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Posts posted by zen

  1. 57 minutes ago, musicmaster said:

    While entering prices in the backoffice I encountered the following little issue:


    This shop is only in euro's. Yet the prices are quoted as "USD 1.99 ". Does anyone know where this USD comes from?

    Yes, I didn't noticed it before...  but this USD has nothing to do it here and was not there in 1.0.8 version.

  2. 1 hour ago, Enev said:

    However, when I select 7 products the price changes but not the discount percentage, it still shows 10%, although it's already 15%:


    I found this somehow misleading for the customer, as I expect this value to change dynamically just as the price changes.

    However, I'm not sure if it's intended to be that way by design or is it a bug because for other "non-promotional" products you don't see the price reduction percentage at all. For example I've set this product up to have discount only for 3+ pcs.:

    Great catch, I'll try to investigate this JS problem asap.

    thank you for fixing the calculation price in the previous post.

    • Like 1
  3. quelle version de TB stp tu utilises ?

    " Je suis en TB V1.1.X. Est ce qu'il s'agit bien d'un bug d'interface? si oui je ferai un bug report! "

    j'ai demandé trop vite.. l'info était déjà là

    sinon je suis dispo sur Skype si tu veux, ça sera plus simple je pense.


    Je viens de tester sous  ubuntu 18.04 avec TB 1.1.0 et j'ai pas le bug que tu rencontres.. meme en multiboutique !

    • Thanks 1
  4. Quote

    I'm not talking about Skype but I am talking about screen sharing using team viewer where zen and his infinite wisdom can show me the button I am yet to press.

    "You may say that I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will be as one

    Mark, Nov 2019


    what a beautifull vision.. I understand I messed with your visions, meditations, preparations and alll that things, so sorry I tried by force to bring you IRL ,  I won't do that again !

    • Like 1
  5. Salut Pierrox15, 

    tu ne peux pas sélectionner accueil pour une "rubrique courante", j'avoue ne pas être certain de bien piger.. si tu veux je peux jeter un oeil sur ta config, voir ce qui cloche, car normalement tu peux bien sur sélectionner accueil comme catégorie mère... ton site est en production déjà ?

  6. 1 minute ago, Theo said:

    Oww.. that doesn't sound good. So it may have to be the TB Blog module then... which isn't all that bad mind you (imo).
    Just Panda is something else in general (in terms of being wow) + the Panda Blog and Blog functionality is pretty cool. 
    Still waiting for feedback from @Jonny and I guess we'll take it from there...

    What is missing from  the TB blog module (not in terms of being wow  😉  ) ? I never used the panda blog.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Theo said:

    Agreed and Lol - another thing to add to the "let's not discuss list" at parties, next to "religion, politics, etc."

    And woahah! - the price and time to do this just seems insane. Thanks for checking that module...

    ST Themes recommended maybe this module - mind having a quick squiz at the features pls?

    after reading the specs.. It should do the trick for you for 29 $, if not you still maybe can ask for refound.

  8. 11 hours ago, Mark said:

    The story @datakick is that at this stage no access to the backend is required. Given that I've done nothing to the codebase I'm presuming there's nothing wrong with the code and it's just something I haven't spotted yet.

    I don't give strangers access to any data for no reason and that's a key principle I would suggest others follow.

    If there's a problem with the code then it becomes a different story.


    I'm not talking about Skype but I am talking about screen sharing using team viewer where zen and his infinite wisdom can show me the button I am yet to press.


    Don't try to nail me for having expectations around what I will permit others to be able to do on the site, everyone has that total right.

    I don't even know who zen is, never spoke with him in a conversation as if I'll let anyone into any system like that. He offered to help then never replied when I sent a pm.


    That's fine, just say so man, it's not hard to say sorry I changed my mind, much better manners than ignoring.


    Mark please do not insist about this, do you remember the time when you gave me an access and canceled it just before I can try to help you ? About Images to fix. You did not say sorry at all.. you were allways right and I loose so much time with this story.

    I gave you my help like I always do, others accepted without conditions for free and where really happy about that, but you are too boring by giving conditions and making it difficult and frustrating to help you like this.

    Usually for payed service I NEED credentials otherwise there is no way I am gonna work for any customers... even if they want to spend 5 hours on skype or screen sharing and pay for that, it will not happen, it's not efficient!

    Now, I wish you good luck for your bugs to fix, sincerely, and I hope you'll understand my point.. maybe it will help you not to have the same encounter with others dev willing to help in a normal way,  remember that without trust you'll not go very far and surely alone !

    • Like 2
  9. 21 minutes ago, Theo said:

    Look, maybe from a technical point of view and from a developer's point, maybe it's not a problem.
    However aesthetics do matter and from an SEO / Marketing expert's point of view, it's a big deal.

    It's not a big deal.. it's just an estetic choice, don't fall into SEO marketing spider net that will suck all your money 🙂


  10. 2 hours ago, Pierrox15 said:


    Is it possible to move a non-root category to a root category?

    I would like preserve the primary key "id_category" and its branch of sub-categories.

    Actually in the BO Interface for category edition  I've got radio button form and I can't select root. I hope it's just an UI bug 🙂

    Thanks for your help

    I don't really understand what you want to do.. BUT you can't change a non root category into a ROOT category as you already have root category i believe.

    If you activated the multishop, then it coming more complicated to explain, hope you are in a sigle shop 🙂

  11. 3 hours ago, Mark said:

    No worries, you'll not be logging in, there's no need to.  I don't give randoms any unnecessary access when not required.
    I don't often get the time to work on this site.

    It's the blog that's that not functioning, that's all

    Probably just a button somewhere that's escaped my attention.

    like I said, I lost my crystal ball otherwise I would have helping you with my tremendous powers !

  12. 8 hours ago, led24ee said:

    Is anybody interested of solution when there are also small pictures with results of upper search bar ? I don't know how to make public the solution. I got this working on my site.

    It's very usefull to show images and prices of the products in the search bar, I'll might be able to integrate it in the module theme master that I'm working on for Niara theme.

  13. 14 minutes ago, francesco said:

    The re-order feature surely allows my customers to repeat a certain purchase but it doesn't store custom fields values.

    Let's say I add 1 custom field to my product : my customer buys it and uses the custom field, but if he repeats the purchase using the re-order button I won't read any extra field in his order details.

    Is there any way we can fix this issue?It's not the same order without the custom field.

    This is something interresting but not really "by default".. it can be done but it takes time and maybe not wanted for everybody.. it should be added as an option only i think.

  14. I got the file you posted.. can you also give the mapping for import you setup ?

    Because there is many fields to map correctly, it takes time just for testing ... thanks for provindig this too.

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