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Everything posted by Occam

  1. To whom it may concern: In order to avoid further censored posts by "Thirty bees developer" and gobal moderator @Traumflug I hereby request to delete my account. Thank you in advance.
  2. Ach, weißt du, bei solchen dummen Sprüchen habe ich nur einen Wunsch: Wie kann ich meinen Account hier löschen? Das meine ich ernst. Vielleicht kannst du das ja veranlassen.
  3. Just for the record: The logic of the theme requires a totally waste action and merchants, who do not want this, need (like me) to run a third party module, that (among other things) disables this feature. You can't be serious.
  4. Why don't you just remove the checkbox from the code, it's not legally required, not even in Germany.
  5. @30knees said in Anyone with live store which meets eu law requirements?: @Occam is the one who knows what all the bugs are. Na ja, ich habe ja auch von Anfang an ein bisschen mitgewirkt ... Da wäre vielleicht auch noch zu erwähnen: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/487176-fehlentwicklungen-beim-modul-europäische-rechtssicherheit/ oder https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/104 https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/444444-ps-161-beta-mit-advancedeucompliance-–-leider-immer-noch-eine-baustelle/ https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/467405-neuer-bug-in-rechnung-von-prestashop-1611/ Das nur als Gedächtnisstütze. Wenn ich mal Zeit finde, mache ich eine Aufstellung, was alles noch fehlt bzw. schlecht gelöst ist. Auf jeden Fall fehlt die seinerzeit bei der Neuentwicklung schlicht vergessene individuelle Lieferzeit je Artikel. Erst mit großer Verspätung wurde dieser Fehler kürzlich behoben, aber beim Nachfolgemodul für Prestashop 1.7 und zudem noch wenig praxistauglich, weil man jetzt nach meiner Ansicht wieder auf das Niveau von Prestashop 1.5 zurückfällt: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/8419
  6. Nein, korrekt ist: Prestashop lehnt selbst Bugfixes für AEUC seIt gut anderthalb Jahren ab, um auf diese Weise 1.7 mit dem Nachfolgemodul PS legalcompliance zu pushen. Hier wurden eine ganze Reihe von Fehlern behoben, nur ist das Modul nicht abwärtskompatibel.
  7. Das hat für mich auch zur Konsequenz, dass ich, solange dieser Zustand anhält, weder auf thirty bees umstellen noch dies 100%ig empfehlen werde. Ich habe noch unlängst für einen 1.5er-Shop mit GC German das Transformer-Theme 2 rechtssicher "umgerüstet" (inkl. Checkout letzte Seite). Läuft 1a und sehr schnell trotz ca, 10.000 Artikeln. Es kann doch nicht, dass man mit Prestashop 1.5.6 einen rechtssicheren Shop mit einem erstklassigen Template realisieren kann, während es unter 1.6 bzw. thirty bees nach wie vor Probleme gibt. Ganz ehrlich, mit dem Vorgänger EU legal waren wir vor mehreren Jahren schon mal weiter!
  8. @MockoB Ich glaube nicht, dass Bulgarien typisch für die Orientierung an der EU-Gesetzgebung ist. I don't think that Bulgaria is typical of the orientation towards EU legislation.
  9. Deswegen hielt ich es auch für eine blöde (ist nicht böse gemeint) Idee von @MockoB, einen Thread mit nicht deutsprachige Teilnehmern ins deutsche Forum zu verschieben. That's why I thought it was a stupid (no offense) idea of @MockoB to move a thread with non-German-speaking participants to the German forum.
  10. Sehr witzig! Gegenwärtig kann man zwar nur in wenigen europäischen Ländern empfindliche Strafen (via Abmahnung) bekommen, wenn man sich nicht an das geltende Recht hält ( ja, natürlich vor allem in Deutschland) - aber das kann sich in den kommenden Jahren durchaus noch auf andere Länder ausweiten. Very funny! At present, it is only in a few European countries where you can get severe penalties (Via warning letters from specialised lawyers) if you do not comply with the applicable law (yes, of course, especially in Germany) - but this may well spread to other countries in the coming years.
  11. Nee, die Frage betrifft den europäischen Markt, der ein bisschen größer ist als der deutsche. Genau genommen den Bereich der EU, der nicht deckungsgleich mit dem europäischen Markt ist, weil nicht alle europäischen Ländern Mitglied der Europäischen Gemeinschaft sind. Deshalb heißt das Modul auch AdvancedEUCompliance, weil es Rechtssicherheit innerhalb der Europäischen Staatengemeinschaft schafft. Nope, the question concerns the European market, which is a bit larger than the German market. Strictly speaking, it covers the area of the EU, which does not match the European market because not all European countries are members of the European Community. For this reason, the module is also called AdvancedEUcompliance because it creates legal compliance within the European Community.
  12. Das war natürlich jetzt nicht die beste Idee, eine komplett auf Englisch geführte Diskussion ins deutsche Unterforum zu verschieben. Wem ist das denn eingefallen? ?
  13. @marci123 yes, this is the latest release. @MockoB I don't know where you were searching for compliant themes, but at Prestashop Addons we have succeeded in making sure some time ago that compatible themes can be searched by using a filter criterion "Advanced EU compliance". You can find it in the layered navigation under "Included functionalities". Currently listed 460 themes. Btw Transformer and Panda are among those themes.
  14. Hey guys, for exactly this purpose we had set up a special subforum in the German Prestashop forum. There you will find everything you need to know about this topic. Please read these threads carefully before you raise problems that have long since been solved elsewhere. I really can't understand why "most themes" supposedly shouldn't be compatible with AEUC. All themes written for PS 1.6 must contain the additional pages necessary for AEUC, which all end with ... -advanced and thus also the necessary hooks, which replace the previous overrides that we had in EU legal up to Prestashop This is the acid test! Stay away from themes that do no contain these files. Well, AEUC is in some respects less comfortable than EU legal, where we even had individual delivery times per product (even if the delivery times are very different from the legal ones!), but in general it is usefull. Btw individual delivery times have now been realized again with Prestashop 1.7.3, but as a less practical solution.
  15. Interesting, because this info doesn't match another post by - I guess it was - Lesley who told us just the opposite (can't find it currently). Maybe the developer changed his mind.
  16. @alwayspaws said in Transformer Theme = How Compatible?: @vincentdenkspel He really was being sarcastic but it does have a negative touch. He may be as frustrated as we are when we come across these stumbling blocks. But a negative touch wasn't the foreground and it wasn't the subtext either. It's just that there are myriads of good responsive themes, so you don't have to sponsor a complete new development. Especially since it might not be that easy to top sophisticated themes like Transformer or Panda. It would be more important to develop clear criteria for a) the compatibility with thirty bees, b) user wishes, c) legal requirements of the shop country, d) and last but not least included translations. On this basis, it might be possible to negotiate with developers in a targeted manner or to discard certain templates from the outset as unsuitable.
  17. Crowdfunding to reinvent the wheel. Nice try!
  18. You know what, free support with the translations of PrestaShop or thirty bees as translator and/or proof reader is one thing, help with better sales of a theme is another thing. In my view the first is worth engagement, the latter ...not! We are talking about a theme that was sold about 4,500 times at Themeforest alone, plus revenue for extended support. If the developers don't really care about other languages, then that's not my problem. Just my 2 cents ...
  19. Sounds realistic. I can well imagine that. But in this case, he should not even raise false expectations and close his Crowdin account. Because that already smells like a pure marketing measure.
  20. @alwayspaws said in Transformer Theme = How Compatible?: Is it possible to transfer all the translations you two have worked on at Crowdin? Basically yes! The easiest way would be to export the language of thirty bees as gzip. Then this could be uploaded to a subforum translations which is still to be set up. My current translations are for Transformer 2x. which means suitable for Prestashop 1.5x. However, there are just some new modules in Release 3 (for thirty bees or PS 1.6) and the items shouldn't have changed, so that most of the translation items match the previous release. And btw you can reduce the translation effort for the theme by just copying the language of the standard theme to the Transformer theme in your back office: Localizations -> Translations --> [last section] Copy Just a few mouse clicks, and average 60% is translated. Besides, I fully agree with @DaoKakao: only a very small fraction of the translation items of Transformer 4 (for PS 1.7) are provided on Crowdin by SunnyToo.
  21. If you emphasize a consistent translation like I do it would make sense to follow this proposal, but from a business point of view I would decline. Crowdin is not free of charge. As project owner you would pay for helping other companies to increase their sales volume.
  22. @alwayspaws Look, the first choice would be the Microsoft translator (standard on Crowdin), second Google, I mean, if you are looking for the best way to make your shop a laughing stock for foreign customers. :) Even a much more sophisticated tool like deepl.com mostly needs some fine tuning before the translation matches the source text.
  23. This module stcountdown is a nice feature, but doesn't seem to support automatic time zone detection.
  24. Strange, my downvotes did work, however. Speaking of the German translation, yes 98% translated, but many items poor and need improvement. And you got to consider that this is just a minor part of the Transformer theme which is provided at Crowdin for for translation. Seems to be the same for Russian and I guess for other languages too. Quite the same situation for the transaltions of Panda theme. And then there's this Chinese translator with moderate skills in German who makes it even worse. I've been engaged some times in translating there and in conforming the translations to thirty bees/PrestaShop wording. But as there's minimal if any feedback I signed off for Transformer. Waste time in my view.
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