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Bulk Editing in Thirty Bees


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@raptorx said in Bulk Editing in Thirty Bees:

@marci123 I do have my work arounds for this issue, my point is that the platform itself should be able to handle this so as to be more appealing to users...

Say for example Shopify, is a semi decent platform that has several things pat down as easy variant/combination creation:


or for mass editing like this:


If we want Thirty Bees to be big then we have to have the basics covered... this ease of use is what we are compiting against (even if we dont realize we are compiting this is whats going on)

If we cant have this the user base will never grow as fast as it could which is what happened to Prestashop... great potential but didnt want to compete.

~~I still do not know why you constantly complain about the bulk editor. what should I do with different products that should all have the same article number?~~

~~For a mass price update, there are eg modules to do this - and free of charge.~~


EDIT: Revised by the account holder. A now former team member wrote at the time with my account and without my consent.

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I still do not know why you constantly complain about the bulk editor. ...

there are eg modules to do this - and free of charge.

If you dont understand why outside modules for basic functionality are a problem then there is no point in me explaining myself over and over again. hehe In my case I dont just work on my shop, I work on the shop of OTHER people frequently (i did that on PS mainly) and those "tiny" problems become huge when you do it on a daily basis.

all those modules you guys keep linking have their own problems (on top of the ones on ThirtyBees) and they dont get updated at the same rate as the main software so one day ThirtyBees will update something and the whole store would stop working until devs update their modules (which not all do on a timely manner).

I havent complained anymore regarding this since it seems like the community doesn't deem it that important, so I will simply live with it. Thrity Bees is awesome as It is. But is always a good idea to improve what you can or voice your concern... maybe at some point those tiny things do get changed :)

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Indeed. I guess that it's not that we don't understand that modules for basic functionality are a problem... it's just that we don't realice the importance of this feature that you are requesting.

Maybe once the userbase of tbs grows and enough users request this feature it might catch the attention of devs. to integrate it into the main package.

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Maybe once the userbase of tbs grows and enough users request this feature...

This is one of the things that I have been trying to tell you guys:

How would the user base grow if they are limited on what you can do with the software.

Any project that deals with many products or zones will quickly find that they have to spend some hours researching which module would help them out what to do on x or y situation.

I say some hours because most of the times you realize the module has a big flaw or limitation after you spent time using it, meaning you already used it for half your products and then figure out: "ooh the module can't do x or y... Now i have to either test another module or buy a complementary module".

It should just work and the user shouldn't have to be scavenging the internet for making things work... when that happens then the user base will grow quicker, not the other way around.

That's without mentioning the problem of the module suddenly breaking every now and then due to software upgrades. You can't expect the user base having that issue. Actually a platform like squarespace makes it their marketing point to say that "you'll never have to update ever again, we to it for you" <--- most people want stuff to work, not have to figure out every certain time what happened to their store.

Edit: spelling.

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  • 1 month later...

I think that this is a very good argument for TB 1.1.x (when PS compatibility will be gone). And with mass edit also other major modules like marketplaces sync.

IMHO those can be released as paid (not too much :sweat_smile: ) core modules usefull to sustain the project and attract new users.

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I completely agree with @RaptorX

Managing products is still the more difficult areas of PS/TB day to day, and each step to improve it is going to be very productive.

I have my workarounds like everyone else - google sheets with formulas to generate sql that I then execute in phpmyadmin, but they are still workarounds. For example, I can not have my employee handle it given the complexity involved.

Is PS1.7 a good starting point where it is somewhat easy to update multiple products on a single screen? The solution is definitely to be discussed but my view is that this should but stop us from acknowledging the area for improvement.


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