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Posts posted by zen

  1. to "polish" it you'll need to dive into webdesign and UX, make a nice logo, take care of small details.. it takes a huge amount of time and dedication , endless job in fact !

    Don't you use bank transfer in your website too as a first choice for your customers ?

    Also, to speed all the process of registering, you can add a social media plugin for login, it will fill all the infos like mailing adress in one click for your customers.

    One page checkout process is also a good option in your case to simplify ordering process.

    Customers need to trust your shop, all theses details increase it or make them run... having a direct contact with the seller is a good way to bypass the website trustable quality, but it increase a lot your job as much as if it works good in a close future, you won't be able to take care of all these orders yourself.. then having a proper website is helping a LOT, and from there you can force almost everybody to order online only.

    Best regards and good luck 🙂


  2. OK, good to know.

    I remember your shop now, I said it was not in production because it looks like you don't want user to really order on it, it's seems "under work", not finished yet and not polished enough to give trust in that platform.

    I understand why now, it's just the back office you need 🙂

  3. 16 minutes ago, Mark said:

    NB: I actually do all the order processing outside thirtybees, (ie sending the stuff, making cash sales). All Im using TB for is to put the orders into a system for my own records, because its too cumbersome for customers to register and order. They tell me in one or two conversation messages on social media what they want, then the pay me, almost always outside TB. Thats all they need to do.

    I wonder why you do such a thing, if customers don't buy on your eshop, you just need an accounting software isn't it ?

    Using an ecommerce website to manage all this seems like it's looking for trouble and complications.. in fact you can even use excel only.


  4. Well, in my experience with some shops having a lot of uploaded files it never was a problem.. 32 caracters is a lot !!

    It makes (26+10+12)^32 = 6.305501e+53 different names possible.

    I guess going to 64 will make it readable even more for complex filenames, but 128 is really too much, way too much, and maybe will break compatibility on some servers settings

    quote : "I would like to clarify, that linux has a 255 bytes limit per filename, not 255 characters. This is a significant difference and if you use e.g. UTF-8 encoding, you may end up with filenames of 100 characters max."



    SO, OK to upgrade to 64 caracters maximum... but no more is needed I think



  5. I am maybe not answering your question for real... but I can tell you that each category can have only one parent,

    products can have also only one categorie 'by default' BUT can be assigned to as much categories as you want.

    The breadcrumb when viewing a product will show the default category path of this product.

  6. 6 hours ago, pessoal2004 said:

    I’m using TB 1.0.8 and everything is fine.

    Now I installed TB 1.1.0 and in admin page I get the ThirtyBeesException:

    Unable to load template 'file:/var/www/html/

    in file vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php at line 185


    185: throw new SmartyException("Unable to load template '{$this->source->type}:{$this->source->name}'" .


    Any ideas?

    Not for sure but I can have a look, please give credentials if you want

    Also you can roll back your online website to TB 1.0.8 version, and try to sort it out on a dev version.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, Occam said:

    This already has a tiny disadvantage: the Niara theme won't find the images afterwards, because in the theme as well as in many modules the picture format names are hard coded - no matter what @zen believes.

    I do believe that everything can be fix.. otherwize I don't know what you think I believe... I just want to help this user on his particular case, that should not happen, but before fixing the core, this user needs specific help in his settings, and I'll provide this care if he accepts.

    I know images are harcoded, that's where the matter starts, Also there is way  too much images sizes for produits... only 3 or 4 will be enough and will help to maintain an image directory light.

  8. Now you did this, your theme request this image :


    then you need this image setting : community-theme-default_cart_default,

    what size is it ? I don't know but it's should be square I guess.


    Also on the same page you need also this image : https://product.solutions.org.nz/98-home/3000-lumen-headlight-with-sensor-and-red-light.jpg

    and that is "home"

  9. datakick was right : you need "home" as a default image size, but it's not available on your settings, so it's not created, therefore you can't show them in front office.

    You need to edit the images config, and delete all images sizes wich are not used and estup one for "home" and others missing.. then regenerate thumbnails !

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