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Posts posted by Wartin

  1. Lo sospeché... Podés buscar algún tema que haga lo que vos querés. Hay una cantidad importante, aunque no son gratis. En teoría todos los temas y módulos de Prestashop 1.6 funcionan en ThirtyBees.

    Por el tema del covid19 hay un sitio que está ofreciendo módulos y temas gratis para PS 1.6. En gral algunos problemas tienen para instalar, pero puede ser que alguno te sirva, te paso el enlace: https://module-presta.com/


  2. I think that you can assign another category using prestools, if you are using it.

    Just select 'category' as editable, and then use mass editor to add the new category (after creating it from backoffice). If you don't write anything and press search you will edit every product in the database.


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  3. I'm not sure how to do it, because "Price tax excluded or Price tax included " seems a little ambiguous.

    There is Wholesale price too.

    Maybe it has something to do with tax ID, but those are the different Taxes you can create from product's page.

    In my case I have prices with taxes. I tried to use 0 in 'Tax ID', and that's 0% tax, then the price with tax is the same as without...

    I'm still trying to give the price with tax included and let it calculate the price without tax.

  4. oops, thanks for the fast reply, led24ee.

    As I have one testsite... I was uploading the file to the other site      *ashamed*

    For others reference, I'll write how to do it, I found a lot of forums talking about this particular task.

    1) upload images to someplace in the server. You can do it with FTP, SCP, whatever you use. You can use the directory 'upload' in your store's root directory.

    2) in the CSV (I found it easier to use Libreoffice's .ods format*), column "Image URLs (x, y, z)" you have to put the URL to the image, for example https://mysite/upload/mynewpicture.jpg

    3) In the backoffice go to admin -> Advance parameters -> CSV import. There choose 'Products', and upload the file. If you want to, you can copy the .ODS (or CSV) file to your /admin<letters-and-numbers>/import directory and choose to see the files (Choose from history/FTP button)

    4) In the next step you can see if there is match between your file and what TB expects. If everything is OK, you can Import.


    You can download a test file from the same backoffice page. But here's mine, I edited the first row because some columns were read as several (for example image urls (x,y,z) were 4 columns, as it uses  ',')

    Product ID;Active (0/1);Name *;Categories (x, y, z);Price tax excluded or Price tax included;Tax rules ID;Wholesale price;On sale (0/1);Discount amount;Discount percent;Discount from (yyyy-mm-dd);Discount to (yyyy-mm-dd);Reference #;Supplier reference #;Supplier;Manufacturer;EAN13;UPC;Ecotax;Width;Height;Depth;Weight;Quantity;Minimal quantity;Visibility;Additional shipping cost;Unity;Unit price;Short description;Description;Tags (x, y, z);Meta title;Meta keywords;Meta description;URL rewritten;Text when in stock;Text when backorder allowed;Available for order (0 = No, 1 = Yes);Product available date;Product creation date;Show price (0 = No 1 = Yes) ;Image URLs (x, y, z);Delete existing images (0 = No 1 = Yes) ;Feature(Name:Value:Position);Available online only (0 = No 1=Yes);Condition;Customizable (0 = No 1=yes);Uploadable files (0 = No 1=Yes);Text fields (0 = No 1=Yes);Out of stock;ID / Name of shop;Advanced stock management;Depends On Stock;Warehouse

    *Important: Libreoffice tries to make the URL clickable, be sure that the URL is just plain text

    If you have subcategories you have to write in the 4th column, for example: Root; Coffe and tea; Coffe  in order to make them appear in those category pages.

    If you are trying to use CVS import to update prices or change some value, you have to check 'Force all ID numbers', and you should write, in the first column, the ID number of each product you want to overwrite.

    Well, good luck ;)

  5. On 3/17/2020 at 7:27 AM, Theo said:

    column without issues (price, name, categories, url rewrite, images, meta, accessories, tags, etc. etc).
    So far my experience has been pretty go

    Hello. I'm trying to import from CSV products with their images. I don't know how to do it. I tried uploading files to the server and referencing them in the CSV (not really that format, but .ods). I tried local references and full URL value, with the same result (in en: error copying image: da.jpg) :

    Some errors were detected. Please check the details:

    • Error durante la copia de la imagen: tienda/baterias.jpg

    What am I missing?


  6. Hola!

    Me parece que no vas a poder hacerlo fácilmente. Tendrías que buscar qué parte del archivo del theme q estás usando muestra esto (es product.tpl):

    <div id="attributes">
              <fieldset class="attribute_fieldset form-group">
                              <label class="attribute_label">Color&nbsp;</label>
                                                        <div class="attribute_list">
                                                              <ul id="color_to_pick_list">

    Y ver cómo lo agregás al módulo que muestra los productos en la página principal.

    Tal vez haya algún módulo que muestre los atributos en la página principal, pero no conozco.


  7. 29 minutes ago, LCortes said:

    - in product atributes we may choose from "dropbox", "radiobox" and "colors". Is there a way to add a "textbox" and "file upload" to attribute type?

    You can add Personalized fields. There are image and text types of personalized attributes under Catalog->Products.

    Oh, those are for the customers to fill...

  8. It's really annoying, several times it un-translates some of the strings. Specially NEW and REDUCED PRICE (the whole product-list-item just becamed blank).

    In a new TB there are 0 non translated strings (Spanish). After using TB for a couple of weeks I have like 250 in front office and 490 in modules.

    FEATURE REQUEST: it would be really nice to import from a file but just non-translated strings.

  9. Hello. I was having this problem in Stable and it remains in bleeding 1.1.x. I tried in a clean instalation with same results.

    Maybe it's a known problem.

    1) Create a product with one file field and a text field

    2) in the store go to that product, upload a file, write something and press Save.

    3) Add the product

    4) Keep buying, and then buy the same product, but without any custom field.

    5) go to checkout and try to delete the last item.

    The whole cart becomes empty.

    If you buy the same product once more it shows in the checkout, with the custom file and text.


  10. On 5/13/2020 at 11:38 PM, Wartin said:
    The problem is with mobiles. I think because it's fixed, you cannot see the whole overlay when you buy something, thus you cannot see or press the buttons.

    the solution was to add this in custom CSS code :

    @media screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 768px) {
    #layer_cart {position: fixed; top: calc(0vh - 0px) !important;
    width: 90%;
    overflow-y: scroll;
    top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;

    Now I can scroll the overlay in mobiles.


    The other thing, the first part of tienda/themes/niara/modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl

    {if isset($blockcart_top) && $blockcart_top}
      <div id="blockcart" class="shopping_cart">
        {include file='./includes/header.tpl'}
        {if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}
          {include file='./includes/dropdown.tpl'}
      {if isset($blockcart_top) && $blockcart_top}

    Note I added <li></li> and erased one <div></div>

  11. Well, I finally understood what's going on. In Stable it did get passed through the first step, but then appeared "No available carriers for that address" error.

    I realize that the Zone 'South America' was disabled, because I was trying days ago to make a local Zone with one city name. After enabling again that Zone and make it work on Stable I upgraded again to Bleeding Edge and now I can end the buying.

    It was strange that there were no error, but there was one...

    Thanks for the help, after reading about versions in other thread I really wanted to be en bleeding's last 1.1.x without issues numbers.

  12. More information. I placed a backup of the same shop but 1.1.0 version and the checkout works well. If I go to Core Updater and update to 1.1.x it starts redirecting to Modify Adress.

    What do you recommend? I updated because of an error with custom fields, and I prefer to use the last version if it's what's mostly used.

    I tried going back to 1.1.0 with Code Updater and it works again.

  13. Hola. En el ejemplo que mandás aparecen todos los atributos en una sola columna, en 1.ID aparecen todas tus columnas apretadas.

    No sé bien por qué pasa esto. Con qué editás el CSV? Yo lo abro en Libreoffice. Al abrirlo pregunta si quiero que las comas separen las columnas.

    Te mando la planilla con un producto de prueba. No es necesario poner un valor en cada columna, podés dejar el blanco.

    Entiendo que llegaste a que cada columna coincida con la columna de la plataforma. Probá por si acaso eso, no completar todas las columnas. Tal vez prefiere nada a un 0 en algunas columnas.



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