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Everything posted by Havouza

  1. The carrier I have setup and a product needing a carrier but this came after this There is no outside modules installed. I will take it away and see what happens
  2. I am not sure if this has something to do with it but it is for sure a bug. see attached shots. The column id-carrier does not exist in that table. Happened when I wanted to go to checkout from the frontpage cart
  3. @Traumflug @mdekker I now created a test product that requires shipping. But the result is the same. No Payment method available. I also activated and configured the bankwire module but still does not work. The Paypal express button show up on product page and checkout that is not good enough HELP HELP
  4. Yes. Its now a TG with huge amount of products, 8 for the moment. Will be max 15 I think. Only worry is the "no payment method available."
  5. I did that also, same result.
  6. Fixed all now. Thanks for help Solved
  7. so what to do about it?
  8. If you look in the page source the font-awesome css file is not linked . It can not work
  9. One question is if the cms pages read the font-awesome.css file
  10. Go to the link and press Compare packages in the menu
  11. Site is not ready but live Html Webmail This works perfect in a normal htmlpage www.host-thirty.com. Compare packages. Allmost all empty cells should have a tick in it
  12. wrong. It is an tag. No clue what it is
  13. There is a special css in css/vendor/font-awesome/. The awesome icons load in an iframe so I have changed the settings to allow iframes also. but it does not show up. It is one icon font I need its a tick. fa fa-check. I will investigate further
  14. No checked, seems right
  15. For the first time I set up a shop selling services. So no shipping needed. So no carriers setup. But I have setup payment method and I am sure I have enabled it everywhere but when I make a test buy it sa "No payment method is available for use at this time." Do I forget something?
  16. Havouza


    I thought so. But I can have dreamt. Because I uploaded the local copies and it worked again. Strange
  17. @wakabayashi that worked like a dream. Can you also solve the next problem? I use some Awsome fonts on the page. Is there a way to link them to the cms pages
  18. OK Thanks a lot
  19. Is it possible to add css classes to a css-file and use them on the cms pages like T&C etc
  20. Havouza


    I changed the css for my team on the new project as I always do. Uploaded and all was fine. Went to bed woke up this morning and opened the shop page. All css changes were gone: WHAT IS THIS? Has is something to do with the scss files? If so, can I shut it off, I have no time or interest to learn one more thing.
  21. decrypted PrestaShopException Call to undefined method TbUpdaterModule\ConfigurationTest::testDir() at line 593 in file modules/tbupdater/tbupdater.php php 588. 589. $success = false; 590. if (substr($file, -4) == '.zip') { 591. if (Tools::ZipExtract($file, $tmpFolder) && file_exists($tmpFolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$moduleName)) { 592. if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$moduleName)) { 593. => if (!ConfigurationTest::testDir(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$moduleName, true, $swag, true)) { 594. $this->addError(sprintf($this->l('Could not update module `%s`: module directory not writable.'), $moduleName)); 595. 596. return false; 597. } 598. $this->recursiveDeleteOnDisk(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$moduleName); - TbUpdater->extractModuleArchive - [line 462 - modules/tbupdater/tbupdater.php] - [3 Arguments] php 457. } catch (Exception $e) { 458. return false; 459. } 460. } 461. if (@file_exists($zipLocation)) { 462. => return $this->extractModuleArchive($moduleName, $zipLocation, false); 463. } 464. 465. return false; 466. } 467. ```Argument [0] tbupdater Argument [1] /var/www/vhosts/host-thirty.com/httpdocs/modules/tbupdater.zip Argument [2] - **TbUpdater->downloadModuleFromLocation** - [line `431` - `modules/tbupdater/tbupdater.php`] - [2 Arguments]php 426. $moduleInfo = $this->getModuleInfo($moduleName); 427. if (!$moduleInfo || !isset($moduleInfo['binary'])) { 428. return false; 429. } 430. 431. => if (!$this->downloadModuleFromLocation($moduleName, $moduleInfo['binary'])) { 432. return false; 433. } 434. 435. return true; 436. } Argument [0] tbupdater Argument [1] https://github.com/thirtybees/tbupdater/releases/download/1.1.3/tbupdater-v1.1.3.zip - **TbUpdater->updateModule** - [line `1525` - `controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php`] - [1 Arguments]php 1520. $moduleToUpdate[$name]['displayName'] = $moduleInfo['displayName']; 1521. } 1522. } 1523. 1524. foreach ($moduleToUpdate as $name => $attr) { 1525. => if (!$tbupdater->updateModule($name)) { 1526. $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Module %s cannot be upgraded: Error while extracting the latest version.'), ''.$attr['displayName'].''); 1527. } else { 1528. $moduleUpgraded[] = $name; 1529. } 1530. } Argument [0] tbupdater - **AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcessCallback** - [line `1442` - `controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php`]php 1437. } 1438. } 1439. 1440. // Call appropriate module callback 1441. if (!isset($ppmReturn)) { 1442. => $this->postProcessCallback(); 1443. } 1444. 1445. if ($back = Tools::getValue('back')) { 1446. Tools::redirectAdmin($back); 1447. } - **AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcess** - [line `379` - `classes/controller/Controller.php`]php 374. if ($this->checkAccess()) { 375. if (!$this->contentonly && ($this->displayheader || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { 376. $this->setMedia(); 377. } 378. 379. => $this->postProcess(); 380. 381. if (!empty($this->redirectafter)) { 382. $this->redirect(); 383. } 384. - **ControllerCore->run** - [line `742` - `classes/Dispatcher.php`]php 737. if (isset($paramsHookActionDispatcher)) { 738. Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $paramsHookActionDispatcher); 739. } 740. 741. // Running controller 742. => $controller->run(); 743. } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { 744. $e->displayMessage(); 745. } 746. } 747. - **DispatcherCore->dispatch** - [line `63` - `admin/index.php`]php 58. if (!isset($REQUEST['controller']) && isset($REQUEST['tab'])) { 59. $REQUEST['controller'] = strtolower($_REQUEST['tab']); 60. } 61. 62. // Prepare and trigger admin dispatcher 63. => Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch(); ```
  22. From beginning I just packed the shop and unpacked it on another domain connecting to the same db. I tried to find all configs that I needed to change but it never worked so I just cleaned it out and started over. It is your suggestion really for my 9 products but it will be very nice I hope
  23. Solved, I installed a clean shop
  24. @Traumflug I am sure you know. You worked a lot with the cloning.
  25. Hi! What config files do I need to change when I have moved the shop to new domain?
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