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Everything posted by DaoKakao

  1. Your testing environment is set to use the localhost/ address. This means, if you did not published webserver's port on the real ip, you have everything ok. From another hand, if your mac is connected to the internet directly (i mean, mac's network interface has real ip assigned), it could be an issue because of Apple's bonjour service - it likes to publish all possible things on the network. Again, if you'll disable bonjour, it could affect your zeroconf devices connected to mac.
  2. Another lame suggestion: to make some users with id starting from lets say 1000000, import reviews and assign those ids for imported reviews.
  3. @dynambee said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: I see now that @DaoKakao is Russian. I never cloaked that. Very deep-minded conclusion. Sure, my origin explains everything: (as a said - having all answers for everything) That certainly explains his rather odd viewpoint on sanctions considering the Russian economy & currency are currently being decimated by sanctions. The most funny thing is that i can't see 'decimated Russian economy'. Just a small fact: when i went to the bank in order to open account for my company i had to wait more than 2 weeks, because of boom of opening companies. Yes, we're in deep trouble. Please stay considering that :)
  4. @bzndk Don't try to explain something for people, who already answered all the question in their life - you would get nothing but ideological stamps. During XIX century China denied 'collaboration' with 'international community', which had form of forcing chinese people to take more opium, so wheh the 'international community' run out of arguments, the opium war began. Good lesson of 'collaboration with international community'
  5. @marci123 said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: People like you and me should be able to communicate with developers from those countries and exchange experiences Just real fact: Even during the highest gear of cold war scientists from US and USSR has contacted each other almost on daily basis, despite the horrible KGB. Now someone consider this is terrible sin.
  6. @bzndk The fact of contacts with prohibited countries isn't so important (in my view) compared to overall hypocritical approch - it is always much easier to punish theme developer than Apple or MS for instance
  7. @dynambee said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: there is no way to avoid that the next step after failed sanctions is usually going to war No halftones? Such perfect life with no doubts, having all answers clear!
  8. @dynambee said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: Sanctions are put in place to put economic pressure on countries that are not cooperating with the international community Cool story, so hard to believe. When you'll take away the pink glasses, you'll see this is nothing but unfair play. Of course, humble website theme developer is extremely malific sanctions violator. It is virtually impossible to count his damage to international community. Fat cats however just laughing on such 'Sanctus simplicitas' and spit on sanctions. If you understand what i mean.
  9. @dynambee said in How to get copy sent to me of all customer order-related emails?: I don’t see any advantage to changing from Swift Mailer to PHPMailer, at least not for the issue currently at hand Quote from phpmailer: Send emails with multiple To, CC, BCC and Reply-to addresses
  10. @lesley said in How to get copy sent to me of all customer order-related emails?: Its not free, but another way is to use a smtp email server as well, instead of php mail. We use Mandrill a lot with our clients, that way we can see everything that goes out, and if people are opening and clicking too. As far as i know, php mail() doesn't exclude need of MTA use because of use 'sendmail' command. Also it could be a headache on the Win* platform because it functioning different on it Taking in account all said above, it seems like an attempt to re-invent the bicycle: https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer Why not to include this module in the TB?
  11. Same with me: i use same google account for webserver and for mail client. On the server it is nullmailer installed with appropriate credentials. So, TB sends mails via this google account and i can see it in my outbox on the email client
  12. @dynambee said in How to get copy sent to me of all customer order-related emails?: What I need is a way for 30bz to tell postfix to send a BCC, and the BCC address will depend on the store that is sending the email senderbccmaps = type:table and recipientbccmaps = type:table ? Won't that be enough?
  13. @dynambee said in How to get copy sent to me of all customer order-related emails?: Google charges $5 per month per email address. I just mensioned google as example. I do not use its services this way. Our local service offers everything for free, up to 1000 accounts on their infrastructure+DKIM+antivirus and antispam. So. i'm sorry, it is difficult for me to understand, that such services aren't accessible for eveyone. drawbacks however and that includes the outbound mail spam issue. This is more organizational issues. I had never faced such issues even when tested google's mail service. You want to say, that even SPF and DKIM won't help to relief that problem? That is not IMAP. As far as i understood this IS imap client right in the shop's admin. Anyway, i just tested again my nullmailer and found everything is ok - i have all copies of outgoing email in my admin's mailbox.
  14. @dynambee If you use the postfix, you already have all needed for bcc'ing any mail and you don't need any extra efforts with php, IMHO :) And thi is one of standard features in postfix
  15. @30knees said in How to get copy sent to me of all customer order-related emails?: So basically setting up tb to not use something like Elastic email but go through the email provider of your choice? When you starting real business (eg trading) you'll need a messaging infrastructure. Anyway you'll register a domain, so why not to optimize your business, reducing costs related to mailserver maintenance? I think, google would do much better my mail management than me. Also it would do much better spam filetring (this is reply for @dynambee 's mension of spam problem) @dynambee said in How to get copy sent to me of all customer order-related emails?: Is there an option for IMAP that I am missing? Just click the email icon on th very top of TB's admin, and select the link "show all messages"
  16. Come on ,folks! The task is trivial. TB has the options for SMTP and IMAP servers. As i told above - why not to bind your MX record to google or some other third party mail provider? You definitely will have access to all needed mail
  17. In TB's email setting there's a switch called "Log emails". Is it not enough for that purpose?
  18. I use nullmailer. It is very easy to install, tune it to forward mails wherever you need, et c. Unfortunately, it is not for shared hosting :( Another option could be mail alias+dns mail hosting. I don't know about google, but it could be strange if they don't provide such feature. Anyway there're alot of mail services providing email hosting for free with mail aliases. Shortly: having the alias address, [email protected], when someone sends a mail on it, this alias sends copy of that mail for all members of alias address. In your case it could be [email protected], which sends as much copies, as real email addresses are members of that alias list.
  19. @marci123 Now all this restrictions move to complete stupidities: soon someone will decide to prohibit to breath the same air with ppl from the prohibited countries, or something else in that manner.
  20. @marci123 Yes, you're right. Just re-read Envato's rules - they prohibit as trading as and support. So, Johnny should read the rules more carefully. But, damn, this soft isn't related to high-tech of dual-use...
  21. @marci123 As far as i understood after reading your link, this is exactly Envato's failure, not author's, so they should punish themselves only and not try to transfer the responsibility on the innocent author (because he does not sold anything himself , technically all sales are made by Envato, author just get the % of sales). Also, according the mentioned regulations, it is very important question - whether ecommerce theme is controlled under the EAR. This is neither a "dual use" product (ie as civilian and military), nor cryptographic one. IMHO, the explanation of situation most close to reality is unfair competition from other competitors side.
  22. @lesley said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: Did you know the police here can take your money without filing any kind of charges on you? Russians and Americans are like twins in this. I'm absolutely not wondered - same things happen here. So, seems like commies were right when gave the definition of a state: "The state is a machine for oppressing one class by another, a machine to keep in obedience to one class other subordinate classes"
  23. I'm from Russia. However, when my company went thru SUN's procedure of partnership, it was mandatory for us to accept the US law related to imp/exp stuff So, this could be same in case of Envato, and that's exactly why i've said, that they trying to compete with Pope in their "sanctity"
  24. My dime: why the penalty was so hard? As far as i could remember, the US export/import legislation allows some kind of notifications/alerts to merchants. I know, that US regulations can prohibit even a pencil if needed (this was a question at one of SUN Microsystems' exam), but also it clear says, that in ordinary cases the very first action could be a warning with requirement to cancel suspicious deal. Why Envato not chose that way? That's why i think they'd like to be more saint than Pope.
  25. IMHO, since local legislation differs from country to country it could be difficult to reflect in TB all possible modifications around the world. I'm not a programmer, but imho, it could be made as some kind of localization plugins or api?
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