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Posts posted by Wartin

  1. On 9/19/2018 at 1:35 PM, MockoB said:

    {elseif $page_name == 'blog-module'} <meta property="og:image" content="{$blog_article_img|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"/> <meta property="og:image:width" content="713"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="356"> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="{$meta_title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {else} <meta property="og:image" content="https://your.site.here/img/logo.jpg"/> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1124"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="614"> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {/if}


    In Niara, an article has the default meta description and og:image tags.

    I'm trying to add one elseif $page_name== 'blog-module' to header.tpl, but it doesn't seems to work. I'm not sure if 'blog-module' is a correct value. I use this with 'product' to show product's image.

    Now if you post a blog post to facebook, twitter, etc, it appears the shop logo and description, but nothing refers to the article.

    Any recomendations? Thanks!

  2. 3 minutes ago, Russ said:

    I am thinking there should be a setting somewhere for this - how does it behave on Your site? Can your customers on signing up either opt in or not? - Thanks!

    It works as expected. I set 'Registration process type' to 'account only'. When somebody buys something has to write the address.

    Maybe you could try upgrading to the last bleeding edge, 1.1.x, that's the most stable version now.

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, Russ said:


    This can't be right surely - Can somebody please tell me how to fix this or which file to edit?

    Hello. I'm not sure, as I don't use neither optin or newsletter, but in Localization -> countries you can select some mandatory things in client's address.

    • Like 1
  4. Hay algunos problemas cuando se selecciona 'Envío gratis'. Por lo menos en la instalación normal de TB. Lo que es recomendable es actualizar a la última bleeding edge, 1.1.x.

    De cualquier manera, lo del envío gratis lo solucioné poniendo NO en envío gratis, y poniendo 0 en el costo del envío para la zona seleccionada.


    • Like 1
  5. On 9/20/2020 at 9:22 AM, The Pellet Guy said:


    Is there anything else I need to think about during this transistion?, is it as simple as that for the SEO's  do all the internal URL's for each product automatically gain the .com extension once I change the main URL? and will google essentually pick up where it left off with my ratings.

    Hello. Good to hear that you could get your shop again with the Bees :)

    About URLs, you should check this:

    Good luck!


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Russ said:

    BUT really shouldn't you just be able to enable Free Shipping and that's it?

    I had the same problem with free shipping (setting pick up at store), and I had to disable free shipping and setting shipping prices at 0 just like you. I think it is a bug. I'm not sure if it's fixed in latest version. You should upgrade to bleeding edge 1.1.x, as this is the stable and more updated version of thirtybees.

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Russ said:

    I can't see where to enable any zones for this carrier Tab 2 hints at it but only deals with 'Out of Ranges'

    Hi! I hope not to make you feel stupid, we all have been there!

    Did you choose any zone in your new carrier, below ranges?


  8. Eso funciona, pero siempre los clientes van a llegar a ese index, y van a ser redirigidos a la tienda. Eso tarda un ratito, y no sé si es lo mejor para los buscadores hacer un refresh.

    Lo ideal sería moverla al / del dominio, pero tendrías que hacer un par de cosas.

    1. editar en la base de datos (usando comandos mysql, o phpmyadmin, lo que uses) la tabla "tb_shop_url". Ahi podrías tu nuevo dominio. Es importante, en mi experiencia al menos, que termine en /. Entonces sería http://www.midominio.es/. Si tenés activado HTTPS te conviene usarlo. Y en la tienda podés poner que siempre use https.

    2. borrar el archivo .htaccess (o por las dudas cambiale el nombre) y después lo regenerás. Pego unas instruccines en inglés, cualquier cosa decime si lo hacés:

    3. login to the admin backend and go to settings > seo & urls and save the path and domain properties to create a new .htaccess file (after creating the new .htaccess file you will be able to view/use the frontend of the shop, not earlier as it contains all necessary info it needs to translate the friendly urls of the shop frontend)


    Después de hacer todo esto, podés hacer un archivo en /clientes/index.php que diga:

    <?php header("Location: https://www.tusitio.com/", true, 301); ?>

    El 301 significa que lo moviste permanentemente.

    Siempre por las dudas hacé backup de todo :)


  9. Hola!

    Sí, se puede. Tendrías que tocar el template que muestra cada producto. Está en tu tema (themes/<tu-tema>, se llama product.tpl.

    Ahi vas a tener que buscar dónde querés que aparezca el mensaje, y hacés un if de smarty, algo como:

    {if $isLogged == 0 }
    	<p>Precio disponible para usuarios registrados </p>

    Para los registrados no lo va a mostrar.


    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, mbc_3 said:

    I'm new to Thirty Bees and I'm not sure what to change - my  gut is telling me large_default should be replaced with Niara_large - is that right? Also, is there somewhere else I should report this issue? I'm sure other people have run into the socialsharing module not generating Twitter card images for their products if they're using the Niara theme.

    Hello. I'm using Niara theme and my og:image seems to be right, with Niara_large.

    Maybe it is fixed in the last versions. You could (and should, in fact) upgrade you shop to bleeding edge, this is the last 1.1.x.

    And there is thirtybees' github:


    Good luck.

  11. Hello. Today in the statistics there was a high (higher than usual) number of visitors. When I saw the IPs, there was a single IP logging a new guest ID every 20 seconds.

    I added manually that IP to my database for 'blackhole for bots', and it stoped, obviously.

    Is this usual? Is there anyway to add it automatically to blacklist when it happens?


  12. On 7/12/2020 at 2:08 PM, Wartin said:


    BUT, the message is listed in Backoffice.

    How do I block them completely?

    Hello, I'm still having this issue. I'm using the override that search some strings in the body of the message. When I write some of these forbidden keywords it shows (correctly) an error in the contact form:


    The emails are not being sent, but the SPAM message is listed in backoffice:


    My override finished with:

                foreach ($banned_content as $string) {
                    if(strstr($message, $string))
                        $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid Content');

    maybe it should return after calling displayError?


  13. HI

    You could start searching for .tpl of the steps, and there see where the module starts. As it's working OK in step one, maybe you can find what's wrong in second step.

    Oh, don't forget setting debug mode ON in 'Parámetros avanzados' -> 'Rendimiento' (it's called 'modo depuración' in spanish). With that on you can see exactly where one module starts in html code.

    Good luck.

  14. Hello!

    It's kind of difficult to know where the problem is... but indeed the 'sort of' part of thread's name is because it's a nice hack.

    In order to see where the problem is you could set up a new TB installation (w/niara) and check if your module works fine there. Then, comparing templates with browser console maybe you can see how can you fix it.


    • Like 1
  15. Hi. www.unicae-design.dk gives me 500 error, it doesn't redirect me to the new one.

    In the new domain I think the problem is your .htaccess. Try step 5, deleting it. And login to the new backoffice, it doesn't matter if it does not display OK, you can go to the menu SEO & URL and regenerate it.

    For the last databases thing... it's pretty weird. I wonder if your web server is configured fine.

  16. There is something I don't get. If you wanted to change only the domain name, you should have changed the DNS, delegating the new name to point to the old webspace.

    Anyway, you already have two web hostings. Did you changed the database in order to point to the right direction?

    I paste the steps to migrate to another hosting/hostname:

    1. Copy all files via FTP
    2. Duplicate database to other hoster
    3. check the php settings at your new hoster!! (PS <= is not yet PHP7 ready! so you wont see anything in these cases)
    3. open Database and edit "tb_shop_url". Set the new path and domain for your new shop  (finish it in slash, as /shop/)
    4. edit config/settings.inc.php and set the new database access
    5. delete the .htaccess file in your shops root folder
    6. login to the admin backend and go to settings > seo & urls and save the path and domain properties to create a new .htaccess file (after creating the new .htaccess file you will be able to view/use the frontend of the shop, not earlier as it contains all necessary info it needs to translate the friendly urls of the shop frontend)

    Maybe you didn't do step 3, did you?

  17. Hello. I'm using Sitemap module to create a sitemap in order to upload it to Google Search Console.

    As suggested in others forum's threads, I'm unselecting some of the items, for example 'cart'. When I generate the sitemap, this and all of the items are listed in the file created, as a <url></url> tag. It's not taking into account that I checked some of the form items.

    Are you experiencing the same?

    I'm using 1.1.x.

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