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Panda theme (maybe also Transformer theme) - How to show categories on mobile?



The mobile version of the Panda theme only shows three horizontal lines in the top left corner as the category selector. I think this isn't intuitive enough and I'd like something easier for users, for example the word "Categories" next to the current icon. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Panda theme's module "theme editor", 'Header & mobile header" section, "MOBILE HEADER" subsection (at the very bottom of the page), there is switch "Display a text "menu" along with the menu icon on mobile version"

Also, you have to create your own menu in the "Megamenu" module, in that menu you can select needed glyph for menus

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Following @DaoKakao's instructions I found the settings here for the transformer theme:

Admin / BO / Back Office: 1. Go to stthemeeditor 2. Click Sticky header/menu section. There is a switch for yes or no to “Display a text “menu” along with the menu icon on the mobile version”

  1. Click "yes".
  2. Click "save all".
  3. See the word "menu" next to the three line stack (hamburger something. lol).

  4. The next part is called Advanced Megamenu in the Transformer theme.

I already had the categories set up but if it's blank you can click the tiny plus in the upper right hand corner of the megamenu (advanced megamenu) window and add "main menu" and so on.

0_1507656883604_where to set the text menu with the menu icon for mobile devices.jpg

The result looks like this:

0_1507657372595_mobile menu word displayed.jpg

When you click on the word "menu", the menu looks (approximately) like this on mobile devices:

0_1507657668834_mobile menu looks like this.jpg

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