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  1. This override worked perfect. It no longer adds the inventory back unless the box is checked. Thanks.
  2. I'm going to check this out. I agree, "Has been delivered" shouldn't even apply in this scenario and I'm guessing that is the problem. I'll let you know. Thank you.
  3. Hi, I noticed this issue long ago and cannot figure out what would be causing it. The issue is this: - If I process a partial refund for an order from the back office, my system will always add the product back to inventory, even if I did not select the "Re-stock product" checkbox. It's quite frustrating since I do not want it added back unless I check the box. I've tested this on a clean install of TB and it does not have this issue. So then I went back and disabled all overrides and non TB modules on my system and cleared the cache. It still happens no matter what I do. I've checked the orderdetail.php file and it is exactly the same as the clean install file. Same with AdminOrdersController.php. What else could be causing this issue that I'm facing? If i have all non TB modules disabled as well as overrides off, it should work the same as my clean install of TB, right? Any help is appreciated.
  4. It does allow separate couriers and tracking.
  5. This is a good start. While the backend is a bit clunky, i understand why you've built it this way. The challenge is on the front end, where the user isn't picking between the options to assemble the pack in the same experience that a standard combination product lays out on the same website. Standard layout, user picks size and scent from dropdown But on this new combination pack, the dropdowns are different and are just a consolidated list of every option possible. This might be okay for a small combination set, but is almost unusable for a large combination set. The best experience would be for the front end to allow for the same exact experience of assembling options for a combination similar to this site below. They sell each of the components (golf grip, shaft, head) independently and this is a discounted pack option with a range of prices displayed based upon the combination criteria. Until we're able to get a similar front end user experience between standard and pak products, this new feature would likely not be used by our store.
  6. Real life for us: We often have to split shipments into multiple packages and between couriers. We have a third party shipping solution that helps us with this, but when looking in TB, all you see is one tracking code for once courier, which is wrong. Would be best if we understand in the TB backend which products were shipped against which tracking codes without having to jump to the other software solution to figure it out.
  7. Oh dear lord.... this will be awesome once its functioning correctly. I'll test and follow up.
  8. Sharing this since I finally had time to look into the problem and figure out the issue of not all Stripe payment methods appearing on their hosted checkout page. If you're using the TB Stripe module, you likely noticed that with update to version 1.8 a while back, that you were no longer seeing all the payment methods you selected on your Stripe dashboard available in the hosted checkout page. This was a problem as we couldn't get Afterpay or Cash App to show up for customers to select. They are enabled on the Stripe dashboard, but not in the hosted checkout. Anyway, here is a band-aid fix until our TB dev's have time to properly adjust the module. You just need comment out a couple lines in the file StripeApi.php public function createCheckoutSession( Cart $cart, string $methodId, array $methods = [], array $paymentMethodOptions = [] ) { $context = Context::getContext(); $total = Utils::getCartTotal($cart); $validationLink = Utils::getValidationUrl($methodId); /* if (! $methods) { $methods = [ \Stripe\PaymentMethod::TYPE_CARD, ]; }*/
      • 1
      • Thanks
  9. I'm on Warehouse on PHP 8.2 after some manual work to update. Not sure you'll be able to get it anymore though. I believe Panda is likely the most flexible theme available that is mostly configuration and not coding if that's what you're looking for https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/panda-creative-responsive-prestashop-theme . I'm not sure on their PHP compatibility but I remember them being quick to respond when asked. I believe I last tested it on 8.1 and it worked.
  10. I realize this is an old thread, but it was relevant to me to remove invoice attachment in all scenarios, but still generate the document for customer access on the web, to ensure optimum email delivery with our domain (Since huge amounts of emails with attachments are a big spam flag). I resolved with this override based on a post I found on the web. (Don't judge my code please 😉) It takes an override of the PaymentModule.php file in classes/module/. Lines 695-698 below are modified. PaymentModule.php
  11. Hello, I am using the @datakick module for product feeds to google and others. As part of this, I wish to submit additional images to the feed. Because it is XML, there has to be a line for each additional image in the feed in format <g:additional_image_link>https://www.example.com/image2.jpg </g:additional_image_link> <g:additional_image_link>https://www.example.com/image3.jpg </g:additional_image_link> The problem is that for some products there is 1 additional image. For others, there are up to six. Questions: - Is there a dynamic way to setup the template so that it understands how many additional images there are and inserts a line for each? - Or, more likely, if I insert a line for each manually in the template and select to omit blanks, how do I formulate the code so that it grabs the next available image for each xml line? I appreciate the assistance.
  12. I did something a little different, but similar within the warehouse theme. It's not perfect, but works pretty well still. It's a construct of CSS and JS primarily on the radios. It was with @wakabayashi's help. You can see the result here https://twighockeycompany.com/hockey-sticks/senior-sticks/rogue-c-hockey-stick-senior document.querySelector('#buy_block').addEventListener("click", function(event) { updateLabelsSelectedClass(); }); updateLabelsSelectedClass(); function updateLabelsSelectedClass() { var attributes_options = document.querySelectorAll('#attributes input'); if (attributes_options) { attributes_options.forEach(function (element) { var label = element.closest('li').querySelector('label'); if (label) { (element.checked) ? label.classList.add('labelSelected') : label.classList.remove('labelSelected'); } }) } }
  13. Hi, Every free shipping customer facing module I've ever seen only shows the free shipping amount target in the shop's default currency or that value currency converted. What we really seek is the ability to show a specific free shipping target amount in the currency the customer is using. We have one shop, it is not multi-store. I can make the backend work correctly already for providing free shipping, but the front office customer display does not work this way. What I mean is this: Free shipping at are store is order amounts of EUR € 100, USD $ 100, and CAD $ 150. As you can calculate, these are not even currency conversion calculations so using the default currency conversion doesn't work. We have the back end setup to handle this correctly for orders. But I want to show the customer how close they are to this amount on the front end. Have a module that just converts our default currency for this, doesn't work since they are static amounts and conversion amounts aren't applicable. Has anyone seen a module that can handle this display type well?
  14. This ended up being a TB bug in BE that @datakick resolved quickly. Thanks again for the fast resolution.
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