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Deferred Images - Improve Page Loading Time

I am not at all an expert on page load time. But nowdays modern browser show quite nicely, where the time is "spent" on. Often a website is slow, because of many requests. Every image (non cached) means a reqeuest to your server. This can have serious negative effects on your page load time. To deal with it, you can use "Lazy Loading" Plugins. Another way - which I like more - is to defer images. Yesterday I found the following article:


IMO the artice is very easy to understand. If you want to implement it in your shop: You just need to adjust tpl files of your theme. The <script> part can be added in footer.tpl. The rest depends on what you want to achieve. As an example: https://www.spielezar.ch. The images on the footer (payment logo and facebook image) are loaded deferred. For the visitor there is no difference at all, as this images are not in the view when the page is loading. But the page just loads faster. :classic_rolleyes:

If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask!

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I get

"Refused to execute script from '' because its MIME type ('image/png') is not executable."



Where does this error appear? In the console?



Yes, in the console



I have no idea about this... Does this work? 



Same issue. It also messes with other scripts I have. I think I'll leave it alone



I am sorry I din't work out well for you. :classic_sad: It works quite good here. But you are right, there can be some issues with other scripts. I noticed that my filter module has problems, when it changes the content. 

Guest DedicatedHosting4u


Nice articel thanks for sharing such a wonderful and informative post keep sharing like this posts . You are always sharing such information with us to share your article. Thanks



@wakabayashi are you using any other teqniques or modules for pagespeed and what server setup do you have?


I think your site is pretty fast and not all Thirtybees shops are so there must definitely be a difference in setting the shop up.



I dont know, if my shop is so fast :classic_laugh: I always try to make it better. 

No i dont use any special module. I just try to optimize the theme. 

I also have a dedicated server, which makes a serious difference. My server is using nginx. But I am no expert on this field...

What server do you have? VPS?


Posted (edited)

Well my live shop is still running PS 1.6 but I have a test shop with TB. 

Yes, we are running a VPS with 3 CPUs and 8GB of ram. It's not slow but Its not especially fast either. We are also running Apache, not Nginx.

Just compared the TB shops that shows up under menu "Shops using TB" and your shop is one of the fastest. The fastest one for me is this one  https://www.add-one.fr/ I think its a big difference between different shops in speed.

Edited by Briljander


Yeah this shop is also quite fast. But it depends a lot from where you try to reach it and where the server is. 

Some improvements can help globally (like using nxing). But I understood, that I should inspect every type of site, if I want to improve. Let's say you aren't happy with your categories loading time. Then check if you load too many products. If the images are loading slowly or if it's an external module.

Guest MindtechAffiliates


Thanks for posting useful information.You have provided an nice article, Thank you very much for this one. And i hope this will be useful for many people.. and i am waiting for your next post keep on updating these kinds of knowledgeable things...Really it was an awesome article...very interesting to read..please sharing like this information.

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