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Everything posted by Havouza

  1. Havouza

    homeslider text

    Marcus, you referred to my comment about my use of smartphone that is 0. But I am very aware of the use of small screens among the human race ;-) And have tried to make my new project usable in such devices
  2. Havouza

    homeslider text

    I have never used the two first ones. But realize that need something because the hype to use smartphones for web surfing. I don't even own a smartphone, I use the mobile to make calls and send text, nothing else. I don't need to waste time to check the phone all the time, I manage anyway. But that is probably a question about age But it is funny to sit outside the supermarket and study people coming and going. If they are under 40 95% has a big smartphone in the hand, over fifty has a small mobile in the pocket or in the belt.
  3. Havouza

    homeslider text

    I use vw size settings. It scale automatically but tend to be too small quickly
  4. I can also install it on a beauty clone to test
  5. You can always look at the page, it is coming together
  6. Hi! Yes in a way. But I will do it simpler from beginning. Then I will use TB even it it is np to 15 products only
  7. As I always have said. If you dont have work, you can always construct something
  8. And Lesley said something about Installatron
  9. We need to start call mdekker Speedy Gonzales
  10. OK. I have an empty server in the middle of Europe (Strasbourg). 32 Gb Ram 10 cores 100% SSD. Could shops in a bigger geographical area have use for such server?
  11. OK that I grasp. Now about Elasticsearch. Must the server be in the same server as the shop? Same network?. Or can there be one server connected to multiple shops over internet?
  12. Following this thread with interest. Looked on the Algolia web today and on prices. Can anyone of you experts explain what 10000 records mean? 100000 operations?
  13. @alwayspaws yes, but not the shop. Another project that I am working on Feeling better today?
  14. Anyone know a chat script that work similar to the one in this forum. With the chat visible when you scroll the page
  15. I have even an account in Russian Rubles in Moscow. My wife is a translator and does some of the jobs for a Russian agency. The problem is to get the money out without paying huge fees
  16. What I understand the Amazon fees are even higher than Ebay?
  17. All EU by law, but the banks is probably reluctant if they dont know you
  18. All are reachable from the same internet bank and I can transfer between them when the rate is good.
  19. I have three different accounts. One for each currency
  20. We sell on Ebay also but to higher price than in the shop. And explain why the price is higher. I have notised many customers that buy first time on ebay but next time directly, because they find the shop address in the delivery note
  21. The onl time i would need to let PP exchange is if I have no time to transfer the money to the bank and do it there. With this new EU rules the transfer take max 2 days so normally it is no problem, just some work. The bank exchange I can do instant in the Internet bank
  22. You can buy currency with or without a fee. But nothing is free in this world. Without fee means a bad rate, and you are right, Paypal is among the worst. About the exchange rate. I have solved it in another way. I have three accounts with my bank. Euro USD and GBP. The Swedish business is made in SEK only with a Swedish broker so it is no problem My Paypal also have the same 3 currencies. So when I transfer money from PP to my bank, I transfer in the same currency as I got paid. If I then need to exchange money, I do it in the bank.
  23. Most of these brokers cover their losses by different kind of fees, and they do it well it seems. Paypal is one of them and the worst fee is if you get paid in one currency and then either want to pay a supplier in another currency or want to transfer the money to your bank account that is in another currency. No one has as bad exchange rate as Paypal PLUS a fee. The big credit card brokers mainly use the official bank rate Our Swedish broker uses a system where they make a credit check on the buyer for every purchase. It is done without human intervention during the checkout Fraudulent buyers and sellers have always existed and will always do. It has become easier now with e-shops and credit cards. But the card providers also make it easier. My new bank card uses wireless technique to just be placed close to the machine and your payment is done without even using a pin. Even if the amount is limited It is a dangerous way.
  24. I sell in 4-5 EU countries and use Paypal, except in Sweden where we use a national broker that has also invoice possibility. Its expensive machines most. But for the rest I am not interested in being a bank and because abroker want to earn money. I pay in advance to the supplier for all sold goods Why should I have to wait. There is no technical problems. And especially when different merchants are treated differently depending on where the have the business
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