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Posts posted by toplakd

  1. Have uploaded it for test if one could not do the conversion by him self.
    It's convertet from current GeoLite2 City, dated 2019-01-22.


    Just upload it into /tools/geoip folder, enable geolocation from the backoffice and you are ready to go.

  2. Yeah, geolocation is good and needed if you sell across the globe and you are registered to VAT.

    As in EU prices for the customers have to be shown with tax included, but tax is not charged in case of shipping outside European Union.

    So displaying tax included prices for outside visitors is not good, as they would see higher price if not logged and many of them would not even register to see that actual price for them is lover for the % of your countries tax.

    So in my case we have 22% VAT and EU customer sees 122 EUR (tax incl.) price, but for customer outside EU the 100 EUR price is shown (tax excl.)

    But If you are not registered to VAT than you don't need geolocation for normal shop operation.

  3. Have just converted the free GeoLite2 City Database to GeoLiteCity.dat and uploaded into live store and it works.

    Have tested the site on dotcom-tools to see if prices are shown with tax included or tax excluded based on country location, as for EU I display prices with tax, and for other countries without tax.

    • Like 1
  4. Migration with this module to 1.0.8 was as easy as it gets.

    Thank you very much for this module, as it made me finaly switch to TB after few months.

    Only one error happens during migration where email subject is not added to "Email Template Subject" field.

    It happens on fresh installed prestashop migration, and as I see it also happens with upgrade from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8 (dont know if migraded),

    so this might not be the modules issue, but 1.0.8 upgrade procedure issue.

    But other than that, it just works.

    After the migration, and TB Updater there was stil some stock modules which were saying: by Prestashop, but this might be because fo the reason they were not installed and therefore not checked by the updater.

    Good work and thank you very much.

  5. Its funny. Copying the red formatted text from forum into field gives error,

    but copying same text from thirtybees other instalation gives green ok.

    Let me try once again without red formatting.
    [{shop_name}] {subject}


    Exactly. Pasting Red formatted text into field with ctrl+v gives red error, but pasting red formated text with ctrl+shift+v gives no error.

    • Like 1
  6. Have found a way to fix it so its now working again.
    I have shop mail as shop@domain, and customer service as customer@domain.

    both mail accounts are forwarded to my gmail account, and both mails are allowed to send mail from gmail.

    Now, for replying as customer@domain you have to have it added as usual and checked "is alias"

    but if you are also having shop@domain mail in gmail, it should not be marked as alias, as otherwise you will always end up replying to customer@domain.

    So, customer@domain is alias and shop@domain is not an alias.

    That way clicking on reply adds correct sender from reply-to header.

  7. In migration process it can happen that you get at least 1 error, which i also get if i migrate freshly installed Prestashop that was created with Softacolous.


    SQL 1064 in INSERT INTO `ps_configuration`(`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) SELECT 'TB_MAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE', '[{shop_name}] {subject}', NOW(), NOW() WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'TB_MAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE' ) = 0: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'TB' at line 3

    This error is related to back office "Advanced Parameters / Email" and therefore the "Email subject template field" is left blank, so after migration you have to add  {subject} {shop_name} into that field and save it. 

    • Like 1
  8. Since the GeoLite Legacy is discontinued, are there any plans for using GeoLite2 with thirty bees?

    As it seems, the prestaheroes is stil using Legacy as base.

  9. No, it wont.
    Going to 1.0.8 is as easy as it gets.

    But don't forget to create backup first.
    I always transfer the backup to subdomain and perform migrations or updates on the backup.

    Than test it, and if everything works fine i move it to live domain.

    In migration process it can happen that you get at least 1 error, which i also get if i migrate freshly installed Prestashop that was created with Softacolous.


    SQL 1064 in INSERT INTO `ps_configuration`(`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) SELECT 'TB_MAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE', '[{shop_name}] {subject}', NOW(), NOW() WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'TB_MAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE' ) = 0: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'TB' at line 3

    This error is related to back office "Advanced Parameters / Email" and therefore the "Email subject template field" is left blank, so after migration you have to add  {subject} {shop_name} into that field and save it. 

    But other than that it just works.

  10. Hope no problems will appear.

    Have tried to migrate several times during different TB versions, but now at 1.0.8 and migrator and updater it worked as it should.

    I'm using PS 3.11.4 Paypal module, as i'm not ready to play with TB paypal yet and it's rest api 🙂

    And first paypal orders are already through with success on migrated site.

  11. I just migrated from latest PS to TB 1.08 without problems. Have switched to the original TB theme in migration process, disabled all overrides and everything was just working.

    But got that 500 error few weeks back when i was on and tried to copy over my existing customized theme.

    Yesterday then  tried again with upgraded ps to latest, and than migrated to TB. And now even my customized theme works as it should.

    Don't totaly know where my problem was few weeks back, but yesterday it just worked and already got through first orders succesfully after migration.

    But I'm not using official TB Paypal module, as stil using the PS Paypal v3.11.4. Switching to TB is already big step, and don't wanna mess with new paypal module at this time.


  12. Next change:
    Disabling sending copy of contact form message to the customer:

    Deleted following from line 234 in ContactController.php


     || !Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'contact_form', ((isset($ct) && Validate::isLoadedObject($ct)) ? sprintf(Mail::l('Your message has been correctly sent #ct%1$s #tc%2$s'), $ct->id, $ct->token) : Mail::l('Your message has been correctly sent')), $varList, $from, null, null, null, $fileAttachment, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false, null, null, $contact->email)


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