datakick,

Thanks a lot, it finaly works.

I made a test order and the result in my BO and in the customer account is "Awaiting payment by bank check" in place of Payment accepted or something like that.

Where can I correct this please ?


Kind regards,

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probably store misconfiguration. Look into your db:

select name, value from tb_configuration where name like 'PS_OS_%'

This will show you mapping for hard-coded/build-in order states. In my case, it says that 


Modules and core will use order state with id 1 when the order is paid. 

Now check that this ID value matches the correct order state. In my case it matches, id 1 == Payment accepted. I assume in your case it will point to the wrong status.


The fix is to update data in tb_configuration table.

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I have another error with the Mollie module..

Property OrderState->name is empty
in file /home/***/public_html/_thirtybees/classes/ObjectModel.php at line 1143
Source file: /home/***/public_html/_thirtybees/classes/ObjectModel.php

1125:            // If the object has not been loaded in multilanguage, then the value is the one for the current language of the object
1126:            if (!is_array($values)) {
1127:                $values = [$this->id_lang => $values];
1128:            }
1130:            // The value for the default must always be set, so we put an empty string if it does not exists
1131:            if (!isset($values[$idLangDefault])) {
1132:                $values[$idLangDefault] = '';
1133:            }
1135:            foreach ($values as $idLang => $value) {
1136:                if (is_array($this->update_fields) && empty($this->update_fields[$field][$idLang])) {
1137:                    continue;
1138:                }
1140:                $message = $this->validateField($field, $value, $idLang);
1141:                if ($message !== true) {
1142:                    if ($die) {
1143:                        throw new PrestaShopException($message);
1144:                    }
1146:                    return $errorReturn ? $message : false;
1147:                }
1148:            }
1149:        }
1151:        return true;
1152:    }

Stack trace
1. classes/ObjectModel.php:424 source ObjectModelCore->validateFieldsLang()
2. classes/ObjectModel.php:854 source ObjectModelCore->getFieldsLang()
3. modules/mollie/src/Service/SettingsSaveService.php:329 source ObjectModelCore->update()
4. modules/mollie/src/Service/SettingsSaveService.php:321 source Mollie\Service\SettingsSaveService->updateKlarnaStatuses(arguments)
5. modules/mollie/src/Service/SettingsSaveService.php:217 source Mollie\Service\SettingsSaveService->handleKlarnaInvoiceStatus()
6. modules/mollie/mollie.php:254 source Mollie\Service\SettingsSaveService->saveSettings(arguments)
7. controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php:1660 source Mollie->getContent()
8. controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php:1523 source AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcessCallback()
9. classes/controller/Controller.php:204 source AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcess()
10. classes/Dispatcher.php:861 source ControllerCore->run()
11. admin312vvy24f/index.php:58 source DispatcherCore->dispatch() 

Can you help me once more please ?


Kind regards,

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