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Everything posted by Havouza

  1. Must be easier to create the product one more time. Really stupid. All other files fex images is no problem to change
  2. We sell services/virtual products. With each product comes a document for download. When you create the product you just upload it and it works. But how change the document if needed. As I see it it is not possible. I typical PS way it get a very long cryptic filename. How to manage this? Create the product new everytime?
  3. This seems to be a Chrome problem. I have emptied everything but it does not help. In Firefox it works without a problem
  4. Today I was goung to use Vekias simple tutorial to change the text editor to a full featured one. This has worked well in PS. Unfortunately something seem to have changed in tb so doing the change will not change anything. I have gone through everything three times. emptied cache, recompiled but nothing help. Has anyone else tested?
  5. OK good, it simplifies things. Thanks
  6. An interesting question is how cloudways do this. They offer redis. Do they offer one redis instance per hosting customer?
  7. This is how I understood the info when I read it. As a non-programmer that wants to try, I often look for guidance in the Stackoverflow forum. And there is a lot about redis
  8. The coin now fell into the slot. To hot for thinking today
  9. So if you create a carrier where the cart value of 401$ will disable that carrier its not enough? You need to be able to use both methods for one shipping, both weight, and value. The problem with too low value on shipments is a very beg issue in Sweden for the moment. Especially from China. More and more shipments are now stopped in customs because of this. It's obvious tax fraud to do it and disable fair competition
  10. That you decide yourself. Either calculate on wieght or price
  11. If you create a carrier and use billing according to total order value then you can disable the carrier if the order is out of range. Is that what you are after?
  12. Its not really relevant for us, we never sell two dildos of the same kind, two hosting packages or two forklifts. But I don't think it would take more. If we sell set of office chairs they can have different material in the seat, different colors on the legs and different kind of fabric on the back. Some have 0ver 700 possible combinations and when the customer choose to see different possibilities the price change all the time
  13. And then you directly break the German interpretation of the EU directive probably. And I dont agree that customers will be confused because what you add to the cart is the total price. And if you have combinations the price will change as soon as you choose an attribute. But different opinions are good for the discussion
  14. I have tried to find a module for it but either it does not exist. What I want to do is to update the price on the product page when the customer chooses the number of products he wants to buy. unit price should not change. See the attachment.
  15. Havouza


    I am sure Google has changed the algorithm long time before that so everyone has to start all over again. Has happened before
  16. I use Cgroups to limit each usergroups reights. I can be set very strict and I have had no problems with it. Downside is no real UI
  17. In a way vps is also shared hosting. You dont need cloudlinux for that, it is fully possible with fex Centos
  18. everything that not cost under 3 €/month ;-)
  19. I will move it but as long as you have less than 1 million pageviews per months and using redis no dedicated server is necessary. All from Piwik documents
  20. I have never doubted that the feature is necessary, but I doubt that even the German law sa that you must show unit price on everything
  21. But I doubt that is all true. I have two instances of redis running on one of the servers. The second one is used to speed up the saving of Piwik results in the db. In that case it is strongly advised to NOT use the redis for something else. I just thought that the cache from two different shops probably look totally different
  22. But Markus, what is the need to show the unit price for the t-shirt? It will just show the same price twice. Products like food mild or whatever is very ok and law everywhere but not for items that have fixed price per item. If I buy a t-shirt for 10 € or one for 20 €, they can never be compared
  23. But perhaps this is not good for any country I go to the product page. I see the price for 1 but want to buy 3. I press + twice. For me, the correct thing would be that the price changed to reflect the price for 3 units but the shown unit price would show for 1 unit. Is there a module somewhere fixing this?
  24. Or cars or computers or shoes or.....
  25. Havouza


    That was an old part I have already solved. What I was after now was the meaning that keywords is out. That is perhaps so for Google, but not for many other search engines. Like Yandex that has more than 65% of the Russian-speaking market
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