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Everything posted by Anima

  1. Anima


    Sou usuário Linux a mais de 5 anos, fiquei maravilhado por opensource e livre, logo em seguida fiquei apaixonado por python, hoje ajudo em projetos opensource e livre em paython, e em outros ajudo em tradução. Eu quem traduziu 100% do TB para PT-BR e acredito por muito tempo (não sei hoje) portugueses usavam essa tradução. Eu não posso ajudar com dinheiro, se eu pudesse eu ajudaria com certeza, pois sei da importância desse tipo de licença. Mas não deixo de ajudar com código (quando tenho capacidade, pois sou iniciante em programação), tradução e informando bugs. Em muitos projetos até tenho voz, aqui não foi um deles. Certa vez sugeri uma funcionalidade que iria fazer TB decolar. Sugeri uma simples adição de frente de caixa, pois muitas lojas não são apenas online, elas também são físicas e usam outras ferramentas não integradas ao TB para vender em lojas físicas. Mas, acredito que o sonho acabou, estou migrando hoje para saleor e desligando minhas lojas TB, ficará até mais confortavel visto ue saleor usa python e graphql sendo assim tenho mais autonomia, não precisa pagar ou esperar décadas para ferramentas simples serem implantadas. Desculpem escrever em português, após esse descaso do TB, decidi que vou dar mais valor as minhas coisas, eu sei Python, vou procurar soluções em Python, estudo GraphQL, vou procurar soluções em GraphQL. E vou me despedir do TB que eu tanto amei em português, pois não quero falhas na tradução! Eu te amei muito TB! Mas tenho que continua seguindo...
  2. wonderful!!!
  3. Anima


    It is unfortunate $ 5 to be so much money in my country!
  4. Very good, can you post the use of memory and processing on the raspberry? There is a cool app for this JuiceSSH + Performace Monitor. Or the good is old: $ free -h and $ top It took me a while to load the pages, but I think it is due to the location (Brazil). Ping 239 ~ 244 But from what I can see, it maintains a very beginning store in production very well. I have raspberry pi 3+, I haven't tested it yet because I use ISPCONFIG 3, the raspberry won't do it.
  5. Anima


    Hello, I've been around since the birth of TB. I think I can give my opinion. Recently I was very inclined to migrate to Saleor, as it is more comfortable for me to work with python and graphql. PHP has always been a drag on me. But I have a lot of love for TB. Here I learned how to configure a server with ISPCONFIG 3, I learned a lot about CSS and Linux (despite being an old user). I don't care which way TB is going, I'm going to follow it. Here is my collaboration: - I recently wanted to start a personal website (with everything I do on a daily basis, informatics, solar energy and a little politics). - I can write to HowToForge, Medium, my personal blog, possibly videos on youtube and social networks, thus increasing TB deceit. - As you can see in this post, I have a little difficulty with English, but I take responsibility, without altruism, I believe that I can evolve a lot in all areas that I will get involved in! - The idea of the raspberry was magnificent, I was already thinking of exploring it, because I have an old machine running server and raspberry pi 3 to play with. Continuing on raspberry, this can be the gateway for many logists, since at least here (Brazil) many people start making up to 1 - 2 sales a week ... so the raspberry is more than enough. Especially now that U$ 1 = R$ 5.70 (when it should be around R$ 2) I have a lot more to say, but it ended up here. Remembering where TB goes, I'll go along, even if with another name!
  6. Ahhh, only one thing, there is only the stable and bleeder option, In case I choose to bleed? 1.0.x?
  7. Thank you very much!!! I'll see it now !!!
  8. I understand, I have a store with the theme installed, I will create a test domain and I will install and see what is active in the other. It will be a lot of work, but I believe that tb team is not very interested in solving this problem urgently.
  9. I'm trying to install the theme "warehouse", it installs almost normal. But the modules that should be installed do not install and those that should be removed are not removed. I could even do this manually but I do not know which modules I should remove.
  10. Anima


    It worked!!! I actually put the first key I made. Many thanks to both!
  11. Anima


    I just created another key, still not working v1.0.2
  12. Anima


    I do not think I'm forgetting anything ... The solution is becoming another problem hahahhaa
  13. Anima


    Use warehouse theme, does it have any connection with the error?
  14. Anima


    Not being enabled, it always gets "unknown"
  15. Anima


    error images
  16. Anima


    Is returning error in example Confimmation "Unknown"
  17. Anima


    Hello everyone, @mdekker Today I received more than 50 emails in the store with random domain and .ru, I'm getting worried, I would block anything .ru. Can someone guide me? and there's still more
  18. Anima

    Erro CronJobs

    Then there must be some error in the updates, I did not update anything beyond the paypal outside the automatic update tb, I do not know how this updated module came to stop in the store Thanks a lot for the help!
  19. Anima

    Erro CronJobs

    I will get the latest version in github, because when I was trying to update it was giving error
  20. Anima

    Erro CronJobs

    v2.1.1 remove and re-install the error disappeared, but I can no longer add tasks, they simply do not stay after save
  21. Anima

    Erro CronJobs

    Hello everyone, I'm having this problem when I try to add a cron job.
  22. Anima


    @mdekker I should thank you always, you have always helped me a lot! I really admire you: D
  23. I was having trouble with v6.0.0 so I tried with v5.3.2 and it worked fine :)
  24. Anima


    @mdekker Excuse me I do not remember how I got to v6.0.0, but I think you remember that I was having a hard time activating any pay module. I think in many attempts I ended up seeing as an option a higher version of paypal. And I discovered that the problem was not the module or tb or I configuring wrong, but the paypal that blocks this service for Brazil. Well the Express is working, but the pluss here in Brazil have to wait for release, at the moment paypal is evaluating my documents and the site.
  25. Anima


    It worked!!!! It was the version, v6.0.0 is giving error, went with v5.3.2 and ran! Many thanks to all for the help, I am 1 year without selling online auction trying to find a module that works! I am very happy!!
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