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Posts posted by toplakd

  1. Do you have softaculous on your hosting?

    If yes, install thirtybees from there, and than check the database setting on the softaculous install.

    Like how server is written and database names.



  2. As it seems nobody translated that part for your language.

    Who does not want to provide a little advertisement for free software he is using, that one should modify and remove the parts on it's own 🙂


  3. Don't know where this error comes from, but I do think it has to do something with hosting provider and server/mail configuration and has nothing to do with the contact form itself,

    as contact form is working flawlesly, no matter if phpmail, smpt, ssl or no ssl.

    During time I was on PS I have read a lot of people had such troubles when upgrading to different 1.6 versions.

    I have updated everytime when update was available and contact form has never been a trouble for my shop.

    And after migration to tb everything just works as before. No matter if tb theme or ps theme, phpmail or smtp mail. It just works.

  4. Duplicate function does work.

    If you use friendly names, check if the friendly name for duplicate was changed from original.

    As it seems you have now 2 products with same friendly url.

    When in product there is SEO tab, click on it and than click generate.

  5. As you have said in other topic, you have also PS shops installed on same servers and contact form works on them.

    And as you already have native TB instalation to test, you can try to copy contact-form.tpl from prestashop, and test it, and if it stil does not work you can also try to copy the /controllers/front/ContactController.php

    delete /cache/class_index.php after upload, and also in Dashboard/Advanced parameters/Performance check force compilation and disable cache.

    Attached are the files from

    And even if it works after, as lesley said it could be server settings related as no matter where i install (have also 3 different hostings at current time) the contact form works out of the box.






  6. What is mentioned above should realy be changed in the upcoming version.

    As many shop owners don't even realize that If shop default country contains states, and they have account creation with address,

    than customer (which comes from country that does not have states) can not register in their shop.

    This can be very easily verified. Fresh TB has default country USA, then enable one or more countries that does not have states.

    Than try to register new account with that country. No-go 🙂


  7. Little more detailed -  how to mod your non community-default theme from 5 order-steps to 3 order-steps.:

    1. You need order-address.js and OrderController.php from package in the mentioned directories.

    2. change order-steps.tpl accordingly to be like the one in provided package.

    3. add {include file="$tpl_dir./order-carrier.tpl"} to the bottom of order-address.tpl to include the carrier on address page (the .php. and .js files cover the needeed functions)

    4. In order-address.tpl remove original order address buttons (back and proceed) as the ones from order-carrier.tpl will be used.

    5. In order-carrier.tpl disable or delete {include file="$tpl_dir./order-steps.tpl"} to prevent showing additional order steps in the middle of the page.

    6. In order-carrier.tpl search for step= and change the number to step=0 so the back button will bring you back to cart summary

    7a. If classis payment checkout is used, open order-payment-classic.tpl, search for step= and change the number to step=1, so the back button will bring you back to address step.

    7b. if Advanced EU checkout page is enabled, open order-payment-advanced.tpl, search for step= and change the number to step=1, so the back button will bring you back to address step.


    This is the most basic 5step to 3 step conversion.

    1st step - cart summary page

    2nd step - login-address-carrier page

    3rd step - payment page

  8. 2 hours ago, DRMasterChief said:

    order-payment-advanced.tpl    line 33,  do you have inserted this?

    {include file="$tpl_dir./shopping-cart.tpl" cannotModify=1 }

    Yes, this was added, so shopping cart on payment page does not allow changing quantity, and in same moment the sentence is used to hide the payment buttons payment step shopping cart, as shopping cart is moved to top in the payment step.

    So payment buttons in advanced-payment are under the payment/terms selection and have been added to advanced-payment.

    And no, I did not comment a lot on templates.

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