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Posts posted by colorful-ant

  1. I finally found a small part of my problem. In the separate newsletter module of my shop theme, there are the same options. "Would you like to send a verification email after subscription?" This was not activated. The default module was active at the time of installation and apparently overlooked it when I installed the new theme.

  2. @Traumflug I think your suggestion is ok. The problem again is that the testing of the VAT id by another module works. For checking the VAT ID.

    But I think I have seen in an earlier post by zimmer-media times that there are discrepancies with the input. If I remember it correctly there were problems with the field of the VAT ID and the normal tax number. - but I'm not sure about that now. It was a bit longer ago when I saw that.

    I think it was mainly about the actual VAT id for the field. Even if it can be easily used by a person, if it is copied on the Internet by any company.

  3. can someone help?

    i try to integrate the meta-description

    i can add in file httpdocs / modules / beesblog / controllers / front / post.php

    under my changes $this->context->smarty->assign(array(

    'meta_description' => $post->content, but i dont know how to truncate - for example 160 signs

  4. changing step 5

    simple meta-title httpdocs / modules / beesblog / controllers / front / post.php

    find $this->context->smarty->assign($postProperties);

    and change to ``` $this->context->smarty->assign($postProperties);

            'meta_title'             => $post->title, 


  5. my next change tb blog module thanks @yaniv14

    httpdocs / modules / beesblog / views / templates / front / postlistitem.tpl

    before 0_1531360834382_c5f3ebb4-1e59-4722-bc47-afdbeb0bc5c9-image.png

    {if $totalPostsOnThisPage > 0} {if $category->id} <span class="navigation-pipe">{$navigationPipe|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span>{l s='Category: %s' mod='beesblog' sprintf=[$category->title]} {else} <span class="navigation-pipe">{$navigationPipe|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span>{$category->title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {/if}


    {if $totalPostsOnThisPage > 0} {if $category->id} <span class="navigation-pipe">{$navigationPipe}</span>{l s='Category: %s' mod='beesblog' sprintf=[$category->title]} {else} <span class="navigation-pipe">{$navigationPipe}</span>{$category->title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {/if}

    new 0_1531361298073_d91b1580-267c-4e10-addf-29a07c9042d2-image.png

    change {$navigationPipe|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} to {$navigationPipe}

  6. In addition, I have made further adjustments to the standard page of the blog example additional heading and description


    httpdocs / modules / beesblog / views / templates / front / category.tpl

    <div id="beesblog-category-list" class="block"> {foreach from=$posts item=post} {include file="./post_list_item.tpl" post=$post} {/foreach} </div> to (you can change the h1-tags to another tag)

    enter your desired data between {l s = 'and'} or use the translation in the BO

    <div id="beesblog-category-list" class="block"> <h1>{l s='Shop Blog' mod='beesblog'}</h1> <p>{l s='Here you will find our current and additional information about our shop and ........ mod='beesblog'}</p> <hr> {foreach from=$posts item=post} {include file="./post_list_item.tpl" post=$post} {/foreach} </div>



    after changing


  7. i tried now for a better look on my recent posts with tb-bees blog module





    i changed httpdocs / modules / beesblogrecentposts / views / templates / hooks / column.tpl

    <div class="beesblogrecentposts-content"> <h5> <a class="beesblogrecentposts-title" href="{$post->link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$post->title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"> {$post->title|truncate:'20'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} </a> </h5> <span> <i class="icon icon-calendar"></i> {$post->published|date_format} <i class="icon icon-eye"></i> {$post->viewed|intval} </span> </div>


    <div class="beesblogrecentposts-content"> <h5> <a class="beesblogrecentposts-title" href="{$post->link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$post->title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"> {$post->title|truncate:'20'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} </a> </h5> <span> <i class="icon icon-calendar"></i> {$post->published|date_format} <i class="icon icon-eye"></i> {$post->viewed|intval} </span> </div> <hr>

    i add only

    after the
  8. I have some problems with a TB shop and settings. Some things do not work as they should. It worked with Prestashop. Unfortunately, I've tried so many settings now that I do not have the default settings anymore. I have an active module that is not yet up-to-date and not compatible with php 7+. Which settings / activations php / FastCGI do you recommend?


  9. @baarssen said in Display the "on sale" icon on the product page ........:

    In my case: all my products are 10 to 25% cheaper then the normal prices

    OK thanks, I understand it a little better now. I think that I do not think so alone. An option "on sale", if a product has a discount for a short period of time, it would be very helpful. If the "on sale" option would work for it automatically. Thinking about which products have no discount and then removing the option is not just extra work, sometimes one is overlooked, and so on. I do not know how else we would make this work easier.

  10. Since PS 1.5, I still do not know why this option is separate. With the current laws within the EU and Germany, I think, this option is pointless.

    For me personally, it would be more helpful if this option works automatically when a discount is entered in the product. In the process, this function should be deactivated automatically with the icon after the discount period has expired.


  11. I finally wanted to write a newsletter for my shop for several weeks now. I noticed that suddenly hundreds of entries were added. Then I searched for some mail addresses on Google. Most of them were deposited as SPAM.

    How can I delete the entries (without database)? How can I avoid the entries without deactivating the newsletter module?

  12. @datakick - I think the settings are ok. htaccess is generated and no manual changes are made.




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    RewriteEngine on

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    AlphaImageLoader for IE and fancybox

    RewriteRule ^images_ie/?([^/]+).(jpe?g|png|gif)$ js/jquery/plugins/fancybox/images/$1.$2 [L]


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    If rewrite mod isn't enabled

    ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?controller=404

    ~~end~~ Do not remove this comment, thirty bees will keep automatically the code outside this comment when .htaccess will be generated again



  13. Hello Petr Thank you for this great module.

    Point 1 I need your help for the new version. If I use the new option https://www.yoursite.com/en/reviews and then click on the product in the list, I get a 404 page. I have not yet tested in both shops, but I suspect it may be the same error (whether multilingual or not). The product link from the revws page example https://www.yoursite.com/en/product. The actual link is with me https://www.yoursite.com/en/category/product. After the click, the 404 page appears to me because the correct link to the product is not correct (category is missing in the link).

    Point 2 If I did not find this option: Is it possible for a future version to create an option where all scores appear on average in a small div or something that can only be inserted on the homepage, for example.

  14. @cassim from prestashop -> seoupdater https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/56865-seo-updater-module-automatically-generate-title-description-and-keywords-meta-tags/

    it works with tb -> but it does not work with php 7+ I think the problem was here with mysql

    meta tags for products and category


  15. seufz noch keine erleichterung in diversen fällen der abmahnschei...e in sicht

    DSGVO: Politiker wollten teure Abmahnungen stoppen – und sind vorerst gescheitert https://www.onlinehaendler-news.de/recht/abmahnungen/31849-dsgvo-politiker-wollten-teure-abmahnungen-stoppen-vorerst-gescheitert.html?utmsource=Newsletter&utmmedium=Link&utm_campaign=Daily

  16. ich hatte bei tests und einem liveshop (der ist erst ma futsch) keine probleme. der versand wurde anteilig je nach produkten mit 7% und 19% berechnet. die gesamtsumme (brutto) versand ist dabei immer gleich geblieben. zum einstellen der versandkosten mit der steuer darf das auec nicht aktiviert sein, dann kann man die daten in der jeweiligen versandard eingeben und danach aeuc einfach wieder aktivieren und ggf im fo prüfen wegen der rechtssicheren bestellübersicht. in den stammdaten steuer glaub ich oder evtl auec die option mit anteiliger berechnung versand aktivieren.

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