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Everything posted by Smile

  1. The issue what i have as a noob is that nl.xml is used for the files. This is the same for Belgium as it has the same iso code and this is also used for the url. What of course correct is. Although language codes like be-NL nl-NL and be-FR could be used.... website.be/nl/ and website.be/fr/ In Prestashop it works like that. Not sure for 30bees...? It's a bit discussed here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/433189-multiple-languages-and-language-dialects/ I will install a test environment quite soon.
  2. Tnx, I think it is not really a choice. It should be easy for any owner to add dialects. But maybe I think to easy when thinking about adding it? In general, what would be involved?
  3. I have been trying to translate certain words to flemisch. But this is a limitation I think in the translations. I have the following configuration: Dutch nl nl-NL Flamisch nl nl-BE So Prestashop and Thirty Bees uses nl.xml for translations. While certain words are different in those dutch and flemish. How can I achieve that Flamisch is seen as an extra language? Should we nog move to use Nl-NL and be-NL for as translation files?
  4. Is there any news on this. I would like to have it working as this module. If a guest account needs a password they can also receive this link ofcourse. https://addons.prestashop.com/nl/veiligheid-toegang/29907-simple-password-reset.html (maybe there is also news on guest accounts -> to customer accounts)
  5. I was wondering what needs to be done to support you products to be known for voice search by alexa and or google assistant. I did not find a lot of information about this but this is also not my expertise. While it is going to be very important in the upcoming years is my expectation.
  6. Did anyone consider an open source WMS? Or has experience?
  7. Its a kind of difficult to make a choice I did not jet find a good fit for a small ecommerce store with just a few employees and more than 40> orders a day. But still a few leads to go. Will update you when i do find a good fit.
  8. Sorry misses you comment. Did not set any email warings. I am using now AMS in PS. Works ok. But I am missing an option to reset the quantities. Sometimes its get messed up and you just want to set the product quantities for all fields to 0 and add a new amount of stock for that product. I think we move to a WMS as we grow with more orders, orderpicking with paper does not work so good anymore.
  9. Quite a while ago now, I was looking for an update about ASM and how the progress is going. Cant really find something. does someone has an idea?
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