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Installable blog module


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I just made an installable blog module.

The one we can find in the TB1.03, installation can't works for me. I put my project on my github (first project!), as follow in instruction, it's still in the dev branch.


So you can get acces to the admin controller, make some posts, etc... nothing more was added, just the basic functionnalities.

For the front, as I remove namespaces in all controllers, so you need to remove them in beesblogrecentposts module. I can share files if needed.

Hope that could be help.

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Nice work!

Assuming by the name, it's the original beesblog module with fixes applied. How about making pull requests with these changes to get them into upstream, into the original module? This way a lot more people can appreciate your work, as it automatically appears in their backoffice then.

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@mdekker Can you try fix the the createDatabase() function on the module instead. I mentioned that bug months ago and couldn't find a way to fix it or to understand why its not working only on that module. I believe the fix that posted by @Lathaneo is only creating DB tables manually instead of using createDatabase function

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