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Everything posted by Smile

  1. I'm already on patreon, but system is not so handy for business users 😉 Thank you for the fix implemented already...
  2. Do we know when the next version will be released 😅
  3. @datakick Would you be interested to add a switch to the core? And if so what would be the time to implement it and get it working? I am happy to sponsor it!
  4. Is there any news on the html cache in TB? And when it could be working Or where should I check the progress?
  5. Every night we get a additional package of french installed. It happened since we enabled the TB updater.... You can see positions 8,9 and 10 where added. While the original still in place on location 2. How can we prevent this? Feels like a serious bug as it affects urls in the website.....
  6. The issue is that those 2 languages are only assigned to a different multistore, the Belgium store: <link rel="alternate" href="https://imkershop.nl/" hreflang="nl-BE"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://imkershop.nl/" hreflang="fr-FR"> What I would expect and would work as it should: <link rel="alternate" href="https://website.nl/" hreflang="nl-NL"> (as currently) <link rel="alternate" href="https://website.nl/" hreflang="x-default"> (ok, optional...) <link rel="alternate" href="https://website.BE/" hreflang="nl-BE"> (should be other store url) <link rel="alternate" href="https://website.BE/" hreflang="fr-FR"> (should be other store url) So currently hreflang does not take into account where they are enabled and where not.... They point to sites where the language even does not exists.... I have a great module to manage this by hand and as it is SEO very important can we agree that its a bug that needs to be fixing a.s.a.p.? Or make the use of hreflang in TB possible to switch off so one can use it own module....
  7. I don't get this pack to show that it is on stock. I do get this strange message that I don't understand....: When a product has combinations, quantities will be based on the default combination. Given the quantities of the products in this pack, the maximum quantity should be: 0
  8. After migrating there appeared a small issue with the hreflang. My custom hreflang module makes it easy to manage those thing: <link rel="canonical" href="https://website.nl" /> <!-- hreflang --> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="nl-be" href="https://website.be/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="nl-nl" href="https://website.nl/" /> <!-- hreflang --> But now I see that TB is adding free of charge some wrong hreflang code. <link rel="alternate" href="https://website.nl/" hreflang="nl-NL"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://website.nl/" hreflang="x-default"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://website.nl/" hreflang="nl-BE"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://website.nl/" hreflang="fr-FR"> Where can I manage this code or disable it?
  9. Problem is with the paypal module. This has a version number of, and this is not in line with the version check pattern. Workaround: Removing this paypal module (or changing the version number in the module & db) fixes the issue. Real fix should be in allowing the version nummer with 4 digits. As a side note: the TB version of paypal is v5.4.2 which is lower than the already installed paypal module. So auto updating probably will also not occur. Credits go to the programmer 😉
  10. It might have to do something with in the config file: define('_PS_VERSION_', ''); define('_TB_VERSION_', '1.0.8'); But when I remove 'define('_PS_VERSION_', '');' I get the error: Use of undefined constant _PS_VERSION_ - assumed '_PS_VERSION_' in /home/beenl/public_html/test4orgineel/override/classes/Cookie.php on line 25
  11. So we might have found the issue. Seems there was corrupt date in the ps_configuration_kpi and ps_configuration_kpi_lang. which caused the KPI's to load every time again.
  12. Version is: 7.1.26 Also other TB module did give this error: statsmodule-v2.0.2
  13. It was not installed with the migration (non of the TB modules). Tried to install it manual v1.4.0 But resulted in an error: ## ThirtyBeesException **This is not a valid version [[]]** *at line* **24** *in file* `vendor/vierbergenlars/php-semver/src/vierbergenlars/SemVer/version.php` ```php 19. */ 20. function __construct($version, $padZero=false) { 21. $version = (string) $version; 22. $expression = sprintf(parent::$dirty_regexp_mask, parent::$global_single_version); 23. if(!preg_match($expression, $version, $matches)) { 24. => throw new SemVerException('This is not a valid version'); 25. } 26. 27. parent::matchesToVersionParts($matches, $this->major, $this->minor, $this->patch, $this->build, $this->prtag, $padZero?0:null); 28. 29. if($this->build === '') ``` - **vierbergenlars\SemVer\version->__construct** - [line `167` - `vendor/vierbergenlars/php-semver/src/vierbergenlars/SemVer/version.php`] - [1 Arguments] ```php 162. * @param string|version $v2 The second version 163. * @return boolean 164. */ 165. static function gt($v1, $v2) { 166. $v1 = new version($v1); 167. => $v2 = new version($v2); 168. 169. $ma1 = $v1->getMajor(); 170. $ma2 = $v2->getMajor(); 171. 172. if($ma1 < 0 &&$ma2 >= 0) ``` ```Argument [0] ``` - **vierbergenlars\SemVer\version::gt** - [line `1060` - `classes/module/Module.php`] - [2 Arguments] ```php 1055. 1056. if (Validate::isLoadedObject($updater) && $modules = $updater->getCachedModulesInfo()) { 1057. foreach ($modules as $name => $module) { 1058. if (isset($modulesNameToCursor[mb_strtolower(strval($name))])) { 1059. $moduleFromList = $modulesNameToCursor[mb_strtolower(strval($name))]; 1060. => if ($moduleFromList->version && Version::gt($module['version'], $moduleFromList->version)) { 1061. $moduleFromList->version_addons = $module['version']; 1062. $modulesNameToCursor[mb_strtolower(strval($name))] = $moduleFromList; 1063. } 1064. 1065. continue; ``` ```Argument [0] vierbergenlars\SemVer\version Object ( [version:vierbergenlars\SemVer\version:private] =&gt; 5.4.2 [major:vierbergenlars\SemVer\version:private] =&gt; 5 [minor:vierbergenlars\SemVer\version:private] =&gt; 4 [patch:vierbergenlars\SemVer\version:private] =&gt; 2 [build:vierbergenlars\SemVer\version:private] =&gt; -1 [prtag:vierbergenlars\SemVer\version:private] =&gt; [chunks:vierbergenlars\SemVer\expression:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) Argument [1] ``` - **ModuleCore::getModulesOnDisk** - [line `334` - `controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php`] - [3 Arguments] ```php 329. } 330. $modulesPreferences[$v['module']] = $v; 331. } 332. 333. // Retrieve Modules List 334. => $modules = Module::getModulesOnDisk(true, $this->logged_on_addons, $this->id_employee); 335. $this->initModulesList($modules); 336. $this->nb_modules_total = count($modules); 337. $moduleErrors = []; 338. $moduleSuccess = []; 339. $upgradeAvailable = []; ``` ```Argument [0] 1 Argument [1] Argument [2] 1 ``` - **AdminModulesControllerCore->initContent** - [line `262` - `classes/controller/Controller.php`] ```php 257. if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { 258. $this->initHeader(); 259. } 260. 261. if ($this->viewAccess()) { 262. => $this->initContent(); 263. } else { 264. $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Access denied.'); 265. } 266. 267. if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_footer || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { ``` - **ControllerCore->run** - [line `837` - `classes/Dispatcher.php`] ```php 832. if (isset($paramsHookActionDispatcher)) { 833. Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $paramsHookActionDispatcher); 834. } 835. 836. // Running controller 837. => $controller->run(); 838. } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { 839. $e->displayMessage(); 840. } 841. } 842. ``` - **DispatcherCore->dispatch** - [line `63` - `admin/index.php`] ```php 58. if (!isset($_REQUEST['controller']) && isset($_REQUEST['tab'])) { 59. $_REQUEST['controller'] = strtolower($_REQUEST['tab']); 60. } 61. 62. // Prepare and trigger admin dispatcher 63. => Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch(); ```
  14. We did a migration last week but noticed that no native TB modules where added. Is this normal behavior? Or did something go wrong?
  15. Same here we are probably going to integrate Elasticsearch in the future. But then I think for a blog we will use WP. Even more dificult to integrate I guess.
  16. So I migrated to 1.0.8. And still had the wrong file... Just to let you know.
  17. Found it: admin\themes\default\template\helpers\form
  18. On the other hand when connecting to the DB using Heidi and requesting 100000 rules from PS_Guest it works perfectly without overload.... Good to mention maybe is that recently we switched from ASM back to the normal stock management..... Small update: I did install a clean TB and did do the same test. When opening orders, there are just 6 order... the no CPU problem at all but when opening 5-6 product pages then I also can get the CPU very hot....
  19. Downloaded a 1.0.3 but can't find this directory or the file.... And cant find it on github either.... true noob.
  20. So guys/girls a short update: I did disabled all overrides from BO -> no effect I did rename the override folder -> no effect I did install a clean TB and connected it to my DB. So all files are brand new, and just the default modules ect... -> No effect I can still back a honey cake on the server. I also did run TB cleaner. Does this mean that it might be a DB issue as with a clean installation the same issue arises?
  21. Misschien zijn de iconen een cache issue? Maar daar had je misschien zelf ook aan gedacht?
  22. Aangezien ik zelf ben overgestapt van PS naar TB stop ik met mijn ambassadeurschap. Hieronder stond info over een PS meetup maar dit vond prestashop niet prettig. Deze heb ik verwijderd.
  23. In the past I could change it so seems like a bug. @wakabayashi What would be the way forward?
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