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PayPal and product image-issues


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Does anyone else get an error when selecting paypal in checkout after doing a force compile /clear cache action? It seems like everytime we do this, PP throws a  "Authentication failed due to invalid authentication credentials or a missing Authorization header"

When we then go into the PP-module and do a resave it's working again. Sometimes it wont let you and throws an error in the pp-settings as well, but suddenly it will and everything is fine until next force compile.

Another thing that happened after installing the latest bleeding edge the  thumbnails in the image section of a product isn't showing. Image cant be found.

And when you go to "show in store" live mode they dont show as well. They do however show up when your not in the  live configuration mode though.

Bleeding edge as mentioned, every module is up to date, running php 8.3

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I can't help for the PP issue but couple of notes:

1. Don't run your on Force compilation, this makes it slow. Run it on 'Recompile templates if the files have been updated' which is the golden standard in terms of speed and trouble-free operation.

2. After the recent image rewrite there are many new things going on in Images. You have to go to Images section, choose what format you want to use (best are webp and avif (if you are on php8.1 or later), select your quality (90 for best quality, 70 for good balance or less for speedy shop but lower quality images - see this post from datakick - https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/6608-image-format-webp-vs-avif/#comment-49265 ). Then reset (reset, not delete!) your tumbnails and regenerate all of them. Don't close this page until the process complete. Then you will have to clear your cache and you should see all your images back online with no issues. If not - hard refresh the page in your browser (ctrl + F5 on win).

3. Regenerate your htaccess through SEO & URLs - switch Friendly URLs off, save and then back on and save.

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