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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. col-md-{$sttheme.logowidth}"> <img class="logo replace-2x" src="{$logourl}" {if isset($sttheme.retinalogo) && $sttheme.retinalogo} data-2x="{$link->getMediaLink("$smarty.const._MODULE_DIR_stthemeeditor/$sttheme.retina_logo|escape:'html':'UTF-8'")}"{/if} alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"
  2. I want people to see it when they're wondering where to go next because I don't want them to confuse me with pet sellers. As far as for image SEO, I may as well add that. Here is part of the code. Where do I add the alt/title for the tag, please?
  3. Greetings to our latest team members: @Gontesque @clapcreative @evanglis @saimon93 @DVD @keylee and @albnavper Enjoy your time here. We all learn from each other!
  4. Nice teamwork @ajensen27 and @yaniv14
  5. @nickon said in Better responsive checkout: Just a quick update. Since switching to transformer theme (and the better opc layout) abandoned carts have dropped significantly. We are 0.60% up. So it DOES matter after all. Will keep a track and see if this continues This is fantastic news @nickon especially since I also use the Transformer theme. Thank you!
  6. @yaniv14 I searched for what @Traumflug showed me and found it, but I also searched for your suggestion but it wasn't found. This coding is tricky business! If I know where to find the code in the first place, it's easy for me to copy and paste, but that's as far as my "expertise" goes. :)
  7. @baarssen said in How can I add alt text to my website logo?: alt text is in Seo only effective it it just tels what we see, so if we see a car with 3 wheels the alt text should be "car with 3 wheels" or something like that. So its very important the alt text in our product images is correct, when people search the images in google they get the right content. Sometimes when you try a search phrase in google images you get the most strange results, so its important only to put short, and correct information. I can imagine you want to put all the information about your shop :) But keep clean and stay clean in that way Thank you for your advice @Baarssen! I kept it nice and short. :)
  8. @traumflug said in How can I add alt text to my website logo?: I looked in my transformer theme header.tpl and searched for “Always Paws” but it isn’t found and I don’t see where to change it. Watch out for $shop_name. You can replace something like title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" with title="My awesome dog shop" @Traumflug My hero! Thank you! It's so nice to get what I want once in a while.
  9. @yaniv14 said in How can I add alt text to my website logo?: If you are using different theme than you should look inside header.tpl file It already says my website name "Always Paws" but I want to add more to it. I looked in my transformer theme header.tpl and searched for "Always Paws" but it isn't found and I don't see where to change it. Should I post the code?
  10. I never had a site before where I didn't have alt text for the logo. Where is the setting hiding, please? Thanks as always!
  11. @bzndk and @vzex I installed LiveZilla again. I'm trying to follow the instructions here but keep getting stuck: https://www.livezilla.net/installation-integrate-live-chat-with-website/en/ I opened the LiveZilla Server Page and clicked Operator Console. Clicked the link icon and opened the Link Generator. Preview and Get Code are greyed out.
  12. I'll experiment with that on my test site. Great tech support @bzndk! Thanks so much!
  13. That works great! I need to do this from now on via csv which is how I add new products. I'm not sure how to do this with csv unless I enter the specific image for each color and size. I'll also have to update all my current products but I believe @innercode module will help me with that.
  14. @bzndk said in Thumbnails in Shopping Cart do not show selected color: Under the product >> combination, if you edit one of the products, did you select the images that should be linked with the product there ? Here is a screenshot of my combinations for one dog tee shirt. I thought it's connected by the specific reference code. I clicked to edit one of the combinations and at the bottom it asks: "Default: Make this combination the default combination for this product." Maybe it will work if I leave it unchecked.
  15. That's the part I'm stuck at. I don't know how to get the code under the link generator.
  16. @bzndk Thanks so much for installing it. Can you please help me? I can't figure out how to generate the code.
  17. To avoid confusing customers, I'd like to show in the shopping cart, the image of the color they have chosen. I have a specific image for each color choice. In the cart it only shows the default color. Example: this shirt shows a light blue thumbnail but the selected color is light pink:
  18. @traumflug said in Images Not Displaying: Uhm. Glancing over this discussion quickly I think nobody recommended to regenerate thumbnails so far. While it's named 'thumbnail', it actually means all displayed pictures. Backoffice -> Preferences -> Images, bottom of the page. Regarding storage location, product images are in img/p/, inside there are numbered folders, at the bottom one folder per product, with images in 10(!) sizes inside (by default). Thanks very much for this reply! I'm going to do that to see if it fixing the other image issue (favicons).
  19. @traumflug said in Images Not Displaying: Tried to contact him by email and got an automated response from a support system. Very strange! I hope @DVD can read these. @DVD please see your email updates.
  20. @Traumflug @lesley Can either of you figure out why we can't see @DVD replies, please? Also, when I need to contact administrators, which accounts do I use? @admin doesn't do anything.
  21. Nothing there! Can you see your reply?
  22. @DVD Some of your replies are still coming in empty. Maybe try pressing "quote" and then reply there.
  23. @daresh said in SEO Friendly Tag Titles: This is another free module, tested for compatibility with ThirtyBees. It's a very simple but usefull SEO fix - adding the tag name to the meta title. This feature should be default, but since it's not, this module can help: http://greenmousestudio.com/en/tag-titles I think this is a great idea @Daresh and thanks for making it a free module!
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