I'm migrating my website from Prestashop 1.6.x to latest Thirtybees and the site now more or less works using the migrated Default Bootstrap theme.
From the back office, I can see all categories listed and can also see all category thumbnails in the list. I'm only using category thumbnails, and the thumbnails that exist from Prestashop and is on the server is in size 125x125 pixel
I really want to use only category thumbnails for most of the categories since I only want to display Category Cover Image only for some categories. after a lot of googling, I found that Thirtybees when displaying categories is using the Category Cover Image to generate the category thumbnail image, and will not display category thumbnail if the Category Cover Image does not exist.
All my category thumbnails is already available at the server and displays correctly when viewing categories form the back office. What I want is to display the category images correctly also when listing categories in my shop, even if Category Cover Image does not exist. I have a few categories using Category Cover Image and for these categories the category thumbnail is displayed correctly (well really not, the category cover image is 870px x 217px and when rescaled by Thrtybees to 125x125 the image is not that nice,,)
So I want to be able to only display the category thumbnail, and if a Category Cover Image is uploaded, it shall not be used to generate the category thumbnail since the format for these images most time is quite different.