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Posts posted by colorful-ant

  1. I do not know if it's officially allowed for everyone, but I've changed it for myself

    I have added a column of VAT, the other columns I have not changed. that is, the revenue of the products plus shipping plus gift packaging have remained the same. Here I see what I have to pay as tax.

    picture example - shop with shipping inside and outside the EU -> sales with and without tax



  2. themes / community-theme-default / authentication-create.tpl

    change default code


    {* {l s='January'} {l s='February'} {l s='March'} {l s='April'} {l s='May'} {l s='June'} {l s='July'} {l s='August'} {l s='September'} {l s='October'} {l s='November'} {l s='December'} *}

    to ```

  3. yes - attributes can be upload via csv

    if you have more than one attribute per attribute-group, it is at the moment with standard not possible

    take a look here and try a few items to import if you have more then one attribute per group


  4. I am not sure - I do not use a full cache and have problems with prices etc. If e.g. the discount ends - it usually shows this discount in the product and the lists in category etc.

    With PS 1.6 I had used this script from prestacraft for help. http://prestacraft.com/programmatically-cache-clearing-in-prestashop/#

    With TB I have tested it again and works without problems. Maybe this option should be integrated with cron job in the core.

    EDIT : or module

  5. for language block with flag - default theme

    modules / blocklanguages / blocklanguages.tpl


    <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> {$current_iso|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} <span class="caret"></span> </a>

    to <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <span><img alt="{$language.iso_code}" height="11" span="" src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" width="16" />{$current_iso|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span> <span class="caret"></span> </a>

    and this

    <a href="{$lang_rewrite_urls.$indice_lang|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$language.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="alternate" hreflang="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <span>{$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s\(.*\)$/":""}</span> </a> to

    <a href="{$link->getLanguageLink($language.id_lang)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$language.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="alternate" hreflang="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <span><img alt="{$language.iso_code}" height="11" span="" src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" width="16" /> {$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s\(.*\)$/":""}</span> </a>



    i played a little bit with the code for blockcurrency community-theme-default / modules / blockcurrencies / blockcurrencies.tpl

    i changed this

    {l s='Currency: %s' sprintf=[$current_iso] mod='blockcurrencies'} <span class="caret"></span> to {l s='Currency: %s' sprintf=[$current_iso] mod='blockcurrencies'} <img src="../../img/l/{$f_currency.id_currency}.jpg" alt="" class="currency_flag" /><span class="caret"></span>

    and this <a href="javascript:setCurrency({$f_currency.id_currency});" rel="nofollow" title="{$currency_name}"> {$currency_name} </a> to

    <a href="javascript:setCurrency({$f_currency.id_currency});" rel="nofollow" title="{$currency_name}"> <img src="../../img/l/{$f_currency.id_currency}.jpg" alt="" class="currency_flag" /> <span class="currency_text">{$f_currency.sign}</span> </a>



    if you do not want the text (iso code) etc, delete the snippets or comment out. i have not tried these changes with countries and same currency etc. use at your own risk.

  6. ok - I keep testing

    for language block with flag - default theme

    modules / blocklanguages / blocklanguages.tpl


    <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> {$current_iso|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} <span class="caret"></span> </a>

    to <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <span><img alt="{$language.iso_code}" height="11" span="" src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" width="16" />{$current_iso|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span> <span class="caret"></span> </a>

    and this

    <a href="{$lang_rewrite_urls.$indice_lang|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$language.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="alternate" hreflang="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <span>{$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s\(.*\)$/":""}</span> </a> to

    <a href="{$link->getLanguageLink($language.id_lang)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$language.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="alternate" hreflang="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <span><img alt="{$language.iso_code}" height="11" span="" src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" width="16" /> {$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s\(.*\)$/":""}</span> </a>



    i played a little bit with the code for blockcurrency community-theme-default / modules / blockcurrencies / blockcurrencies.tpl

    i changed this

    {l s='Currency: %s' sprintf=[$current_iso] mod='blockcurrencies'} <span class="caret"></span> to {l s='Currency: %s' sprintf=[$current_iso] mod='blockcurrencies'} <img src="../../img/l/{$f_currency.id_currency}.jpg" alt="" class="currency_flag" /><span class="caret"></span>

    and this <a href="javascript:setCurrency({$f_currency.id_currency});" rel="nofollow" title="{$currency_name}"> {$currency_name} </a> to

    <a href="javascript:setCurrency({$f_currency.id_currency});" rel="nofollow" title="{$currency_name}"> <img src="../../img/l/{$f_currency.id_currency}.jpg" alt="" class="currency_flag" /> <span class="currency_text">{$f_currency.sign}</span> </a>



    if you do not want the text (iso code) etc, delete the snippets or comment out. i have not tried these changes with countries and same currency etc. application at your own risk.

  7. at the moment i have only country flag with full country text for blocklanguage

    if you have only country text (it may differ depending on the template or additional module) module blocklanguages/blocklanguages.tpl

    find {$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s.*$/":""}

    replace with (example) <span><img alt="{$language.iso_code}" height="11" span="" src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" width="16" /> {$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s.*$/":""}</span>

    to 0_1538437444801_45228902-c361-435f-88ed-7b770089fcad-image.png


    blockcurrency i have no testet - if it is possible

    edit: sorry - but maybe it will help anyway

  8. i´m not sure - i changed product.tpl

    first lines after {include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"} {if $errors|@count == 0}

    to this

    {if !isset($priceDisplayPrecision)} {assign var='priceDisplayPrecision' value=2} {/if} {if !$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2} {assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(true, $smarty.const.NULL, 6)} {assign var='productPriceWithoutReduction' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false, $smarty.const.NULL)} {elseif $priceDisplay == 1} {assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(false, $smarty.const.NULL, 6)} {assign var='productPriceWithoutReduction' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true, $smarty.const.NULL)} {/if}

    before {assign var='product_tabs' value=Configuration::get('STSN_PRODUCT_TABS')} {assign var='show_brand_logo' value=Configuration::get('STSN_SHOW_BRAND_LOGO')} {assign var='discount_percentage' value=Configuration::get('STSN_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE')}

  9. my product.tpl - product.js is solved

    i changed product.js - I have replaced the complete function function updateDiscountTable(newPrice) from default theme

    ``` function updateDiscountTable(newPrice) { $('#quantityDiscount').find('tbody tr').each(function() { var type = $(this).data('discount-type'); var discount = $(this).data('discount'); var quantity = $(this).data('discount-quantity'); var discountedPrice; var discountUpTo;

    if (type === 'percentage') {
      discountedPrice = newPrice * (1 - discount / 100);
      discountUpTo = newPrice * (discount / 100) * quantity;
    } else if (type === 'amount') {
      discountedPrice = newPrice - discount;
      discountUpTo = discount * quantity;
    if (displayDiscountPrice != 0 && discountedPrice != 0) {
      $(this).attr('data-real-discount-value', formatCurrency(discountedPrice * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
      $(this).children('td').eq(1).text(formatCurrency(discountedPrice * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
    $(this).children('td').eq(2).text(upToTxt + ' ' + formatCurrency(discountUpTo * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));

    }); }```

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