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Everything posted by Manisch
Thanks a lot, that works! (Sorry, can't mark your post as the correct answer) Or for others that might have the same issue: Change it to ORDER BY p.created Also take a look at the file BlogPostCategory.php and change it over there, if you're working with categories. Now all that's missing is the line where to change it for tags, but that's not that important for me.
New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25
Manisch replied to zimmer-media's topic in English
I'm sorry to hear that - that sucks :/ Is there any Plan B? Or can you give me the link to the other thread? Others probably have asked the same question (: -
New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25
Manisch replied to zimmer-media's topic in English
I'm not sure if I missed something about this module elsewhere, but can you please give me an honest statement about it's current state? If you canceled the work on this module, just say so... -
Hi, is there any chance someone over here can help me with the SmartBlog module? (It already came with the template, that's why I didn't use TB Blog) I recently wrote some blog entries about stuff that happened during the last year. Of course their dates were totally wrong/many posts had the same date. So I went to de database and adjusted it over there. But now I have a post from September, then one from August and then November, because they are still sorted by ID. Do you know how I could change this? I took a look at some of the module's PHP-files, but couldn't find something that clearly said "order by ID/Date". Also I'm not sure wheater it's sorted by some controller, or directly in a template file...
New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25
Manisch replied to zimmer-media's topic in English
Just wanted to check...is this module still a thing? Did I miss something? :D -
Can't add new category > missing column in database?
Manisch replied to Manisch's question in Technical help
@yaniv14 said in Can't add new category > missing column in database?: ALTER TABLE ps_category ADD COLUMN display_from_sub tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER active; Thanks, this seems to work :slightlysmilingface: -
An error occurred while sending the e-mail to the customer
Manisch replied to ukclearance's question in Technical help
Hm, you're right. For some reason, I had this memory, that you can preview an email in a separate window... Anyways: You can still right-click on the preview-window and search the code. There should be a div like this: Yes, this sounds a little complicated. But what I'm saying is: If you want to be really, really sure where the source is, this is a way to find it. -
An error occurred while sending the e-mail to the customer
Manisch replied to ukclearance's question in Technical help
When you're in the backoffice (translations > email templates) and then click on "preview", you can see the template path in the browser's address-line. -
Hi there, I noticed that I can't add new categories on a shop and guess it's probably a migration-error (Database). After turning on the developer mode it says: ``` Unknown column 'displayfromsub' in 'field list' INSERT INTO ps_category (nleft, nright, level_depth, active, display_from_sub, id_parent, id_shop_default, is_root_category, position, date_add, date_upd) VALUES ('0', '0', '3', '1', '1', '3', '1', '0', '0', '2018-06-23 11:51:48', '2018-06-23 11:51:48')``` ``` Can somebody tell me which SQL command could fix this? :slightlysmilingface: I found something like this for a similar problem concerning products: ``` ALTER TABLE ps_product ADD pack_stock_type int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '3'; ALTER TABLE ps_product_shop ADD pack_stock_type int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '3'; ALTER TABLE ps_pack ADD id_product_attribute_item int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER id_product_item; ALTER TABLE ps_pack DROP PRIMARY KEY;
Just gave it a quick check. On a technical level, it would work. But on a design level, I would have to change some CSS again. So I'll go with your first solution. Wasn't thaaaat complicated anyways :)
Sweet, thanks a lot! Seems to work :) Do you mind posting that also over at the Prestashop forum? First of all the solution could be useful over there, as well. Second I don't want to copy and paste it - you should get the credit. Oh and I'm still waiting for the actual TB GDPR Module. So hopefully no one will notice whether it's compliant or not until then :D Oh 2: Thanks to you, too @DaoKakao :)
@datakick Ah, very interesting. Thanks for figuring that out :) So how do I actually get the hook variable? Never made something like this before... Also I probably have to change the js or css file to apply this new ID, don't I?
Ah ok, the link above doesn't seem to be the best example. Does this one work? https://canelis.de/login?back=https%3A%2F%2Fcanelis.de%2Forder%3Fstep%3D1&displayguestcheckout=1 Or in other words: When you put somethin in your cart, try to check out and therefore create an accout. Then you have the option to use a different billing address (checkbox works).
@daokakao other checkboxes on the same form work. Do they use a different js?
Hello there, I just realized that some of the Checkboxes in the Art Free GDPR Module won't work. You can click them as much (and as hard) as you want, the just won't check. https://canelis.de/login#account-creation (At the bottom > "[] Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung gelesen und stimme ihr zu. Zur Datenschutzerklärung") I'll also ask the developer over at the PS-Forums, but you guys seem fitter to me :)
New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25
Manisch replied to zimmer-media's topic in English
@nickon As far as I know, asking for a review is considered "advertising". So If a customer agreed to receive your newsletter, then it's ok to ask for a review via email - otherwhise it's "spam". Perhaps you can print some cheap flyers/postcards so you can put in your package to ask for a review. Perhaps you can even combine it with a small piece of chocolate...? (: -
In general, I agree that the H-structure could be better. It just doesn't make that much sense to place so many H1s and H2s in those unimportant areas. On the other hand, when you compare your page with other prominent shops, then you will quickly see...nobody seems to care. It would be great if you could get an actual SEO-Boost by just having a good structure. But right now, it's not how it works.
@nickon Depends on what you mean by "messing with templates". It's actually ready to go, you just have to install the template and that's it. The messy part comes depending on how much personal style/design you want :D
@nickon Some templates by Templatemonster come with lazy loading.
New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25
Manisch replied to zimmer-media's topic in English
If anyone is giving me a fine, I would write a personal letter to Jan-Philipp Albrecht :D -
New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25
Manisch replied to zimmer-media's topic in English
@traumflug said in New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25: All the likes I got for the above post deserve to the two developers making this module, of course. Me made just the screenshot. -
@traumflug said in DSVGO ThirtyBees Modul: Um Min. 44:30 erklärt Jan Phillip Albrecht, dass es "viel zu einfach ist, für Abmahnungen Gebühren zu kassieren". Um 1:08:40 wiederholt er diese Ansicht noch mal. Das stimmt doch mal vorsichtig zuversichtlich, dass diese kostenpflichtigen Abmahnungen in absehbarer Zeit verschwinden. Denn wo immer man die Diskussion um die DSGVO beobachtet, es geht mehr um die Sorge vor Abmahnungen als um das eigentliche Gesetz. Ja, in dem Gespräch geht es auch stark darum, wie solche Gesetze kommuniziert werden und dass sich das stark verbessern muss. Er stellt es so dar, als sei die DSGVO deswegen "abmahn-feindlich" konstruiert worden. Bin gespannt, ob das funktionert. Generell wäre es aber wirklich super, wenn sich die Politik dem Thema Abmahnungen annimmt. In anderen ländern scheint das besser zu laufen.
Habe vorhin in einen Podcast von Sascha Lobo reingehört: https://soundcloud.com/user-728223693/albrecht-lobo-und-das-dsgvo Zu Gast ist Jan Philipp Albrecht, der als einer der "Väter" der DSGVO/GDPR gilt. Die interessantesten Aussagen von Albrecht sind im Grunde, dass sich gerade kleinere Internetseiten keine Sorge um Abmahnwellen machen sollten. Per Gesetz müssen die Behörden wohl erstmal Hinweise geben, wenn man etwas falsch macht. Erst bei wiederholten Verfehlungen kann es dann zu Strafen kommen. Und die Strafen selbst sollen im angemessenen Verhältnis stehen. Wenn es also heißt "Es drohnen Bußgelder bis 300.000€, dann betrifft das in erster Linie die Großen wie Google oder Facebook. Jemand wie du und ich wird wenn nur einen Bruchteil des ganzen zahlen müssen. Lobo hält immer ein bisschen dagegen, dass er das nicht so ganz glaubt und vermutet doch mehr Abmahnungen. Es endet letztlich mit dem Fazit, dass man sich in ein paar Monaten noch mal zusammensetzen müsste, um zu schauen, was es letztlich für Fälle gab.
New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25
Manisch replied to zimmer-media's topic in English
@toplakd I'm using the one by Artfree (: My biggest struggle is that "a friend of a client" wants to embed Analytics instead of Matomo and also the Facebook Pixel, but she doesn't seem to think this through. I kinda just look the other way and say "Then it'S up to you"... I have to say I'm not very pleased with the way Thirty Bees handled this GDPR-Module. Yes, I know GDPR is a mess and I also know your situation as a developer. But your communication in this matter is not the best. I just read a lot of "next week" and "the next days", but looking around...I still don's see any Module. I love your philosophy and what you've created with TB. I just wish there was more transparency when it comes to the GDPR-Module, because people really rely on it. If there are complications, and you still need some more days, just say so. Give us a fixed date. Even if you still need another 2 months, I wish I had this information, so I know it's better to go with Plan B instead of waiting. -
New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25
Manisch replied to zimmer-media's topic in English
Btw. If you made a crowdfunding campaign for a GDPR module, I bet your bank account would have been exploded :D